Nate Wyld

It doesnt and last time it Didnt either
He thinks we are stupid
This is why I've grown tired of these str8s(yes gays do it too sometimes I know). And this g4p/ gaybait bs they try to sell. I'm not sure why some gays still support them like the content is that good...not. Atleast back in the day people were real and they didn't charge so much.

Putting in more effort to fake it than to just use it... Just sad and insulting like you say.
This is why I've grown tired of these str8s(yes gays do it too sometimes I know). And this g4p/ gaybait bs they try to sell. I'm not sure why some gays still support them like the content is that good...not. Atleast back in the day people were real and they didn't charge so much.

Putting in more effort to fake it than to just use it... Just sad and insulting like you say.
yeah it's a scam
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