Native American first exposure to college wrestling

You wrassle?
I don't. My brother did, tho' not in a major way; just some wrestling teams in hs. I used to watch the wresters are my (all-boys) school and that got me fuckin hot just watching. This story just emerged out of nowhere, as they sometimes do.
I must tell you candidly that I really appreciate that you're still checking in. Make me fee good.
No, no second part yet. Sometimes these things take time, but check back!
Still no second part?
This is a continuation of "Native American's First Exposure to College Wrestling" posted Dec 18, 2021. Have about 4 more chapters, which I'll post periodically:

T hours later, the gray metal door to the men's locker room creaked open and allowed an influx of about 20 wrestlers. The first practice of the season invariably caught them off guard; even the ones who worked on their fitness were never quite able to keep up with the demands of the coach, and knowing that this was just the beginning inspired one half of them and exhausted the other half.

Skye had never experienced anything like it. He was considered tough on the Rez, but the constant moving, twisting, and gripping of the sport left him with barely enough energy to walk. He got to his locker and, like so many of the other guys, flopped down on the bench. Kirk showed up a moment later and eased himself in beside him.

"Well, welcome to the team, dude," said the senior, smiling despite his fatigue."Bet you never had a practice like that, especially the first day." He stripped off his soaked gray practice shirt. For a moment, Skye looked at his guide with appraising eyes. He appreciated what it took to have a cut muscular body like Kirk's, and indeed his own body was one he was proud of.

Skye then turned and stared at his locker. Kirk looked at him and chuckled. "Yeah, " he said, "I can see this is new to you."
Skye turned a little. "I gotta admit, this is more than what we did for the Rez high school. But then, it oughtta be. I mean, this is college." The word college caught in his throat a little. Truth was, he never thought he'd even be in college, having no money and no prospects at all. It was only a chance meeting with the University of South Dakota coach at the high school wrestling championships the previous winter that had given him the confidence to apply, and the fact that theUniversity had offered him a free ride was the sole reason he was now sitting, sweat-soaked, on a bench.

Kirk grinned at him, thinking about their first encounter two hours earlier. "So," he said, "how'd that jock work out for ya?"
Skye hesitated. He wasn't used to talking about intimate things, even with his friends. But he didn't want to lose face, so he looked Kirk square in the eyes and said, "I gotta admit I'm glad you told me about it. I felt like...well,you know, the 'boys' were safe, and that helped me focus on the moves."

Kirk was gratified to get such a candid answer. "Yeah, you looked pretty good out there, for a freshman. And now you can relax and work on other 'moves' in a little while." He grinned again and winked.

Skye felt some of his trepidation return. "Moves? You mean there are more moves I have to learn?"

Kirk laughed. "Naw, dude. I'm just messin' with you. You know... 'moves'?" He made a fist, put it between his thighs, and moved it back and forth. "Moves like this. Most guys do it after an intense workout."

Skye stared. He lowered his voice: "They do that here?"

Kirk smiled. "Nah, not usually. Sometimes, they joke around and yank on their dicks and stuff like that, but I've only ever seen one guy actually go at it in the showers. It was no big deal; in fact, a couple of guys cheered him one, and I think they'd have joined in with a little encouragement. Nah, I was just thinking of the dorms, that's all."

Skye responded,"You know, I haven't even been to my dorm room yet. I just got dropped off right before practice."

Kirk answered, "Oh, well you should be in Henderson Hall. that's where most of the wrestlers room."

Skye looked at him. "Sooo, the wrestlers live and practice together. Do they all eat together also?"

"Yep. It's a pretty tight bunch. You'll get to know 'em. Hey, I'm gonna hit the showers. I'll see you there."
He shucked off his short sand jock and left them in a pile on the bench as he grabbed his towel, draped it over his shoulders, and headed toward the large shower room. As before, Skye found himself staring at the relaxed gait, the muscular stride that his friend and mentor showed as he walked naked. It was almost a swagger. An old specter of modesty emerged in Skye's mind. Was he really ready to walk naked among a group of men he'd never met? He had never done that in his life, but he was beginning to see that his mindset from the Rez was rather narrow; Kirk had said that all the guys on the team showered like this, and Skye could hear the banter going on back and forth in the shower, along with a good deal of laughter. That noise, the steam, and the utter depletion of his energy in practice melded together and he felt it was time to adjust, so he pulled off his shirt, put his fingers in his shorts waistband and yanked down his shorts. He stood for a moment in just his strap; he was amazed at how natural it felt and also how it seemed to exude some kind of masculine power, like getting ready for battle. He looked down actually gasped. Seeing his jock pouch mounded and full made him feel proud. He remembered that Kirk had whistled at the size of Skye's penis and his low hanging balls, but he also knew he himself had no experience with locker rooms and therefore no chance to compare. Skye stood in his jock staring into space.
Native American First intro to College Wrestling: Ch 3 (contd from 12-18-21 and 4-3-22)

He stood there in his white jockstrap, staring into space as his mind took him down paths of images, rather like the trances he'd heard that his ancestors experienced, as recounted by older men on the Rez.

