Native American first exposure to college wrestling


Sexy Member
Aug 26, 2017
Bristol (England)
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Filled with hope. I am relieved the Maria saga is over, now I can't wait for a guy to come along(pun intended) and make Skye react the way he did for her! :imp:
it is Skye [and the author's] choice who or what he will fall in lust with, give respect, Maria may return in who knows what twist, Skye will probably still see her in class, we should all try not to be hissy old queens
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Sexy Member
Aug 26, 2017
Bristol (England)
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it is Skye [and the author's] choice who or what he will fall in lust with, give respect, Maria may return in who knows what twist, Skye will probably still see her in class, we should all try not to be hissy old queens
Or we could all take the habit as Sound Of Music nuns and sing 'How do you solve a problem like Maria' and maybe our author will guest as Mother Superior.
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Superior Member
Jun 7, 2018
NYC (New York, United States)
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it is Skye [and the author's] choice who or what he will fall in lust with, give respect, Maria may return in who knows what twist, Skye will probably still see her in class, we should all try not to be hissy old queens
Wow, you want to calm down some there? You literally went on the attacking "hissing" for no reason. Other readers will have different parts of the story that they enjoy and interpret different aspects, thus is the beauty of art.
This had been a pleasant thread till now. If you want to read a story without others chiming in I suggest you buy a book and read by yourself instead of a public discussion forum.


Worshipped Member
Jan 29, 2018
Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, United States)
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Or we could all take the habit as Sound Of Music nuns and sing 'How do you solve a problem like Maria' and maybe our author will guest as Mother Superior.
Dang! You blew my surprise!
Now blow ME... : ):eek:


Worshipped Member
Jan 29, 2018
Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, United States)
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Ch. 78 Mr. Williams

Skye debated going back to his room to drop off the condoms, which were making kind of a lump in his pockets, but he felt that doing so would make him late to the university store, so he just tried to flatten out the packages as best he could and reported to work.

Mr. Williams was not out on the floor as he usually was. Curiously, Skye has some kind of feeling that things weren’t right; it wasn’t just that Mr. Williams wasn’t out; there was some other feeling in the air.

Skye looked all over the floor and saw no sign. Then the obvious occurred to him: the office.

He walked to Mr. Williams’ office and rapped lightly on the door. “Mr. Williams?” he called. There was no answer. Unsure, Skye pushed he door open a little, something he would not normally have done, but again, instinct told him something was off. He entered, and to his relief he saw Mr. Williams in his chair, his back to the door. He was leaning over an object and seemed unaware of Skye’s presence.

“Um, Mr. Williams?” Skye asked again. Still no response. “Sir?”

The older man straightened up a little but did not turn around. “That you, Skye?” he said in a slightly hoarse voice.

“Yes, sir,” said Skye. “I’m just here for my shift. Um…is everything ok?”

Still Mr. Williams did not turn around. “Sorry, Skye. I just need a minute. He rotated his chair slightly, and Sky was able to catch a glimpse of a framed photo in his boss’s lap. He couldn’t make out what it was.

Somehow Charlie came to mind and Skye found himself standing stock still, waiting. This proved the right course of action. After a few moments, Mr. Williams let out a sigh—deep, reverberant, agonized. He rotated a little further.

“You must be surprised, Skye, to see me like this. I pride myself on my professionalism, but once a year or so….” He trailed off.

Skye said nothing for some time. Then, with a quiet audacity that surprised him, he said softly, “What is it, Mr. Williams?”

The older men took the framed photo and set it on the desk. He turned it so Skye could see: a boy of about 18, ruddy skin, red-hair and a big grin on this face as he held a basketball in a driveway, the net and rim behind him.

Suddenly, it all became clear; Mr. Williams’ willingness to hire him after just a few minutes, the special arrangements he had made to make sure Skye got his pay a little early, the compliments he had paid him on his work, the cheeriness when talking with him, the sharing of customer strategies, the warmth he exuded with his young employee.

Skye looked at the photo and in a subdued tone said, “Your son?”

Mr. Williams merely nodded. Skye dreaded the next question that emerged in his mind: “He’s not… oh God, he’s not…?”

Mr. Williams nodded again. “A year ago today.”

Skye felt the agony of his boss, like a wild animal caught in a heartless steel-jaw trap. He said nothing. The two of them stayed in their respective attitudes while the sun cast a few dying beams through the dusty blinds. Time stopped.

Presently, Mr. Williams called on all his professional experience and said, “Well, you’d better get out on the floor, Skye. There might be customers. I have a few inventory things as well. And Skye?”

“Yes, Mr. Williams?”

“Thank you.”

Skye turned and walked slowly out of the office, his mind reeling. He had been so heartbroken growing up without a father, he had never even considered what it might be like to be a father who had lost a son. Such awareness occurs only after an incident like the one he had just had. He now understood how Mr. Williams regarded him.
This was supposed to be Ch. 79.


Worshipped Member
Jan 29, 2018
Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, United States)
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Ch. 84. Rejuvenation

Unsurprisingly, Skye remembered nothing about the lecture except looking about the hall wondering which of the guys were having distressing sexual situations like him. He had no frame of reference and could only imagine various scenarios with the guys in the hall: endless fuck sessions with their girlfriends, porn addiction, roommates jerking off in bed in the dark, team circle jerks, etc.

The lecture over, Skye hurried to the dining room, hoping that Charlie and Kirk would be there. The Fates smiled upon him; both guys were at the same table, looking expectant.

