That is what really disappoints me about him. I know he said he was doing OnlyFans but from the way he talked, I was expecting jerking off and body rub videos, but what a smack in the face when I came here. Even worse, unprotected sex?!?! So basically he's a "Do What I Say, Not What I Do" type of guy. One of the Brazilian, Samuel Hodecker, is HIV+. He and Nico were in a photo together with the rest of the "harem" so..... I mean, yeah.I mean he does give all those lectures about safe sex and being careful and monkey pox prevention and he does denounce a lot of the talent , and then he turns up in a 15-man orgy comprised of porn performers who are most probably escorts as well ,so go figure. Then when he gets home he shows a Band-Aid from a new HIV test but I think you're supposed to wait for like 6 weeks. They're also not telling us if those Brazilian guys are slamming or what drug use is entailed in the porn shoots. Anyway,I sure hope everyone in the video is okay.