A vicious sting on his left buttock brought him instantly to his senses.

"Hey dude! You just gonna stand there in your sweaty jock or you gonna take a shower?" Skye turned to see three wrestlers, naked, with towels in their hands, laughing as one of them twisted up his towel into a rat tail and seemed like he was about to flick it at Skye.

Skye felt a volcano of anger throbbing inside him, but then the guy with the wound up towel said, "Here, I got you a towel" and he tossed him a clean, folded white towel from the stack that sat by the showers. "I'm just messin' with you, buddy. No hard feelings." Skye hardly knew what to do with the fury that had emerged inside him, but the other fellow's gentle answer floated and landed like a balm, and Skye felt himself relax.

"You're Skye, right? I'm Brad, and these two dorks are Will and Kevin." Brad stuck out his hand, and after a moment, Skye shook it, as he then did with the other two. The scene of him wearing just his jock and shaking HANDS with three guys who were naked was startling, odd, and even slightly humorous.

"Hey," said Skey, like an awkward oaf meeting the cool kids at a party. A momentary silence settled on the group.

"So," said Will, " howdya like that first practice. Rough, huh?" Kevin chimed in, "Right? Fuckin coach always starts the year like that. Seems crazy to me, wearing everybody out when we have four more days of practice this week." The instant ease with which they spoke to him somehow smoothed over Skye's initial awkwardness , and he said, "Well, yeah. I mean, I didn't expect that the first day."

"Yeah, I'll bet," responded Will. "Different from high school, I'll bet. What school did you wrestle at anyway? Some place local?"

Skye was surprised. His skin tone and facial features usually made it clear he was Native American, and almost all the Natives were educated on the reservation.

Brad smacked Will on his heavily muscled arm. "Don't be a dumbshit. He's from the Rez, right?"

Skye said nothing.

"Oh, duh," exclaimed Will. "Sorry, man. I should have known."

"Well," said Skye, "it would have been a good guess, though not all of us stay on the Rez." A slightly uncomfortable pause. Then Brad: "Well, dude, we're gonna hit the showers and I'll see if I can get these two to keep their hands off each other's peckers." That broke the ice and Kevin threw his towel in Brad's face and barked, "Yeah, you'd like to see that, wouldnja, Mr Soap-up-my-cock-for-half-an hour!" The trio laughed and even Skye smiled. Though not accustomed to this banter, he could see how it cemented their friendship.

Brad was an old campaigner in the verbal taunt department: "At least I CAN work it for half an hour and not lose my load in the first 30 seconds... as all the ladies here on campus will tell you is the case with my studly friend Kevin, here."

"Well," chimed in Will, "at least all the ones he's slept with... and that makes how many, Kevin? Nearly ONE, was it?"

Kevin merely grabbed his own penis and ballsac in one hand, shook it at his buds, exclaimed, "I can't argue that. With all my conquests, it'd take all afternoon... kinda like your mom!" And with that, he turned and scampered off to the showers, his impressive sac swaying as the others gave chase.

Skye was quick to realize that this kind of dialogue was the conversational currency of the team, and he watched the three muscle-bound guys head to the shower: Brad, a model of 6 foot plus lean muscle, pale skin, brown hair and green eyes, with massive thighs, beefy arms, and a rock solid butt. Kevin, on the lower side of six feet, beautifully tapering biceps and granite quads, olive skinned bespeaking some southern European heritage, and Will, only about 5'8" but sculpted like a statue, with black skin glossy and smooth. Clearly, they were in their third year of wrestling, and the conversation of a few minutes before showed how comfortable they were with each other--so much at ease, in fact, that it was simple for them to joke around with Skye only moments after meeting him. All this was a quick study for Skye, who became increasingly aware of a kind of emptiness in his male psyche that could only be filled by guys his age just being guys. Although Skye could not have articulated before now the need to be part of the joking, touching, and even the unexpected warmth of this group, he now knew, with the awareness that dawns on a sleeper who has just awakened, that he had better embrace this group of men before it slipped away as so many things had in his life.

The noise of raucous laughter and hooting pulled him from his reverie. He paused, put his fingers inside the waistband of his jockstrap, and pushed it down. In a moment of almost childlike imitation, he placed it on the bench and then adjusted it by twisting the waistband and one of the leg straps so it mirrored the exact position of Kirk's. He did this without even thinking, and a moment later smiled at his silly behavior, but he left his jock as a unspoken tribute to his mentor.

He grabbed his towel and then paused again. He'd noticed some guys wrapped the towel around their waists as they headed to the showers, but some just looped it around their neck and shoulders or just draped it off one shoulder and walked to the showers, usually tugging away at their nuts, happy to have them freed from the confines of a jock pouch. Some instinct told Skye that if he didn't get his ass to the showers immediately, he'd get grief from the other guys--possibly teasing about shyness? In what was perhaps one of the bravest moments in a life full of courage, he shrugged and draped the towel over one shoulder and headed for the first group shower of his life.