Skye placed his tray on the table and faced them.

“What?” they both said simultaneously. “What the fuck happened?”

“Well,” began Skye slowly, “you know we had that strategy, right?”

“Duh. Did it work?”

“Didn’t need it.”

“Oh sure,” said Kirk. “That’s what you said the last time before you instantly told us you were lying. So what really happened?”

“Dude. She’s into girls.”


“She’s into girls. I was walking behind her to class and she had this babe next to her and before she went into the building, the two of them kissed goodbye.”

“Aw, that doesn’t mean anything,” protested Kirk. “Girls kiss each other good-bye all the time.”

“Not like this,” said Skye. “This was like a 10-second kiss. I don’t have much experience with girls, but I can tell a porno kiss when I see one.”

Charlie and Kirk were stunned. All that discussion and planning about how to control Skye’s orgasms now seemed ridiculous.

“So…. How did your dick respond, then?” asked Charlie.

“It didn’t.”

“Whaddya mean?”

“I mean just that. No response. It didn’t get hard. In fact, and I dunno if this sounds weird, but it was like my cock and balls just stopped existing. I had no feeling—I mean physical feelings—at all.”

Again, silence at the table. Then Skye spoke up in a voice that was much more timid than he would have liked to admit: “Does this mean I’m never gonna get a hard-on again? I’m tellin’ ya, it feels like all my sex drive just disappeared.”

There was an awkward silence yet again. Charlie finally managed to gather his “professional” approach and sought to assuage Skye’s anxiety. “No, dude. You’re being too hasty. It’s only been a couple of hours. And actually, you’ve suffered a kind of psychological trauma, just now, so it’s no wonder your dick is in hiding. Knowing you, it’ll be back, and soon. I’m sure tonight it’ll bother you again.”
“Yeah, I guess.” Skye sounded unconvinced. “I did kinda realize something about myself… well, about everyone, I guess. This cum-shot situation was a huge pain in the ass, but now that it seems gone…

“You miss it,” finished Charlie. “Yep. Nuthin’ more human than that. My dad used to say, ‘You don’t miss the water till the well runs dry.’ I think we all do that. Trying to understand why we all do is what I’m gonna figure out once I start my psych practice after graduation.”

“And anyway, Skye,” chimed in Kirk, “I’ve seen you in all kinds of situations, and if your dick doesn’t come roaring back within a day, I’ll fucking give you my car. Dude, you know you’re a stud, so have a little confidence.”

These blunt words, especially in the context of Charlie’s more intellectual comments just before, made Skye feel a little better.

“Well,” he said, “as long as it’s cards on the table, I guess I’ll have to wait till tonight to see if I can get the equipment working again.”

“Sure thing,” said Charlie. “And I’ll probably do the same, like last night. Deal?”

“Deal. Thanks, guys. Fuck, what a mess.”

“Well,” quipped Charlie, “a different kind of mess, for sure.”


Worshipped Member
Jan 29, 2018
Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, United States)
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Ch. 85 Screen

Kirk and Sky arrived at the lockerroom door at the same time and proceeded to their lockers. Kirk asked Skye if he felt any better and his mentoree admitted that he had a little more hope than he had had that morning, when he felt like his entire identity had abandoned him.

The guys stripped as usual among the daily round of jokes and yells and dick tugging of the locker room. When Kirk opened his locker, he saw the jockstrap he had lent to Skye previously on top of his clothes. “Oh yeah, dude,” he said, “your jock leg strap broke yesterday. Are you gonna keep Coach’s jock or do you want mine back?”

“Coach’s? Oh, you mean the one I got from the box. I just figured that was just some leftover strap from practices.

“Didn’t you see the word ‘Coach’ on the back of the waistband?”

“Huh? What are you talking about?”

“Dude, look at the back of the waistband.”

Skye picked up the jockstrap, turned it in his hand, and plainly saw the word “Coach” printed in large, even letters on the elastic band. “Wait a sec,” he exclaimed, “this doesn’t mean that this particular strap belongs to Coach himself… does it?”

“What else could it mean?”

“I dunno. Maybe that it was part of a back-up collection he just keeps around in case something happens, like when my leg strap broke yesterday.”

“Nope. I think you’re just making that up. It’s his strap.”

“And he wants me to wear it? I can’t do that.”

“Well,” answered Kirk, “you can, but it if makes you uncomfortable I guess you could take to him. Seems to me, though, that it’s just easier to wear the one he gave you.”

“You mean ‘lent’ me.”

Kirk didn’t answer for a moment and then shifted the focus: “I dunno,” he smiled. “If it’s Coach’s jock, it probably has secret moves built into it and you can crush your opponent if you wear it.”

“Yeah, right. I wish.”

“Anyway, if you want the option, here’s mine. I guess you can just carry his back to the box in the office and toss it there.”

“Thanks, man,” said Skye to his buddy. Kirk tossed him his jock and Skye caught it and put it on the bench. The two of them stripped naked and pulled on their jocks and other gear. Skye grabbed the Coach’s jock in his hand and they headed to the wrestling room.

Once there, Skye walked over to Coach’s office. He felt he should ask permission to go in, but, unusually, Coach wasn’t anywhere to be seen. On the very rare occasions when this was the case, Kirk automatically took over in order to run practice, and he started to gather the guys. Skye felt he should just return the jock quickly, and so he stepped into the office.

