Links OF/Chaturbate HOT GUYS

You guys this is a friendly public service announcement re: beardcare. If you like to keep your neck clean shaven, you want to stay below two finger widths from the apex of your Adam’s apple. The entire space under your chin should be hairy. So if you tilt your head down, there shouldn’t be hairless second chin that pops out. You want the under chin, the “double chin” so to speak to be in the beard. This is very important. Please bookmark this post. The cutest guy can go from sexy AF to a cheap car salesman jersey shore person in like a millimeter of going too high. If you are not sure, stay even closer to the Adam’s apple. Better to be too low than too high. See the second guy in last photo.


You guys this is a friendly public service announcement re: beardcare. If you like to keep your neck clean shaven, you want to stay below two finger widths from the apex of your Adam’s apple. The entire space under your chin should be hairy. So if you tilt your head down, there shouldn’t be hairless second chin that pops out. You want the under chin, the “double chin” so to speak to be in the beard. This is very important. Please bookmark this post. The cutest guy can go from sexy AF to a cheap car salesman jersey shore person in like a millimeter of going too high. If you are not sure, stay even closer to the Adam’s apple. Better to be too low than too high. See the second guy in last photo.
No. But...Ok, just completely subjective opinion... different strokes and all that.
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