New male peformers (web cam & porn)

Apollo Banks (I think his first scene is with Seehimfuck) released today



Okay y'all I really need your help! So this guy is normally a cameraman but he does claim that he also works as on-screen talent. Can anybody help find any of his scenes? I know his professional profile, but it's under his real name I think, so I don't want to leak it and doxx him. Please, please please, any help would be appreciated! :weary_face:
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Did you ever have any luck with this?

Yes and no. Still haven't found him in a professional scene (I suspect he's behind the camera in POV scenes or something). However I did have to pay for a female porn star's OF because I Nancy Drew'ed that he shot her earlier in the day and then she later posted a video on twitter of her getting reamed and the same "outfit" she was wearing was on the floor. I asked her who the hunk was and she verified it was him by identifying his professional twitter that I already knew. So good news: I have a video with him in it/ bad news: still no real leads. Perhaps his "career" hasn't blossomed yet? :pensive:
Yes and no. Still haven't found him in a professional scene (I suspect he's behind the camera in POV scenes or something). However I did have to pay for a female porn star's OF because I Nancy Drew'ed that he shot her earlier in the day and then she later posted a video on twitter of her getting reamed and the same "outfit" she was wearing was on the floor. I asked her who the hunk was and she verified it was him by identifying his professional twitter that I already knew. So good news: I have a video with him in it/ bad news: still no real leads. Perhaps his "career" hasn't blossomed yet? :pensive:
Have you ever tried (Internet Adult Film Database) with the name that you know? Some of these databases will include their 'on-screen' names as well.
Good Luck