Nick Topel

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I've known lots of straight men and have many straight male friends. Not one has ever wanted to go to the gay club! NONE! The only one that ever joined me, went with his girlfriend! And that was more of a bar situation. When you know! YOU KNOW!
Not commenting on Nick, but I have gone to gay clubs with countless straight male friends and acquaintances. Where do you live where this is uncommon?
Not commenting on Nick, but I have gone to gay clubs with countless straight male friends and acquaintances. Where do you live where this is uncommon?
As a matter of fact a lot of straight people do go to gay clubs and bars male and female. When they go it has nothing to do with one's sexual preference. A lot of people like to go because the atmosphere is more upbeat, fun, and it's a lot safer (for the most part) compared to the hangouts that straight people typically go to. But in most cases straight guys don't go to gay atmospheres by themselves with the idea of wanting to be around a bunch of gay men just because. If and when they do go, they'll usually go with a group of friends. Not necessarily because they want to be their as a first choice.

But in Nick's case it's the complete opposite of all of that.
Do you think Nick T bottomed for Cade M? They both seem like each other’s type.
Well let's remember now, to this day Nick still says he's a virgin and is "waiting" for that right person to be with. Which of course I don't believe one bit! Cause there's just no way with Nick's attractive looks that he can hang around a bunch of other hot fitness guys and half naked hot gay men all the time and still be a virgin at 27 years old. I guarantee the man is naked with some guy(s) at least once a month. But It's like come on Nick, stop lying by telling everyone your straight, stop lying and saying you're still a virgin. At this point in time it's just sickening and overplayed.
Are we going to go back & forth about straight people going to gay bars or are we going to talk about Nick being gay? Choose one lol
Sorry for you. We have different experiences. It’s not that it’s their suggestion or anything, but I have been to gay bars with straight male friends several times.
Which is a good sign of progress. Yah, may not be our cloistered hollows for slutty shenanigans as they once where, but to me that is a sign that straight men are finally realizing that our existence is in no way a threat to their virility. And our bars are a decent place to find women trying to hide from straight guys. Lol. Given how insecure most men are anymore, we should actually be looked at as an easy target for validation. Get a few drinks in some of us (me) and we will talk to any man like he is a Hemsworth.

That said...unless he was told easy success in fitness modeling and promotions was through a presence in the gay community...I think he is a little bit too familiar around our kind.
I've known lots of straight men and have many straight male friends. Not one has ever wanted to go to the gay club! NONE! The only one that ever joined me, went with his girlfriend! And that was more of a bar situation. When you know! YOU KNOW!
I’ve taken several straight guy friends to the gay bar and they have all enjoyed it and went back. Not because they’re gay, but because gay bars are more fun!
I’ve taken several straight guy friends to the gay bar and they have all enjoyed it and went back. Not because they’re gay, but because gay bars are more fun!
We know how to have fun and throw a party. Straight men like that. Women like that. But when those two mix it is like watching paint dry, like bring a fucking book.

Life feeling a little serious? Hit the gay bar. Preferably not higher end, because that feels like a business meeting.
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Yeah he must have been high or drunk I bet. He would normally never post something that sus.
Agree. Either that or he is spending so much time in gayland, he is becoming less conscientous about maintaining a facade. Things like this will slip through.

If this dissapears, you know he was 100% not with it when posting. Which given the yummy in the box, I suspect his discipline was definitely under chemical assualt. ;)
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