These comments are HILARIOUS!

My two cents on Nico: He has mentioned in several of his videos how he used to be overweight and was bodyshamed, which I assume translates into bullying. I think he moves the way he does now because he has received "validation" from Rhyheim & co., who let's be honest, are essentially the pinnacle of black gay sex work and content creators. Now that Nico part of that clique, he has clearly gotten a big head.
Not knocking him or his hustle, but it's crazy to me how he 1) Charges people (Patreon) to listen to him "break down" Twitter drama that anyone can "break down" FOR FREE in their spare time, and 2) How he stays throwing shade about how another content creator's videos "aren't getting the numbers," and yet here he is still begging for money on Patreon, complaining that he has to work 2-3 jobs, and still has roommates! Again, no shade at all...get it how you live...but it's hypocritical that he essentially equates other performers "numbers" with their success and relevance, while his own numbers are evidently not working out for him either.