There was something slightly different about the layout and Skye was unsure what it was for a moment or two. He did see the box of clothing and placed the jockstrap in it. Upon turning around, he realized what was different. A simple Japanese-style screen—white paper panels framed in dark maroon wood—stood behind Coach’s desk. This was not something Skye had seen either of the two times he had been here before. His curiosity got the better of him and, after glancing around and out the door frame for a moment, he stepped behind the screen.

There was a basic cot, a small table with a few personal items on it, and a modest dresser on which stood four framed photographs. Skye, though nervous about being caught, was inexorably drawn to these photos; he had admired Coach from day one and so couldn’t help wanting to find out a little more about his personal life.

The photos were all variations on one theme: A young Coach—boy, adolescent, Olympic hopeful— stood smiling with a trophy in front of what were obviously his mother and grandmother. Not a man in sight. Skye stepped a little closer to inspect them. The only “occupants” of the frames were women, with the exception of Coach himself. This seemed curious to the wrestler… until he realized with a start that, if his family had taken any photos of Skye himself growing up, they would have looked just like this.

He gasped suddenly.


Worshipped Member
Jan 29, 2018
Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, United States)
No Response
Ch. 86 Epiphany

With a sharp intake of breath, he realized that, unless he misread the signs totally, Coach himself had no father in the picture, either literally and figuratively. Could it be that Coach’s care for Skye—a little extra attention subtly administered, the acceptance of Skye’s behavior both when he had abandoned the wrestling lesson and then returned—was based in a kind of empathy that Skye had never considered?

A mere moment of silence…and then Skye became aware of the normal practice noises on the mat, and he realized he had been missing for longer than it took to simply toss a jock in a box, so he stepped quickly back around the screen, hoping against hope that Coach hadn’t returned, and scurried out of the office.

“Hurry up, Skye,” called Kirk. His mentor looked at Skye for a moment, and the latter felt that the senior knew something about what he had just done. However, Skye merely put on his “game face” and scooted over to his partner to do the drills.

A few minutes later Coach walked in and called Kirk over to explain to him that he had been detained by the Athletic Director. Kirk merely listened; the whole team knew Coach would never be late unless it were for some reason out of his control, so there was no issue. Practice continued, with Coach walking around the grappling pairs offering technical advice and encouragement. When Skye stepped apart for a break from his partner, he hurried over to Coach and said, “Coach, I just wanted you to know I returned your jockstrap. I re-borrowed Kirk’s—the one he lent me last week.”

Coach looked at Skye, and the young man couldn’t read his face. The older man held his gaze. “I understand you were just being responsible, Skye, but you should know that when a Coach offers you equipment, especially his own equipment, it’s really a gift, not a loan.”

Skye was stunned. He thought he had done the right thing, and now he felt a little scolded. Next moment, though, a good deal of warmth returned to him when Coach put a hand on each of Skye’s shoulders and said, “I get it. But to be candid, Skye, I’d like you to keep that jock. Of all the new guys this year, you have the most potential, and I think it’s important to accept it in the spirit in which it was intended.”

This kind of attention from the man he admired most in the world bathed Skye in a glowing warmth he had never experienced.

“Oh. I see. Thank you, Coach. I’ll go get it now.”

“Yes, do that. And I think it’ll be awkward just having it lie around, so I suggest you double jock just for today and put it on in my office.”

“Yes sir, but I don’t really feel like I need to double…”

Coach lifted one eyebrow archly and let his gaze drop for the slightest increment of time on Skye’s crotch. Skye caught the glance and realized that the metaphorical embrace from Coach and his affirmation had had a physical response in the young man. Clearly, his sexual drive had returned from its little hiatus, as was evident to anyone who cared to look at Skye’s crotch.

“Oh,” he gulped. “Yessir, I’ll go put it on now.”

“Good man.”

Skye jogged back to the office and even he didn’t seem to mind that his erection proceeded him by a quarter of an hour. The other guys could look and tease if they wanted to, but he had just received the most powerful affirmation in the world and he felt invincible.

In Coach’s office, he consciously ignored the screen, pulled off his wrestling shorts somewhat awkwardly over his shoes, fished out the jockstrap labeled “Coach,” and pulled it on over Kirk’s, struggling a little to get his erection under control. He finally decided to leave his half erect penis in an upright position for the time being as that would be easier than forcing it down. He yanked up his shorts and ran out to practice, feeling like the world’s greatest superhero.

And indeed, that feeling played out, as he took his practice partners to the mat repeatedly and easily.


Worshipped Member
Jan 29, 2018
Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, United States)
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Ch. 87: In common

At their bench, Kirk and Skye were feeling good. Both had dominated their partners and were feeling the results of good training. They were tired but not enervated, and they both anticipated the feeling of a hot shower as they stripped off their clothes.

Skye took off Kirk’s jock and handed it back to him. “I won’t need this after all. Did you hear what Coach said to me?”

“I didn’t actually hear it, but I know. I could tell. You must feel like a million bucks, man. Coach doesn’t hand out compliments easily.”

“You didn’t hear it, though? I guess you must be a lip reader.”

“More like a mind reader… oh, and a dick reader. Dude, you literally got a hard-on talking with him, and that told me all I needed to know. He wants you to keep his jock, right?”

“Dang, dude. You’re more perspicacious than Charlie!”

