Yeah two things can be true at once:

1. Entering the world of online sex work (and allegedly ripping people off), and POSTING THE ADDRESS TO YOUR PLACE OF WORK WHICH IS ACCESSIBLE TO THE PUBLIC is very foolish.

2. No matter how much someone "rips you off" on onlyfans by not showing you their asshole that does not mean they deserve to be r@ped in their work bathroom. That was probably an extremely scary situation and was likely a humiliating experience to go through at your job. Like can you imagine? He seems pretty young too.

Also this is a good reminder that having sexy videos of yourself get millions of views can attract some very bad attention as well, not blaming him but it's a side of internet fame people don't often acknowledge until something bad happens.
i agree even tho he did scam and shit doesn’t mean he deserved to be potentially S.A.d and posting your location of somewhere you visit often is foolish that was the mistake he made
Yeah two things can be true at once:

1. Entering the world of online sex work (and allegedly ripping people off), and POSTING THE ADDRESS TO YOUR PLACE OF WORK WHICH IS ACCESSIBLE TO THE PUBLIC is very foolish.

2. No matter how much someone "rips you off" on onlyfans by not showing you their asshole that does not mean they deserve to be r@ped in their work bathroom. That was probably an extremely scary situation and was likely a humiliating experience to go through at your job. Like can you imagine? He seems pretty young too.

Also this is a good reminder that having sexy videos of yourself get millions of views can attract some very bad attention as well, not blaming him but it's a side of internet fame people don't often acknowledge until something bad happe
Yeah two things can be true at once:

1. Entering the world of online sex work (and allegedly ripping people off), and POSTING THE ADDRESS TO YOUR PLACE OF WORK WHICH IS ACCESSIBLE TO THE PUBLIC is very foolish.

2. No matter how much someone "rips you off" on onlyfans by not showing you their asshole that does not mean they deserve to be r@ped in their work bathroom. That was probably an extremely scary situation and was likely a humiliating experience to go through at your job. Like can you imagine? He seems pretty young too.

Also this is a good reminder that having sexy videos of yourself get millions of views can attract some very bad attention as well, not blaming him but it's a side of internet fame people don't often acknowledge until something bad happens.
THIS!!!! While no one is entitled to your body, I feel like a lot of these kids need to be smarter about what they post online. They post pictures and videos of them showing and jiggling their butt thinking that it’s funny and that it will get them followers and likes. Completely disregarding the type of energy they are putting out and the type of people who respond to this type of content. Not all attention is good attention. And there are lots of weird creepy and scary people out there so I would never put myself in a position to even cross paths with somebody like that.
And that must have been a super awkward conversation to have with your friends, place of employment, law enforcement, and family. Because if you are supposedly straight, why are you trying so hard to solicit attention from gay men? My heart goes out to the kid and I hope he’s all right but damn, this must be humiliating.
I hope he learns from this… content creators as a whole take a risk by putting themselves out there for those to see and lust over. Some are careless in not realizing that there are extremists in every category and will act accordingly. He made choices by putting personal info out there and an extremist came knocking. He put himself in harm’s way for clout by making unwise decisions. So I hope he takes this as learning opportunity. Not everything needs to be shared or posted with the world…
Especially since he’s promoting and advertising merch like this. Just asking for trouble…
Very weird! I just don’t understand why as a straight guy do you want to draw that much attention to your ass and you want to be thirst trapping gay guys so badly? It’s weird that you don’t get anything out of it. Just putting yourself in embarrassing and potentially questionable and dangerous situations
Very weird! I just don’t understand why as a straight guy do you want to draw that much attention to your ass and you want to be thirst trapping gay guys so badly? It’s weird that you don’t get anything out of it. Just putting yourself in embarrassing and potentially questionable and dangerous situations
It’s like the saying goes. “Knock on the Devil’s door long enough, sooner or later he gonna answer…” HG better be glad he walked away with both cheeks intact b/c there’re dudes out there that wouldn’t have stopped until they achieved their goal. So he dodged a big bullet… or maybe in this case a big dick…
I mean… guys we really don’t know what happened… everything said is still just speculation and assuming
Even if we don’t know the details, he still put himself in an unsafe situation. And I don’t understand why a guy who claims to not be gay wants attention from gay men or why he even felt the need to objectify himself and use his body to get a very lustful, erotic, sexualized attention from gay men. it’s just weird.
What I don't get is why someone would attack him at his place of employment with probably lots of eyewitnesses and security cameras watching your every move (proving you went to the bathroom right after he did and corroborating his story). How could he think he wouldn't get in trouble?

But I suppose some people don't care what happens to them. Maybe he felt his advances would be welcomed because Hgdances was nice to him on OnlyFans or something (disregarding the fact that he only responds because he's paid to).
What I don't get is why someone would attack him at his place of employment with probably lots of eyewitnesses and security cameras watching your every move (proving you went to the bathroom right after he did and corroborating his story). How could he think he wouldn't get in trouble?

But I suppose some people don't care what happens to them. Maybe he felt his advances would be welcomed because Hgdances was nice to him on OnlyFans or something (disregarding the fact that he only responds because he's paid to).
Ass, like money, gets people to think and move with the wrong head and an only focus on “scratching that itch” if you will. In a game of chess, he was the Rook and HG was the big booty King of whom was within arm’s reach of being taken down. If anyone knows anything about chess, Rooks move strategically and almost freely across the board without much limitation. So the guy did what he had to do to close the gap. He just wasn’t too smart about the surroundings is all lol
I mean… guys we really don’t know what happened… everything said is still just speculation and assuming
Either way, he put himself out there. We can all try to be sympathetic n shit but his moves, though we loved them for what he gave, were careless nonetheless. He was attracting dick with that ass and his ignorance and naivety led to him almost being forced to take what he was attracting or something in that field. Nevertheless, his ass was the catalyst that led to his current situation.
Either way, he put himself out there. We can all try to be sympathetic n shit but his moves, though we loved them for what he gave, were careless nonetheless. He was attracting dick with that ass and his ignorance and naivety led to him almost being forced to take what he was attracting or something in that field. Nevertheless, his ass was the catalyst that led to his current situation.
This is horrible and I hate to be the devils advocate, but I really think he just scammed people, got enough money and then disappear again, I hate to think that but it wouldn’t be the first time he did this
Even if we don’t know the details, he still put himself in an unsafe situation. And I don’t understand why a guy who claims to not be gay wants attention from gay men or why he even felt the need to objectify himself and use his body to get a very lustful, erotic, sexualized attention from gay men. it’s just weird.
because they were paying him