exactly… but the way he gets defensive about being “sexualized” yet exploits his body in a desirable manner on the internet for likes and following for money… is an unattractive trait to have. just accept it or be honest but yet he fights it in a way that seems very combative. hes so stunning. even asking him fitness questions his response comes off combative and dismissive yet he swears hes this positive guy and accepting of everyone but fails to come across that way. i hope hes in therapy.
i love his body. stunning man. but him being so responsive lately to things regarding him being sexual and saying hes not is just a bit dishonest. he knows what hes doing. wether he wants to own up to it or not. maybe its the comments he gets. we gays can be a bit too forward and make others uncomfortable but he also has to admit that hes sexual with his postings.