Did you see Darren Criss in the Versace series, though? Murphy totally sexualized his Andrew Cunanan (a brutal sociopath), it grossed me out.
I didn't actually watch it. I saw a lot of the screenshots and grabs, though, and the reaction from the gay community. I actually saw more revulsion to the way they sexualized Ted Bundy in the Zac Efron film or Jeffrey Dahmer in the Ross Lynch films. I completely agreed with that criticism, partly because unlike Murphy (who doesn't pretend to be doing anything other than glossy, sexy, sensationalist "true crime" adaptations, told for maximum camp value. It's not my thing, so I don't watch, even though I do like his comedies until they play out their premise), but the Bundy and Dahmer ones tried to present themselves as a bit more substantive and respectable as adaptations than the Murphy stuff, but still served up underwear, charm, and bare ass from both teen idols. Murphy's like all those true crime podcasts, and he doesn't claim to be exploring a societal theme or asking important questions. I suppose I respect that more than the ones that try to have it both ways. Again, take everything I say with a grain of salt since I don't like true crime, but I think my take is fair.
@Dman1130 - I don't know about that specific scene, but I really do expect nudity of some sort, because, with all due respect to Chavez's emergent talent on GH (he's quite good) he's a really unproven quantity who doesn't bring a significant amount of new eyeballs with him, and Cooper Koch is nice enough (and pretty enough) but mostly has a gay following secured by his willingness to strip down (including full frontal) in his projects. Given Murphy usually stacks his limited series casts with famous names (and they line up to work with him--he's had Darren Criss and Cuba Gooding, Jr. play killers so far, and you see who he lines up for AHS) the fact he chose less well-known names, who are both most widely appreciated for being sexy and, at least in one case, not averse to nudity and more explicit scenes (Chavez has so little work to date, we just don't know), makes me think he might be pushing the envelope with this one a bit more.
Pls tell us when NC is shirtless on GH, at least thru the wga strike. I find these scab-written shows pretty unwatchable lol, but i dont want to miss this stud
He was in swim trunks on Wednesday’s ep but he had a shirt on when he was out of the pool so we didn’t see much.