“Maybe. I have seen that exact scenario a couple of times: Coach’s hands on the wrestler’s shoulder and an instant semi as a result. Seems natural to me.”

Something about that last sentence gave Skye pause. After a moment, he said quietly, “Oh. I guess one of those times it was you…. Wait, did Coach give you one of his jocks when you were a freshman??”

Kirk only smiled. Skye felt an affection for his mentor at that moment stronger than any admiration he had felt up to that point. Once again, he recognized his good fortune. He also began to realize there was a lot about Kirk that he didn’t know. So much of their time together had focused, not unnaturally, on the younger man that Skye himself had not considered asking about Kirk’s life. He resolved to do something about that the next time the occasion presented itself.

Kirk shifted the subject just a little. “The great thing, my man, is that your libido is back. I toldja it wouldn’t be gone long."

Skye had never heard the term libido, even though his roommate had used it a few times in his comments about his Freudian studies, but he figured out its meaning from context. He smiled.

“Fuck yeah. It’s kind of a relief.”

“Sure is, man. Nothing to worry about. Let’s hit the showers and see if we can get away with it without the Stooges taking all our time. Just try to keep your dick under control in the showers. Otherwise, you’ll be like St. Brian of the Eternal Erection, and the guys will give you grief. I mean, you may have the biggest dick on the team but they’ll still razz you about it, even if they’re jealous! C’mon.”

Skye grinned and the two headed toward the cacophony of the shower room.


Worshipped Member
Jan 29, 2018
Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, United States)
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Ch. 88: Back to Normal

At dinner that evening, Skye, Charlie, and Kirk sequestered themselves once more, though Kirk said that they should make it the last time that they sat at a table apart, just the three of them. “It seems unfriendly, so after tonight, let’s go back to normal seating.” The others agreed.

Kirk informed Charlie about the events on the wrestling mat, and Skye seemed content just to listen, which helped him repeat the experience—perhaps the most pleasurable of his young life. As they were finishing dessert, Skye said to Kirk, “Dude, d’ya think we might go back to Bob’s this weekend. I realize now that by Sat afternoon, I’ll have enough money to get a decent fucking coat. Fuck. These South Dakota winters suck and they’ll be here sooner than I think. I’ve been freezing my whole life cuz I never had a decent jacket.”

“Sure thing,” said Kirk with a wink whose portent Skye did not understand.

The next day, Skye had Spanish again and was surprised to find he was angry with Maria. He felt betrayed, and it was all his sensible mind could do to persuade his reptilian brain that she had NOT betrayed him, that she had no obligation to him, that she hardly knew him, and that she was entitled to have whatever sexual proclivities she wanted. Of course, Skye knew on one level that his anger had no reasonable basis, but on another level, he didn’t care. He didn’t want to be mean to her, however, so he maintained a respectful distance. The crestfallen Maria sensed this and was at a loss as to what had happened to the magic she exercised over him as over so many guys; it just seemed to have evaporated. The only comfort in the whole wretched situation was that Skye’s cock-centered interest in her was gone, as were the instantaneous erections and ejaculations that had plagued him. Yet again, though grateful for the self-control that was now his again, he did, in fact, rather miss the wild, untamed nature of spontaneous jizzing.

Later that night, he mentioned this conflict to his roommate who said, “Yeah, when you’re done with your basic prerequisites, you can take some courses that’ll help you understand all this. What you’ve got going there is your Apollonian and Dionysian sides.”

“What the fuck?”

“It’s a way of understanding human nature. Part of us is like the Greek god Apollo: the god of light and reason and poetry. The rational side. That’s the part of your psyche that reminds you that she hasn’t betrayed you at all. She was just going about her life, not thinking of you. The other part’s like Dionysus, the god of wine and revelry… basically a frat boy. He’s the one that parties big time and does all kinds of stupid and harmful shit just because he loves chaos so much. Those two dudes will be with you your whole life, man, so get used to it.”

Skye was impressed again at the erudition of his roommate. He felt he learned as much from him as from any courses, especially as his current course load was basic, if not remedial.

“And by the way, I’m glad your dick reported back to work at practice. Kirk told me you actually got hard while the Coach was talking to you.”

“Yeah.” Skye blushed. “Well, semi. I couldn’t help it. I mean, can you ever help it? Coach knew but didn’t say anything, and Kirk told me he’d seen that situation before. In fact, he kinda implied he himself had been in the same situation a few years ago. Unbelievable.”

“And this,” responded Charlie, “is what I meant about an older man’s attention when you’re a young man. It’s crucial. You’ll remember that moment the rest of your life. You’ll have to come see me when you’re a hundred and I’m this famous psychiatrist with a pointed salt-and-pepper beard and wire-rims…”

Skye laughed. “Sure thing, O Geezer.”

“And as long as I’m being wise, let’s just be honest about making sure your recovery is complete. I fully expect you to beat off in bed; that’ll be the best way to make sure you’re back. I might indulge myself as well.”



Worshipped Member
Jan 29, 2018
Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, United States)
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Ch. 89: Two guys, two beds, just a few feet apart...

After some studying and a break in which Charlie taught Skye the rudiments of poker, deeming it a necessary part of a gentleman’s education, the two roomies hit the bathroom and got ready for bed. Charlie turned the lights out and both naked guys slipped into their beds. Yet again, there was an understanding that neither could violate the silence as each started indulging. Skye lay for a moment with his hands behind his head, thinking about the extremities of the day: a disastrous start, the total vacating of his sexual urges, the mystery then epiphany about Coach, the powerful words of that man, Skye’s physical response, Kirk’s support, Charlie’s insightfulness, and the incredibly potent return of his libido.

