Ncaa football player nick bosa

Holy fucking hell is it Nick's birthday or mine? you can bet your ass I'm going to be cropping the hell out of this video when I get off work and looking for anything else I can find :weary_face: :heart_eyes:

fuuuuck only bad thing here is he never turns around and gives us a view and that fantastic ass of his, i'm going to go on a hunt for him in the white clothes for sure

...oh and happy birthday Nick, can't wait to watch you tonight :heart_eyes:



Holy fucking hell is it Nick's birthday or mine? you can bet your ass I'm going to be cropping the hell out of this video when I get off work and looking for anything else I can find :weary_face: :heart_eyes:

fuuuuck only bad thing here is he never turns around and gives us a view and that fantastic ass of his, i'm going to go on a hunt for him in the white clothes for sure

...oh and happy birthday Nick, can't wait to watch you tonight :heart_eyes:

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The chest and tummy hair. :weary_face: He looks amazing.