Oh nick jonas

I don’t know. I don’t wanna be a buzzkill, but I don’t think Nick Jonas has a large dick. I think he has an average cock with bubbled butt..
Statistically he is likely to be average. That's why average is average, after all.

The reality is we don't know jack shit about Nick's dick, and unless he tells us or shows us, we never will. Guessing is pretty pointless.
Statistically he is likely to be average. That's why average is average, after all.

The reality is we don't know jack shit about Nick's dick, and unless he tells us or shows us, we never will. Guessing is pretty pointless.
guessing may be pretty pointless but i'm guessing it's pretty . ❤️
Him having an average dick is not a buzzkill at all! Makes him relatable and cuter. I never understand this concept of some 7ft tall warrior with a six pack and a ten inch dick. Like, celebrities are regular humans like the rest of us, why wouldn’t they be? You’re not more statistically likely to have a big dick just because you’re famous?