Photos & Videos NYC Judge CtrlZalt's OnlyFans

Second this. I followed him because he was so piggy in videos and after that stumbled upon his real twitter and shocked to know his real profession. His real twitter actually pretty interesting as he frequently comments on politics but agree he can be quite careless on his twitter considering his position on public sector
I've followed this guy for years. I always thought this was a ticking time bomb.

If you're in any kind of public-facing career, you should know better. You should never expect to be afforded any kind of protection from anything even remotely salacious you might be doing online. This isn't just about one's private sex life – the dynamic changes completely the minute you turn the camera on and charge people money to watch you have sex. The remark to a city councilmember, no matter how whackjob she is or how right he was, was also bound to get back to him.

Sad to see it happen as he does seem like a nice guy. It's unfortunate the world operates this way, but it does.
An admittedly well-crafted statement from him in response. Seems like he might be teeing up a wrongful termination lawsuit.

I love him and his content but He needs to take the L and move on ,i hate that he is trying to make this about being Conservative or homophobic when his termination was extremely justified. His followers are blowing smoke up his ass but he needs own up to how unprofessional it was of him to have all this stuff about him mixing his work and pleasure just floating around the Internet with his face fully showing. So many red Flags here. Everyone is acting like being a judge is just like any other shift where you can balance another profession as personal, time consuming and risqué as sex work and I don't see how that it possible . It definitely reflects poorly on his credibility as a judge when he is tweeting about how "he hopes to get hit on by one the lawyers in his courtroom " . definitely shows he lacks the skills of an attentive and impartial judge . We're all sex positive here but let's be honest, he's on tape committing misdemeanors in the form of public sex, in the eyes of the law that is a crime and as a judge thats unacceptable.
An admittedly well-crafted statement from him in response. Seems like he might be teeing up a wrongful termination lawsuit.

Sounds like it, but I'd be shocked if he even tried tbh. First of all, he doesn't have a leg to stand on. And there's really no adequate remedy the law can provide here. He can make far more money on OF than he ever would as an ALJ, so any money he could recoup in the (highly unlikely) event of a win isn't worth the time and attorney fees. And all his content is already out there, so it's not like winning a suit would restore his reputation. He really just needs to accept it and do OF full time. By which I mean do like 3 hours of work a week, travel all over the world, and somehow make ridiculous money. this a joke? I'm very sexy-positive and very kinky, and I actually like this guy's videos a lot, but there's an obvious limit and he blew soooooo far past it. "A little more lax in your sexual life"?! Dude sucks dick and gets fucked on public streets in NYC. Would you want the judge in your case to be running out during recess to slurp piss in the bathroom? Or come back to the courtroom with cum all over his face?

People lose years of their lives dealing with the law and attorneys put hundreds if not thousands of hours of work into cases, and you think it's A-OK—actually you think it's commendable—for this dude to be tweeting about how many anon loads he took last night while sitting on the bench holding people's lives and livelihoods in his hands?

Fact is, dude was playing with fire and he got burned. The legal profession is probably the most conservative and insular there is—you're required to report fucking parking tickets on some bar applications—and he's been getting fucked and fisted and gang banged on camera as an attorney for years. For him to then tell a NYC councilwoman to "choke on a dick" on Twitter, knowing full well that his face is out there getting pissed and cum on, is so risky and arrogant I can barely believe he actually did it. And you think he should be nominated as a federal judge?! Give me a fucking break.
I think in a better society it should be totally fine if a persona has an active sex life. what you should be judged in your work place is your work and nothing else.

These public face is so victorian 18th century Britain, not 2023
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I think in a better society it should be totally fine if a persona has an active sex life. what you should be judged in your work place is your work and nothing else.

These public face is so victorian 18th century Britain, not 2023

Absolutely unhinged. It has nothing to do with having an "active sex life." He can do whatever the hell he pleases on his own time, but that changes when he posts videos of himself getting fisted and drinking piss to social media with his face in it, then accepts a public job that requires him to have the trust and respect of the general public. To reiterate, he has voluntarily posted videos of him having sex in public—a literal crime that could land him on a sex offender registry for life—and apparently thought he could remain in his position as a judge.

There are many cases where reactions like yours are correct, e.g. teachers who get fired after their private OFs are revealed by shitty kids or vindictive parents. This is not one of them. He thumbed his nose at the rules because he thought he was untouchable (and almost certainly got off on it) and he got screwed. That's all.
Absolutely unhinged. It has nothing to do with having an "active sex life." He can do whatever the hell he pleases on his own time, but that changes when he posts videos of himself getting fisted and drinking piss to social media with his face in it, then accepts a public job that requires him to have the trust and respect of the general public. To reiterate, he has voluntarily posted videos of him having sex in public—a literal crime that could land him on a sex offender registry for life—and apparently thought he could remain in his position as a judge.