As he lay there, his penis, perhaps a little apologetic previously, now started to reassert itself. It grew quickly to its full length and thickness, and Skye enjoyed thinking about various fantasies and making his cock jump and throb. He teased it in his fashion by refusing to touch it with his hand, and the penis’s response was to become harder and larger than it ever had, as if to say, “I’m back, Fucker!”

For twenty minutes of this mental sex play, his cock leaked continual streams of precum all over his abs. The contracting of his sphincter kept the clear liquid oozing out, and each pulse sent lines of exquisite pleasure all through Skye’s body. He was tightly focused on this, but occasionally, if he stepped out of his state, he heard slight sounds from his roomie, and he knew Charlie too was experiencing the marvelous affirmation of his sexual prowess. Something about having another dude whom he admired and liked going through essentially the same movements and emotions as himself made his session all the more pleasurable.

Finally, after denying his own cock for almost half an hour, he ran his hands slowly over his muscled abs, rubbed the slick precum into the grooves, felt his penis twitch like a tiger ready to pounce, and lightly ran his fingers up and down the shaft of his cock, paying special attention to the ultra-sensitive frenulum. His cock responded instantly, engaging its ally, his hips. Without intending to, he thrust his pelvis in the air over and over, while taking care to be as quiet as possible. His body swarmed with intense pleasure, from his toes to his scalp, and as he cupped his balls, he felt that maybe he’d moved too fast after such a slow, agonizing start. But of course, it was too late. He’d breached the wall and by yanking down on his nuts, he knew he was going to come any moment. He had discovered a few years earlier that his balls hung low enough that when he was in bed on his back and his legs were bent, his scrotum actually bumped up against his asshole, a move that sent the most devastating shudders through him. He chose that option now and as his sac touch his anus, his cock swelled up huge and formidable, and his balls unleashed their load, pumping pulse after pulse up the cum tube in his penis and forcing thick, copious white cum all over his stomach.

At that point, despite his intentions, he couldn’t stifle a little cry, and his cock, perhaps bent on revenge, continued to fire over and over and over until he was completely drenched. He could do nothing but lie there for the next half hour. If he moved, he felt like his cock would spurt again. So far, he had heard no word from Charlie, and he couldn’t tell if his roommate had already completed his session or merely fallen asleep. At any rate, there was no sound from Charlie’s bed, and Skye hoped he himself had gotten away with not signaling what he was doing, although at the same time, he continued to wonder why he even cared. At this point, there weren’t really secrets between them, a state of affairs that Skye was grateful for. Indeed, as he lay there quivering a little, he reviewed with gratitude everything he had experienced at USD thus far. Even the Maria disaster had turned to good in the end.

He expected to sleep through the night, but no such luck. His penis was making up for lost time and woke him up five times—FIVE—just to let him once again know who was boss. This time, however, Skye didn’t mind. In fact, he countered the aggressive nature of the erections with a kind of gentle, loving caressing of his equipment, and, since the soft answer turneth aside wrath, his penis gradually gave itself willingly to him, and together they rode the waves of orgasmic ecstasy.


Worshipped Member
Jan 29, 2018
Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, United States)
No Response
Ch. 90 A stop before Bob’s

The next day, Saturday, Skye finished his shift at noon. Mr. Williams had been his old self, with no signs of the grief he had displayed in his office. Skye didn’t know what to do except be as kind to the older man as the older man had been to him.

He met Kirk at about 12:30, as arranged, and they hopped into Kirk’s car.

“I guess since my dick’s come roaring back, your car is safe,” quipped Skye brazenly, referring to Kirk’s “offer” to hand off his vehicle if Skye’s dick failed to come through.

“Whew, yeah” said Kirk in mock relief. “Good thing that fucker decided to make an appearance. Charlie said you had a busy night last night.”

Skye was feeling so good about life that he didn’t feel any of the slight embarrassment he sometimes experienced in such conversations. “Five times, bro. That’s a fuckin record.”

“Well,… maybe for you…” joked his Mentor.

“Oh, well excuse me! I suppose you’ve had that happen more?”

“Would you believe twelve times in one night?”


“You’re a smart man.”

They pulled up to the Mall and Skye asked, “Wouldn’t it just be easier to park near Bob’s instead of having to walk the length of the fucking mall?”

“Yep,” answered Kirk. “It would be.”


“C’mon, dude. Help a brother out. I never go to the mall without stopping in to see my pal at Macy’s.”

“Oh fuck. You’re gonna pull that stunt again?”

“I told you,” said Kirk, “I’m just trying to help out a horny dude by giving him new material for his spank bank. Nothing wrong with that, is there?”

“Naw, I guess not. As long as you don’t actually humiliate the guy. I can tell you as a Native American, I know a thing or two about humiliation.”

“Dude, chill. I’m just helping him out. Did he look humiliated to you last time?”

“No,” admitted Skye. “He actually looked like he was enjoying it.”

“So, no harm, no foul… but you gotta play along. Promise? If you don’t, I won’t take you to Bob’s and you’ll freeze your ass off this winter.”

“Fucker” laughed Skye as he punched Kirk in the shoulder. “C’mon. Let’s get this over with.”

