No. The problem is Nico is a hypocrite and a phony which shouldn't be a surprise because he did said he grew up in a religious household and we all know religious people are the BIGGEST hypocrites on Earth. Nico has a habit of saying one thing and saying/doing another. People are not stupid, they catch on or notice something is off.
Another issue he tends to wear a halo or megalomania, I think they called it. He's this "great scenographer" even tho he mostly shoots from his phone and the quality is not even that great. Before he did porn he mentioned how he got a big dick and a juicy phat ass but in reality, his penis looks like those big pencils with the terrible erasure that we used to have in the late '90s and his ass is okay.
The worst offender of all, before porn, he was an advocate for safe sex, safe sex, safe sex, and safe sex. He even brags about working for a health clinic. All what did he do? He joined OnlyFan despite criticizing those who did OnlyFan, but he also has unprotected sex, in Brazil, no less. The hotbed of HIV/AIDS.
Please spare me the whole prep and being undetectable bullshit. No offense, but we gay men tend to be full of shit and inconsistent.
On a positive note, it's a good thing Nico is not a pastor otherwise this would be a whole other level.