Very true. As I said in before in a previous post I've known Nick for a few years now, and besides looking good he really doesn't have much else going for himself or in his life. He doesn't work a real job, he doesn't have any special unique hobbies or talents, he doesn't do anything on social media except show off his modeling career and all of his gay friends that he hangs around everywhere he goes. And on a weekly basis he tells his followers that he's straight (not bi) and only likes girls.
But I guess I could say the only real interesting thing about him besides being hot and a nice guy, he's the only full on "straight guy" that I've ever seen who 99% hangs around nothing but gay men EVERYWHERE HE GOES! But not once has he ever shown or had a girlfriend throughout the years he's been on social media. And he likes to talk about how he loves going to gay bars and clubs.
I've heard of people being afraid to come out of the closet and they go through great lengths to play the "straight roll". But it's like come on dude, get over yourself. This is not high school, and you're 27 yrs old. If you're going to play the straight role at least make it look like you're straight.