They entered the store and wended their way to the men’s clothing department. Sure enough, the sales clerk was there and hovered a bit too closely as the guys picked out some shirts, jeans and, to Skye’s surprise, several packages of underwear.

They went into the changing room area, and Kirk whispered to Skye, “Strip to your underwear man, and leave the door open. What are you wearing today anyway?”

“The Tighties I won from Chris.”

“Perfect. Me too. It’ll make the guy crazy.”

Both guys retreated to their changing closets but left the doors wide open. Within a minute, the sales clerk had arrived as if on cue. Skye and Kirk pulled off the jeans and shirts they were wearing, and both stood in their white briefs.

“Hey, Skye,” called Kirk in a too-loud voice, “I think I got your jeans by mistake.” He stepped out into the corridor in his white briefs, a pair of blue jeans in his hand. Skye took the cue and did the same, and the two of them stood in their tighty-whites inspecting the jeans, discussing various details. Skye found to his surprise that he was actually rather adept at this kind of improv. He followed Kirk’s lead and made a point of adjusting his cock and balls in his briefs a few times till they had switched jeans and returned to the closet to try them on. Skye had glanced at the clerk, whose eyes were wide with interest.

“How do these look?” asked Kirk as he walked out, shirtless. Although the question was addressed to Skye, the clerk piped up. “Those look great, sir. Perfect fit.”

“Oh yeah?” responded Kirk, flashing his killer smile, which practically knocked the clerk on his ass. “The cut’s kinda different than some.”

“Uh, yes it is. We have other cuts, though. Would you like me to fetch a couple?”

“No, thanks, buddy. I have several pairs here.” He continued talking as he brazenly undid his jeans in front of the clerk and pulled them off. He made a point of “accidentally” pulling down part of his white briefs waistband as he tugged on the jeans. “Yeah, I really don’t get how anyone figured out how to make clothes. Quite a skill.” This rather nerdy conversation was in stark contrast to the sexual tension produced by a college wrestling stud stripping to his briefs in front of a desperate audience. “I’ll just pick up the others from the closet here. Skye, yours okay?”
Skye was exploring this kind of psychological manipulation for the first time, though he was careful to watch for any signs of mean-spirited talk. So far, though, he had to admit it seemed like the clerk was in high heaven. Skye had changed into a different pair of jeans but hadn’t buttoned them up.. He stepped out into the corridor with the front flaps of the jeans spread wide, like bird’s wings, his white briefs pouch on display. “I dunno… buttons are kind of a pain. Right, buddy?”

The clerk looked at his jeans and stepped forward. “I can help you.” He reached out and took button and button hole in either hand and expertly buttoned Skye’s jeans, his hands virtually brushing Skye’s penis.

“Thanks, man. That’s better.” He smiled and even let his eyes rest on the kid’s zipper, which was bulging.

“Yeah, these feel all right. I’m just not sure if they’re good with this underwear. I wish we could try on some of the briefs and boxer briefs we just picked up. Hey, buddy, do you think that’d be ok?”

The clerk looked startled. “Well, usually we don’t…

“I know,” said Kirk, “but in this case… ya know… cuz we’re valued customers…”

The clerk gulped. “I guess you could try them on if you’re careful.”

“Cool. Thanks, man.” And Kirk returned to his stall, shucked off the white briefs, and stood in the doorway naked with a package of boxer briefs in his hand. He made a point of not quite being in the sight line of the clerk, but the latter knew perfectly well what was going on and did what he could to subtly position himself. However, he failed. Kirk was too quick and always managed to be out of sight, although the clerk saw a flash of bare buttock a couple of times.

This cat-and-mouse game continued until the guys had resumed their original clothes.

“We will take these two packages of boxer briefs and these two of pouch briefs, buddy. The other clothes, we’ll have to come back for."

Again, the clerk gulped but managed, “Of course. Come over here and I’ll ring you up.”

Kirk followed, insisting on paying for everything, and the two of them walked out of Macy’s with their purchases.

“Wow,” said Skye, “that’s the furthest I’ve ever gone in a situation like that. I mean, not like I’m in them very often.”

“Yeah, it was a little more intense than the previous times, I admit. I had never tried the nude thing, but I just got into it. That guy’s gonna have a great time tonight.”

“You’re still an asshole.”

“A caring asshole, you mean.


Expert Member
Jul 23, 2018
Camden (New Jersey, United States)
Ch. 90 A stop before Bob’s

The next day, Saturday, Skye finished his shift at noon. Mr. Williams had been his old self, with no signs of the grief he had displayed in his office. Skye didn’t know what to do except be as kind to the older man as the older man had been to him.

He met Kirk at about 12:30, as arranged, and they hopped into Kirk’s car.

“I guess since my dick’s come roaring back, your car is safe,” quipped Skye brazenly, referring to Kirk’s “offer” to hand off his vehicle if Skye’s dick failed to come through.

“Whew, yeah” said Kirk in mock relief. “Good thing that fucker decided to make an appearance. Charlie said you had a busy night last night.”

Skye was feeling so good about life that he didn’t feel any of the slight embarrassment he sometimes experienced in such conversations. “Five times, bro. That’s a fuckin record.”

“Well,… maybe for you…” joked his Mentor.

“Oh, well excuse me! I suppose you’ve had that happen more?”

“Would you believe twelve times in one night?”


“You’re a smart man.”

They pulled up to the Mall and Skye asked, “Wouldn’t it just be easier to park near Bob’s instead of having to walk the length of the fucking mall?”

