Newbie intro/questions


Just Browsing
Jun 18, 2004
Hey everyone...figured this was the place to come to ask some of whats been bugging me.

Anyway...I'm currently 21 years old, and aparantly starting or having a second growth spurt. I never really thought of myself as big before. The last time I measured was last year when I was with my last girlfriend and I was only 7x5.75.

Having not had sex in a year since her I hadn't really noticed any changes until I was about to be with another girl who reacted quite shocked when she saw it, and I then realized that the regular condoms I had been wearing were no longer adequate.

In any case...the girl had some issues "handling" it as I've always had quite a lot of stamina and the combination proved too much for her. She said that she hurt a lot the next day and I felt really bad about it.

After remeasuring I am currently almost 8x6.25. I have no idea when it will stop nor what size I would really want to be. Not that there is really anything I can do at this point.

My current girlfriend is actually quite into it, but I don't think she'd be happy if it got too much bigger.

I guess I'm just sort of confused about those kinds of think your "normal" your whole life and all of a sudden everything is different. Buying Magnum XL's in the supermarket the other day was rather embarrasing.

Any thoughts?
glossopoiesis: Did those magnums fit you?

I have a probleme with condoms. WHen i put them, theyr tight, they hurt and tsill since im like those halfcut guys ( i look cut hard, but im uncut soft) well there is the forskkin going over my head , and the condoms get stuck. so then it hurts even more.
im 8" or more, i dont know exactly, and im about 6.5" circumference.

would magnums fit me?

Oh, and theother day, my friend showed me Trojans she got a montreal grand prix, and they were written : grand, or in english, large. Do they make large condoms?????
The regular magnum's dont' really fit...but the XL's do. I had been wearing regular condoms for years and been very uncomfortable with them...but did not really realize that it was anything I could do something about.
I would say that as far as the size/pain/condom issue that going slow can really make these easier. The slower you go the easier it is to accomodate i have found. Being consicous about bottoming out/hitting the cerivix is something to think about too. Last doing lots of oral can be fun and a great way to make things work a little later on!
Check condomania (online). They have made to order (your size and need) condoms. Try it! Otherwise, you're 'stuck' with magnum large or xl. Have fun experimenting. At any rate, bbb11 is correct, you need to be careful bottoming out with some gals.

Welcome to the LPSG ...
and welcome to living in the world of "big".

You've learned a lot already, haven't you?

First, you were big at age 20 and now at age 21--- even bigger!

The others have offered good advice on condom size. I wanted to address though, two other concerns I noticed (and that you mentioned, really):

Embarrassment over buying "larger condoms"....
That's understandable (I suppose) but don't let it bother you. Be proud (not arrogant!) of your good fortune and celebrate the fact. What store clerks and (surrrounding people) are thinking (or YOU think they're thinking!) shouldn't matter less! YOU are buying condoms for responsible, mature-thinking reasons and it's no one else's business----period. (Think instead of the likely envy of others around you for your need for XL's.) :D

The other matter is fretting about how much bigger you're going to wind up.
I can't say for sure, but I can't realistically predict here you'll get THAT much bigger. I'm not surprised to hear of your increased girth especially. A number of us around here have noted bigger width as we got into our early-to mid twenties.
Increase length, if any, shouldn't be significant and I really don't think you're going to surpass your current (new) girth all that much more. That's IMHO.

Taking things easy (easier!) with your g.f. is what you and all larger guys must do.
Being a larger fella is not a curse. Look upon it as a blessing. Your size doesn't have to rule (or ruin!) your life. Attitude is everything. ;)
BRMSTN69: Just walk up to the counter give them the "Enzyte Bob" grin and say I need a box of the XL's :D (insert smilley face here, how the hell do you get those damn things to work anyways?)
I have to go with fitdude here. Check out TheyFit condoms on the site. Dowload the fit kit to determine the correct size (they're available in 55 different size combinations), and you'll have condoms that fit you like a glove. Magnum XL's fit me, but they can't hold a candle to TheyFit. It's your cock; treat it properly and it will give you years of dependable service.
I'm confused about these, "Second-growth-spurts" that I hear about so ofton on the lpsg. Honestly, I think they are wishful thinking.

I am only 24 now and was a slow maturer. I started puberty late and ended late. But saying you're beginning a "second-growth-spurt" at age 21 with regard to penis growth is a medical abnormality and very unlikely.

I remember that I was 6" at age 12 and had not really started puberty yet...I just was born with a large penis. But by the time I had ended puberty and was my current 8.5", I was about 19 or 20 yrs old. My normal penis growth of my puberty years was 2-3" in length...which makes sense. I started out large for a child and ended large for an adult.

I'm sorry, but I have to doubt a penis growth spurt at age 21, especially since, as a male, your penis is one of the first parts of your body to begin growth and likewise one of the first parts to END growth. In medical books they say that, on average, the penis stops growing by age 17. I was late at 19 or 20.
I second DMW! I formerly used the Magnum XL, and while the fit wasn't too bad, and they were not too difficult to get on, I could never cum when fucking with a condom. I thought that was just the way I was. Then I got wider condoms from the They Fit brand from Condomainia. Now I'm often able to climax with the condom on. The better fit made a world of difference in sensation.
Originally posted by thirdlegmeat@Jun 18 2004, 06:35 PM
I'm sorry, but I have to doubt a penis growth spurt at age 21, especially since, as a male, your penis is one of the first parts of your body to begin growth and likewise one of the first parts to END growth. In medical books they say that, on average, the penis stops growing by age 17. I was late at 19 or 20.
Remember, TLM, that this is a forum of the unusual gleaned from all over the world.

I started puberty late, too - I was almost 16. By age 17 my erection was about 7" and there was no further growth until I was 21, when it added an inch and I grew another 1 1/2" in height.

It does happen. It is rare. But so are the guys on this forum for the most part.