Photos & Videos NYC Judge CtrlZalt's OnlyFans

I am not asking if people think it is ok or not.

I am asking is is there any real "causation link between being kinky/having nudes in public and doing your job properly". ie is it true that irrespective of people's opinion, a person who has nudes in public can/can not do their job properly? does it have any bearing in reality that the nudes inherently abstain a person from doing their job?

If it doesn't, then people's opinion is based on unfounded reasons, kind of like how people killed left-handed people for being left-handed or killed women for being witches or killed/kill gays for being gay.
It could. Just one example, there’s a blackmail risk with his kind of content. Sure he shows face etc. and doesn’t seem to care, but from an employer’s perspective, who’s to say how he’d react if someone threatened to send his vids directly to his grandmother unless he ruled one way or another in a traffic case. In that way the content could create a conflict of interest between his personal life and his job that would not exist if he were only partaking in those actions in private. “Decency clauses” are added to employment contracts for roles where these kinds of conflicts could exist or where public perception might incur costs (like legal fees if people who’s cases he adjudicated decided to sue the state). So yeah, being kinky/having nudes in public can mean you aren’t contractually qualified to do a specific job.

But his case is even simpler than that. He shows himself actually breaking the law in his content (public nudity). Whether the content was obscene or not he’d be fired as a judge just because of that. :(
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I think in a better society it should be totally fine if a persona has an active sex life. what you should be judged in your work place is your work and nothing else.

These public face is so victorian 18th century Britain, not 2023
Totally agree, everyone's sex life is totally separate from work. If so called regular people were treated like this there would be no work force. Everyone has skeleton's in their closet, yes I mean sexually oriented one. Things that would cause the pious judging Karen's and Richards to gasp. Leave the guy alone. this a joke? I'm very sexy-positive and very kinky, and I actually like this guy's videos a lot, but there's an obvious limit and he blew soooooo far past it. "A little more lax in your sexual life"?! Dude sucks dick and gets fucked on public streets in NYC. Would you want the judge in your case to be running out during recess to slurp piss in the bathroom? Or come back to the courtroom with cum all over his face?

People lose years of their lives dealing with the law and attorneys put hundreds if not thousands of hours of work into cases, and you think it's A-OK—actually you think it's commendable—for this dude to be tweeting about how many anon loads he took last night while sitting on the bench holding people's lives and livelihoods in his hands?

Fact is, dude was playing with fire and he got burned. The legal profession is probably the most conservative and insular there is—you're required to report fucking parking tickets on some bar applications—and he's been getting fucked and fisted and gang banged on camera as an attorney for years. For him to then tell a NYC councilwoman to "choke on a dick" on Twitter, knowing full well that his face is out there getting pissed and cum on, is so risky and arrogant I can barely believe he actually did it. And you think he should be nominated as a federal judge?! Give me a fucking break.
I don't know if Chalamet1997 was fully serious. Personally, I don't feel strongly one way or the other about ctrlzalt's career in law, but I would like to know your thoughts on Kim Kardashian pursuing a law degree.
I don't know if Chalamet1997 was fully serious. Personally, I don't feel strongly one way or the other about ctrlzalt's career in law, but I would like to know your thoughts on Kim Kardashian pursuing a law degree.

Haha I think it’s fine! I mean I can’t stand the Kardashians in general, but don’t have an issue with her pursuing a law degree. But I don’t think she’s going to pass the bar any time soon, if ever. Nor do I think she’ll ever actually practice.
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