“Yep,” answered Kirk. “It would be.”


“C’mon, dude. Help a brother out. I never go to the mall without stopping in to see my pal at Macy’s.”

“Oh fuck. You’re gonna pull that stunt again?”

“I told you,” said Kirk, “I’m just trying to help out a horny dude by giving him new material for his spank bank. Nothing wrong with that, is there?”

“Naw, I guess not. As long as you don’t actually humiliate the guy. I can tell you as a Native American, I know a thing or two about humiliation.”

“Dude, chill. I’m just helping him out. Did he look humiliated to you last time?”

“No,” admitted Skye. “He actually looked like he was enjoying it.”

“So, no harm, no foul… but you gotta play along. Promise? If you don’t, I won’t take you to Bob’s and you’ll freeze your ass off this winter.”

“Fucker” laughed Skye as he punched Kirk in the shoulder. “C’mon. Let’s get this over with.”

They entered the store and wended their way to the men’s clothing department. Sure enough, the sales clerk was there and hovered a bit too closely as the guys picked out some shirts, jeans and, to Skye’s surprise, several packages of underwear.

They went into the changing room area, and Kirk whispered to Skye, “Strip to your underwear man, and leave the door open. What are you wearing today anyway?”

“The Tighties I won from Chris.”

“Perfect. Me too. It’ll make the guy crazy.”

Both guys retreated to their changing closets but left the doors wide open. Within a minute, the sales clerk had arrived as if on cue. Skye and Kirk pulled off the jeans and shirts they were wearing, and both stood in their white briefs.

“Hey, Skye,” called Kirk in a too-loud voice, “I think I got your jeans by mistake.” He stepped out into the corridor in his white briefs, a pair of blue jeans in his hand. Skye took the cue and did the same, and the two of them stood in their tighty-whites inspecting the jeans, discussing various details. Skye found to his surprise that he was actually rather adept at this kind of improv. He followed Kirk’s lead and made a point of adjusting his cock and balls in his briefs a few times till they had switched jeans and returned to the closet to try them on. Skye had glanced at the clerk, whose eyes were wide with interest.

“How do these look?” asked Kirk as he walked out, shirtless. Although the question was addressed to Skye, the clerk piped up. “Those look great, sir. Perfect fit.”

“Oh yeah?” responded Kirk, flashing his killer smile, which practically knocked the clerk on his ass. “The cut’s kinda different than some.”

“Uh, yes it is. We have other cuts, though. Would you like me to fetch a couple?”

“No, thanks, buddy. I have several pairs here.” He continued talking as he brazenly undid his jeans in front of the clerk and pulled them off. He made a point of “accidentally” pulling down part of his white briefs waistband as he tugged on the jeans. “Yeah, I really don’t get how anyone figured out how to make clothes. Quite a skill.” This rather nerdy conversation was in stark contrast to the sexual tension produced by a college wrestling stud stripping to his briefs in front of a desperate audience. “I’ll just pick up the others from the closet here. Skye, yours okay?”
Skye was exploring this kind of psychological manipulation for the first time, though he was careful to watch for any signs of mean-spirited talk. So far, though, he had to admit it seemed like the clerk was in high heaven. Skye had changed into a different pair of jeans but hadn’t buttoned them up.. He stepped out into the corridor with the front flaps of the jeans spread wide, like bird’s wings, his white briefs pouch on display. “I dunno… buttons are kind of a pain. Right, buddy?”

The clerk looked at his jeans and stepped forward. “I can help you.” He reached out and took button and button hole in either hand and expertly buttoned Skye’s jeans, his hands virtually brushing Skye’s penis.

“Thanks, man. That’s better.” He smiled and even let his eyes rest on the kid’s zipper, which was bulging.

“Yeah, these feel all right. I’m just not sure if they’re good with this underwear. I wish we could try on some of the briefs and boxer briefs we just picked up. Hey, buddy, do you think that’d be ok?”

The clerk looked startled. “Well, usually we don’t…

“I know,” said Kirk, “but in this case… ya know… cuz we’re valued customers…”

The clerk gulped. “I guess you could try them on if you’re careful.”

“Cool. Thanks, man.” And Kirk returned to his stall, shucked off the white briefs, and stood in the doorway naked with a package of boxer briefs in his hand. He made a point of not quite being in the sight line of the clerk, but the latter knew perfectly well what was going on and did what he could to subtly position himself. However, he failed. Kirk was too quick and always managed to be out of sight, although the clerk saw a flash of bare buttock a couple of times.

This cat-and-mouse game continued until the guys had resumed their original clothes.

“We will take these two packages of boxer briefs and these two of pouch briefs, buddy. The other clothes, we’ll have to come back for."

Again, the clerk gulped but managed, “Of course. Come over here and I’ll ring you up.”

Kirk followed, insisting on paying for everything, and the two of them walked out of Macy’s with their purchases.

“Wow,” said Skye, “that’s the furthest I’ve ever gone in a situation like that. I mean, not like I’m in them very often.”

“Yeah, it was a little more intense than the previous times, I admit. I had never tried the nude thing, but I just got into it. That guy’s gonna have a great time tonight.”

“You’re still an asshole.”

“A caring asshole, you mean.
Kirk is the real MVP


Worshipped Member
Jan 29, 2018
Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, United States)
No Response
Ch. 91: Bob’s for the third time.

