Nude bonding

I definitely get more confident about sex and nudity as I get older; it’s always a case of ‘I wish I knew then what I know now!’

I love nudist beaches but wish I had the knowledge and confidence to do it when my body was younger and fitter.

I’m now more relaxed about openly flirting; I recently told a straight waiter I’d love to see him naked and he laughed it off :) I told him I’d pay him and he said ‘no, I have a girlfriend,’ when he returned to my table he asked me how much I’d pay LOL

I wish I was less shy when I was younger and really envy young guys who know what they have and happy to show it off and share it
Sometimes it's hard to tell what's what. Were we actually shy, or were we surrounded by people who'd've freaked if we hadn't been so reserved? And for me there was the added fact that sooooooooooo much of what I was taught about the world turned out to be just plain wrong.

I can tell you that most of the people I grew up around would never believe me if I were to tell them I belong to several nudist groups, go to nude beaches. attend workshops on massage, flogging, CBT, etc. They sure as fuck would never believe me if I told them I attended a weekly nude bridge class for several years before having to stop for health reasons.... they also wouldn't believe that I could have any health reasons.

My point is that maybe we should cut ourselves some slack and consider that some of the choices we made (not taking opportunities) might have been more a response to our environment than to the opportunity itself or to who we are/were as individuals.
Does anyone else regret being too fearful when they were younger and wish they would have been more bold about creating male buddy bonding...I was such a puss, buddies would kind of flirt and I would fearful ignore bummed about bummed. You don't know what you don't know.
I certainly tried back in the day!

Friends and I used to go to the swimming pool almost every evening and I would strip off my suit and shower in the locker room before we left. They would just put on their over shorts.

We were going to go back one night after it closed and go skinny dipping - but I was the only one who DIDN'T bring a suit (we were stopped short as we walked up to someone robbing the place).

Tried to convert a late night poker game to strip poker. I lost several hands on purpose to spend down my holdings and then played a hand where I agreed, if I lost, I would streak. I lost, I streaked, no one else got naked....
Real life Wise Brothers from Colorado returned to Island Studs to jerk off together after they playing Naked Frisbee out in public on a beautiful Hawaiian beach, exposing their full bushy big cocks dangling in the sun and their balls slapping against their white athletic thighs, as they play together, skinny-dip, stand on their hands in the sand with their junk dangling in the ocean breeze before returning to the beach side condo for a totally hot jerk off session.