Hmm i don't think he is a celebrity this post would fit to Turkish Guys thread more. But yes he is hot, i texted him a few times on a dating app. But some of his instagram photos with very excessive outfits made me pull away from himTurkish fashion designer Koral Sagular is so hot! He's now living in London.
His personal account
I wish someone had his nudes. I bet he has many nudes of himself in his camera roll lol
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Well, I'm sure you know the Turkish saying "Kedi uzanamadığı ciğere mundar dermiş" lol. But I don't judge you for judging what he wearsHmm i don't think he is a celebrity this post would fit to Turkish Guys thread more. But yes he is hot, i texted him a few times on a dating app. But some of his instagram photos with very excessive outfits made me pull away from him
Turkce devam edicemWell, I'm sure you know the Turkish saying "Kedi uzanamadığı ciğere mundar dermiş" lol. But I don't judge you for judging what he wearsAcutally, I wouldn't think he would use dating apps -at least in Turkey- because he's kind of arrogant . To be honest, as much as I don't want to be a hater, I slightly enyoyed when noticed he's losing his hair. You may notice, he often wears hats or covers his head with his hands to hide it. Jokes aside, I agree he's not a "celebrity celebrity" in Turkey but he's known in the fashion industry internationally which I believe makes him kind of fitting to here. Guy made an outfit for Lil Nas and was featured in major fashion magazines
I was joking about the cat sayingTurkce devam edicemKedili soz pek uygun degil. Konuşmuştuk bu çocukla Tinder'da. "Bana gel" dediginde uzak diye ben üşenip gitmedim. Ulaşamamakla ilgili bir durum yok.
Dating appleri kullanıyordu o ara bu arada. Birkac ay boyunca görmüştüm. Üzerine bir internet personası giymiş normal bir moda öğrencisiydi gördüğüm kadariyla o kadar abartılacak biri değildi. Ama kiyafetleri falan weird out olmama neden olmustu sonradan, takibi biraktim.![]()
Bence hiç birsey giymediginde he would be even sexierDaha sıradan giyindiğinde gayet de seksi biri aslında
Evine bile gidecek kadar tanıyıp nasıl sexually yaklaşmıyorsun yauv?I was joking about the cat sayingI was also saying that to myself lol. Now, I'm curious how do you look like if he invited you over
I know him personally, but never approached to him sexually, egosunu yuksek buldugum için (cogu Türk gay gibi), but I'm not gonna lie, I find him extremely hot. Evi suadiyedeydi gitmiştim. Sen Avrupa yakasında olmalisin uzak bulduğuna göre
Hey there is few nude scenes shamaran and gecen yaz in Netflixvideo?
I don't have the video but it's the opening scene of BluTv's 7 yüz episode 4. That same episode also feature some partial ekin koç nudity (you can only see a glimpse of his pubes though)video?
where to watch this movie pls i havent found it anywhereMehmet Günsür (L'italiano)