The two guys headed towards Bob’s. Having spent more time than he anticipated at Macy’s, Skye hoped to find a coat quickly and get back to campus. Luckily, the store had just received a shipment of winter coats, and Skye located them easily and fished through them on the rack, looking for something inexpensive but warm. He had had enough of uncomfortably cold winters. Engrossed in his search he did not notice that in the next aisle over were two guys he’d gotten to know slightly: Matt and Mason, the two high school students who had produced such tension in their locker room.

“Hey, Skye,” chimed out Matt in a friendly voice. Skye looked up.

“Oh! …um, hey, Matt. Didn’t think I’d see you here again.”

“Hi, Skye” said Mason in a subdued tone. He had not forgotten the way Skye had upbraided him and forced him to back off Matt in their previous encounter. Still, he seemed less aggressive than he had been. In fact, Skye got the impression that the two of them had become friends.

“You guys looking for something in particular?” asked Skye, though what he really wanted to ask was “Did you guys figure out how to get along?” And if truth be told, of even more interest to him was Charlie’s question: Had Mason mocked Matt because he himself had to wear tighty whites due to his tyrannical father?

“Just winter coats. Mason said he’d come with me and help.”

This surprised Skye, but it did kind of answer the question of their relationship. They seemed to have moved beyond immature high school locker room teasing.

“Cool,” said Skye. “Me too.”

“Yeah.” There was an uncomfortable pause, all three of them recalling their previous encounter in the changing room. Mason gradually moved further down the aisle, always pretending to look at the various options. Skye jerked his head subtly to indicate that Matt should meet him at the other end of the aisle. A few moments later, Skye asked, “So you guys are getting along now? What happened?”

“Yeah. Weird, right? After that incident in the changing room here, I gotta admit he stuck to his word and stopped harassing me. I let it go, but the other day after school, I was in one of the boys’ rooms and he came out of the stall, saw me, and flushed crimson, man.” Matt glanced down the aisle to confirm that Mason was out of earshot. “I could see the waistband of what was clearly rolled up underwear sticking out of his pocket a little. I recognized it as boxer briefs and I wondered if he’d suddenly gone commando but then I realized he’d changed underwear. I thought about our incident here and figured he had probably changed into tighty whities. I looked at his pocket and then up at him and he got all defensive: ‘You got a problem?’ I just looked at him and said, ‘Dude, you don’t have to get all bent out of shape. Your business is yours.’

“Then it was like a fuckin’ dam had burst. He got red in the face and said, ‘I guess you wanna know what I’m doing, especially after our little episode at Bob’s with your college buddy. Fine. Fuck you. I changed into.. yeah… tighties cuz if I don’t, when I get home…’ His lip actually quivered right then, and his voice dropped: '… cuz if I don’t my dad gets super mad.’

“How does he even know?” I asked. “I mean, does he inspect or something?

“Mason couldn’t even talk, he was so upset. Then I figured it out. I tried to be nice and so I said, 'Oh. You mean like he checks to see if you’re wearing tighties?’…and the guy just opened up! He told me his dad had made it clear that real men wear only one kind of underwear. His dad made him wear tightie’s and actually fucking inspected to see what he was wearing in the morning. The guy changed secretly at school into boxer briefs like most guys, and once we talked about it, you could see the relief. He’s been a lot nicer since then. That scene in the changing room here broke the whole thing open. I was gonna come to the university store and tell you, but I didn’t get the chance. Hold it.”

Mason had returned to within ear-range and so the other two talked about jackets. After a few minutes, the two high schoolers said good-bye and went off with a coat for Matt, but they hadn’t completely foregone their high school ways; Matt turned back, walked up to Skye and said, “Hey, know why shopping relieves horniness?”
Skye was startled by the candor of what he figured was sure to be a dumb joke. He also felt that Matt was being a little loud.

“No, why?”

“Cuz you have to jacket off the rack!” Mason heard this as well and both boys laughed like the high schoolers they were. Skye just smiled and said good-naturedly, “Time for you to go, buddy!” The two boys headed toward the checkout counter. Skye wished he could have used his “magic discount powers” with that cashier, but there was no way to do that. On reflection, he was stunned that Charlie had pegged so accurately the whole dynamic of these two, plus Mason’s father. His admiration for his roommate increased. He wished he could have communicated Charlie’s insights to Matt, but the moment had passed with the departure of the high schoolers.

Kirk wondered over with a coat. “I found this. It looks warm and cool… hey! Warm and cool! Get it?” Kirk, not given to corny jokes, slapped his thighs in self-congratulatory ridicule of this old-timey style joke and Skye just rolled his eyes: “I’m gonna tell Charlie about that, and he’ll ride your ass.” Kirk grinned.

Skye tried on the coat and found it a perfect fit, and actually a bit of a bargain. Once again, Kirk had come through for him. He had considered buying some more underwear and seeing if he could get it for free from that cashier, but since Kirk had already bought some at Macy’s, he felt he shouldn’t tempt fate. He and Kirk went to the checkout counters, and, surprisingly, there was that same cashier, so Skye made a point of going to him and flirting just a little, but there was no discount. The two went back to the car, and Skye said, “This’ll be great. When it gets cold, I’m gonna be so…”

“Roasty Fuckin’ Toasty?” offered Kirk, clearly using a phrase he’d picked up somewhere.

“Frat boy,” said Skye.

Caring frat boy.”