The most affectionate?That’s about the most affectionate I’ve seen these two. They are so cute, it’s such a shame they keep it so guarded! This is the second coca-cola event they’ve attended recently - what even are these events for?! Just advertising & a nice free dinner and entertainment? They don’t do a very good job if they are supposed to be promoting the brand.. Nurbo posts about it briefly but Omar never has.
I think they are just invited there. Have no idea what the event is about, but I don't think they (Omar and/or Nurbo) are actually sponsored by Coca-Cola or have any obligation to promote it. Of course, if they promoting Coca-Cola means we get to see more of Omar, then they should! hahahaThat’s about the most affectionate I’ve seen these two. They are so cute, it’s such a shame they keep it so guarded! This is the second coca-cola event they’ve attended recently - what even are these events for?! Just advertising & a nice free dinner and entertainment? They don’t do a very good job if they are supposed to be promoting the brand.. Nurbo posts about it briefly but Omar never has.
The word she used in Swedish can mean both someone in the community and someone outside of it. She just meant that they're appreciated in the community for their work on Young RoyalsYum. He can really move.
The presenter who called Omar & Edvin honorary members of the queer community at one point .. who fed her this information?! I mean, Edvin, possibly. I’m completely on the fence about him. But Omar is queer, surely that’s fairly well known?!
He’s so hot. I want a drunk shirtless messy dance scene with both of them together in the next season
This is from a few weeks ago
What's the Turkish controversy?What are they doing in that photo?! Why are they crouched down by the bowling balls? Why is the girl laying on the floor? It’s like someone said go pose over there but don’t look like you are posing, be casual, don’t look at the camera, maybe lay on the floor laughing, pretend to have a chat. Perfect.
They’ve all gone scurrying offline again after Turkish fans started angrily blowing up their social media comments. I hope they manage to find a way to block & remove some of it. It’s ridiculous.
Good point.Various cast members & extended friends such as Nurbo posting about supporting the victims of the earthquake in Kurdistan. According to twitter, Edvin’s been hounded before for saying Kurdistan is a real place as Rojda who produces YR is Kurdish & someone asked him where she was from. None of them have said anything out of line. Western Europe, including Sweden recognises Kurdistan as an autonomous region. The whole Turkey/Syria/Kurdistan thing is a very complex, violent, political clusterfuck. But at the end of the day, it’s a human crisis. Put your political thoughts aside & let us just get help to those suffering.
Back to more superficial things - Omar’s in Berlin recording now. I wonder what he needs to be there for that he can’t do in Sweden?!