There are many cases where reactions like yours are correct, e.g. teachers who get fired after their private OFs are revealed by shitty kids or vindictive parents. This is not one of them. He thumbed his nose at the rules because he thought he was untouchable (and almost certainly got off on it) and he got screwed. That's all.
I don't understand. it is ok to do it in private but it is bad if it is common knowledge? if his dereliction of public duties didn't hinder when he was doing it in private why should they if it is a public knowledge? Judges are "allowed" to get fisted or drink piss in private, its their sex life. If that doesn't hinder them from doing their job, how dies it matter if his photos/pics are in public?

I don't understand how do you draw this connection that having these pics in the public domain somehow makes this person less trustworthy.

Not too long ago people had to live a gay life in private as it was less respectable to do so. But we have now realized being gay doesn't have anything to do with doing a job properly (or not) or being a respectable human being. If there is no causation between having these pics in the public domain and him performing his duties then they wouldn't matter. I would say a better society would be where people know that we all are human beings and sexual beings and someone's sex life, public or private, is independent of how you treat them or of their work. I will be totally fine knowing that a future president already has their nudes floating around on the internet rn and it is not a big deal
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I don't understand. it is ok to do it in private but it is bad if it is common knowledge? if his dereliction of public duties didn't hinder when he was doing it in private why should they if it is a public knowledge? Judges are "allowed" to get fisted or drink piss in private, its their sex life. If that doesn't hinder them from doing their job, how dies it matter if his photos/pics are in public?

I don't understand how do you draw this connection that having these pics in the public domain somehow makes this person less trustworthy.

Not too long ago people had to live a gay life in private as it was less respectable to do so. But we have now realized being gay doesn't have anything to do with doing a job properly (or not) or being a respectable human being. If there is no causation between having these pics in the public domain and him performing his duties then they wouldn't matter. I would say a better society would be where people know that we all are human beings and sexual beings and someone's sex life, public or private, is independent of how you treat them or of their work. I will be totally fine knowing that a future president already has their nudes floating around on the internet rn and it is not a big deal

If you don't understand how having public pics/videos of you getting a dozen loads blown on your face, drinking piss, and taking fists up your ass (not to mention the crimes) makes it impossible to do a job that requires public trust and respect in your judgement, then I can't help you. We all know intellectually that people have sex and have kinks and do weird shit. But that's very different than seeing it confirmed firsthand.

You legitimately can't grasp how, for example, someone looking for an attorney to keep them out of prison would look askance at a guy they've seen completely naked, sitting on a dude's arm with a cage on his cock? Or how someone looking for an accountant to handle their life savings would be put off by a guy who drinks piss in public bathrooms? Or how someone looking for a therapist would find it impossible to take advice from the dude who's asshole he's seen inside of? Really? You're either being deliberately obtuse or you're living in lala land.

And you're 100% wrong about that last bit. Nobody with public nudes will ever—EVER—be elected president.
If you don't understand how having public pics/videos of you getting a dozen loads blown on your face, drinking piss, and taking fists up your ass (not to mention the crimes) makes it impossible to do a job that requires public trust and respect in your judgement, then I can't help you. We all know intellectually that people have sex and have kinks and do weird shit. But that's very different than seeing it confirmed firsthand.

You legitimately can't grasp how, for example, someone looking for an attorney to keep them out of prison would look askance at a guy they've seen completely naked, sitting on a dude's arm with a cage on his cock? Or how someone looking for an accountant to handle their life savings would be put off by a guy who drinks piss in public bathrooms? Or how someone looking for a therapist would find it impossible to take advice from the dude who's asshole he's seen inside of? Really? You're either being deliberately obtuse or you're living in lala land.

And you're 100% wrong about that last bit. Nobody with public nudes will ever—EVER—be elected president.
but are you agreeing that there is no causation link between being kinky/having nudes in public, and doing your job properly, just that it is not seen in a good light in our society?
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but are you agreeing that there is no causation link between being kinky/having nudes in public, and doing your job properly, just that it is not seen in a good light in our society?
idk maybe I have seen so much of that stuff that for me personally it is such a no-big deal. As long as this person knows the law and can do his job properly I don't really care about these things, and in my mind, he is not any lesser of a person. And probably part of it comes from the fact that I myself or my friends have engaged in similar things and I don't think of myself or them as any of lesser people because of such things. I don't think engaging in an orgy or piss play or whatever he was doing per se makes a person lesser.

What does bother me more is if a president or someone running for president is being an a-hole/racist, or is mentally incapable of doing his job.
im not surprised he was fired.

some of you dont quite understand how the world works.

even if you have a regular job you can get fired for having an onlyfans and showing your face.

you, always, represent the company you work for. in his case, it was the state new york haha.

this has absolutely nothing to do with "right to be a sex worker" or watever woke stuff y'all come up with.

i personally dont want my lawyer or judge to have an onlyfans where he or her face is shown, and know about it haha.

not only that, he was also in a porn studio production haha
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but are you agreeing that there is no causation link between being kinky/having nudes in public, and doing your job properly, just that it is not seen in a good light in our society?

No, I’m not agreeing. For a non-public-facing job, I think having public nudes is fine. But it’s impossible to do the job of a judge—or therapist or wealth manager or attorney or lawmaker—when the people who your opinions affect have seen you bent over with someone’s hand in your asshole.
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