New from Houston TX

Howdy! I’ve actually been on here before but this is a new more accurate account.
33 male from Houston and I love showing off my thick, rock hard cock. I also am into watching rock hard cocks in all their glory.

1.) How big are you soft & hard?
I am usually 5.5 inches soft and ALMOST 8 inches hard. I’m also a solid 6 inches around at my thickest point. Oh and I’ve got a massive cut mushroom head.

2.) Ever met anyone as big as you or close to your size? If so how big were they?
I’ve never met anyone bigger than me but I’ve seen some bigger ones at locker rooms and stuff.

3.) Do you like being as big as you are?
Hell yes!!!

4.) What are some pros/cons to being so big?
I mean, it’s awesome being huge. I feel and look masculine, every partner has loved it, it’s aesthetically pleasing. I have never been deep throated and rarely get anal.

5.) Are there certain clothes you can't wear? (briefs, certain jeans, thongs, etc)
I don’t like wearing tight underwear but now they have brands with pockets which is great. I love showing bulges so I don’t mind tight pants

6.) If you could be any size, what size you would you be? Soft & Hard?
I love my size, I honestly think it’s the perfect size cock.

7.) Do you ever compare with other guys?
all the time!

8.) What's the biggest you've ever measured yourself? (When you were super horny)

I’ve reached 8 inches once with some viagara and a cock ring. I instantly busted.

9.) Would you say your package is "heavy"?
Oh yeah. Don’t let me slap your face with it.

10.) If you sit on the toilet, does it dunk in the water?

11.) Have you ever sat on it?

12.) Have you ever rolled on it during sleep?

13.) How tall are you and what size shoe do you wear?
6’1 and 13

14.) Are the sayings true about a big nose or big hands? At least in your case would you say you have a big nose or big hands?
I have a normal nose but really big hands.

15.) What is your heritage? Is your heritage known for being bigger? (like Italians, Lower Slobbovians, etc.)
I dunno but I’m European as fuck.

16.) Do you get attention from it and if so do you like the attention?
Yes and yes please!

17.) Do people make comments? Like in the locker room or bathroom or swimming pool, etc? If so what do they say?
Oh yeah. It fuels me

18.) Did you ever think about doing porn or would you?
I would if I could go back to my college days!

19.) Since you are bigger, what would you consider to be small, average, and big?
Anything under 6 is small but girth makes a big difference to me.

20.) Can you do any tricks with it?

21.) If you sit on a chair nude would it hang off the edge?
Yes as well as my big balls.

22.) If you run does it bounce and hit you in the leg or anything?

23.) Do condoms fit you? If so what size do you take?
Normal ones are tight so magnums for me.
I loved that "self-interview", I hope you're having lots of fun here. ;-)