OMG! F*cking life Journey (Vol.1 Ch.01-10) erotic series


Sexy Member
Oct 9, 2024
β€”Alex unexpectedly collided with Cindy in the intimate confines of an underwear shop, setting off a chain of events that would prove irresistible. Little did he know, this encounter marked the beginning of a tumultuous journey through love, sex, relationships, and the unpredictable events that accompany the peak of adolescent hormones and make him NAKED. Dive into a tale where desires ignite and lives entwine in ways both thrilling and complex. (EROTIC, coming of aged series)

Warning: This novel contains explicit sexual content, graphic scenes, and themes of power dynamics, humiliation, and submission. It is intended for mature audiences only (18+). All characters depicted in this work of fiction are over the age of 18, and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The settings, scenarios, and events in this story are entirely fictional and created for the purpose of adult entertainment. Reader discretion is advised.
Chapter 1 : The Changing Room Encounter

The midday sun shone brightly as Alex bid goodbye to his gym buddies and made his way to the upscale underwear shop downtown. He had just finished his workout and was in the mood for some retail therapy. As he entered the store, he was greeted by a friendly saleswoman, Lisa, who approached him with a warm smile.

"Hi there! Welcome to our store. How can I assist you today?" Lisa asked, her hazel eyes twinkling with excitement.

Alex returned the smile, impressed by Lisa's beauty and professionalism. "Hi Lisa, I'm looking for some new underwear. Something stylish and comfortable," he replied, his voice confident and charismatic.

Lisa nodded, taking note of Alex's athletic build and chiseled physique. "Sure, we have a wide range of options. Let me show you some of our best sellers," she said, leading him towards the changing room area.

Alex followed Lisa, feeling a slight flutter in his stomach as he anticipated trying on the new underwear. He had always been confident about his body and enjoyed dressing well. He entered the changing room, which was spacious and well-lit, with a full-length mirror on one side.

"Here you go, Alex. Take your time and let me know if you need any help," Lisa said with a wink before leaving him alone in the changing room.

Alex was alone now, and he couldn't wait to try on the new underwear. He unbuttoned his shirt and removed it, revealing his well-toned chest and arms. He unclasped his belt, and his pants slid down, revealing his muscular thighs. He stepped out of his pants and stood in front of the mirror, admiring his reflection. He had a well-defined physique, with broad shoulders, a chiseled chest, and a toned abdomen. He flexed his biceps, feeling confident and pleased with his body.

Next, Alex reached down to his boxer briefs and pulled them down, revealing his manhood. He was well-endowed, with a sizeable penis that was erect due to the adrenaline rush of trying on new underwear. He couldn't help but notice his reflection in the mirror, appreciating his physique and his well-endowed size. He tried on different styles and colors of underwear, taking his time to find the perfect fit and style that accentuated his assets.

On the other side of the two-way mirror, unbeknownst to Alex, Cindy and her friends had entered the shop and were eagerly watching him through the mirror. Cindy was mesmerized by Alex's stunning looks and the sight of his naked body. She couldn't help but blush as she watched him try on different underwear, her heart racing with excitement.

"Wow, he's even more attractive up close," Cindy whispered to her friends Emily and Sarah, who were equally captivated by Alex's physique.

"He's definitely well-endowed," Sarah commented with a giggle, stealing glances at Alex through the two-way mirror.

As Alex tried on another pair of boxers, Cindy found herself drawn to him like a magnet. She couldn't resist the urge to approach him. She walked around to the front of the changing room, pretending to browse through the underwear on display, but secretly stealing glances at Alex.

"Hey, Alex, looking good in those," Cindy said, trying to sound casual, but her cheeks turned pink

Alex looked up, caught off guard by Cindy's sudden presence. He quickly covered himself with the underwear he was trying on, feeling a bit self-conscious but also intrigued by Cindy's boldness.

"Oh, hey Cindy," he replied, trying to maintain his cool composure. "Thanks, just trying out some new underwear."

Cindy bit her lip, her gaze lingering on Alex's toned body. "Well, they look great on you," she said, her voice slightly shaky with nervousness. "You always look so handsome."

Alex couldn't help but be flattered by Cindy's compliments. He had noticed her around school before, but they had never really spoken much. He found her attractive and was intrigued by her sudden interest in him.

"Thanks, Cindy. That's really sweet of you to say," Alex replied, feeling a spark of attraction between them.

Cindy's friends, Emily and Sarah, who were standing at a distance, watched the interaction with amusement. They knew Cindy had a crush on Alex, and they were thrilled to see her taking the initiative to talk to him.

"I'll leave you to it then," Cindy said, taking a step back, but her eyes stayed locked on Alex's figure in the mirror.

Alex nodded, a faint smile on his lips. "Sure, thanks again for the compliment."

As Cindy turned to leave, Sarah couldn't resist teasing her. "Smooth move, Cindy. I think Alex is definitely interested," she whispered, causing Cindy to blush even more.

Back in the changing room, Alex finished trying on the different underwear and finally settled on a couple of pairs that he liked. He dressed back into his regular clothes, feeling satisfied with his choices. He stepped out of the changing room, and Lisa, the saleswoman, greeted him with a curious smile.

"So, how did you like the new underwear, Alex?" she asked, trying to contain her curiosity about what had happened while he was in the changing room.

Alex grinned, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "I love them. They fit perfectly, and they're really comfortable. Thanks for your help, Lisa."

Lisa nodded, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "You're welcome, Alex. It was a pleasure helping you."

As Alex made his way to the counter to make his purchase, he couldn't help but sneak a glance at Cindy, who was still browsing through the underwear on display. He felt a surge of confidence, knowing that she had been watching him earlier.

He approached her with a charming smile. "Hey, Cindy, what do you think of these?" he asked, holding up one of the pairs of underwear he had chosen.

Cindy looked up, caught off guard by Alex's sudden attention. Her cheeks flushed, and she stammered for a moment before replying. "Uh, they look great on you, Alex. Really nice."

Alex chuckled, feeling emboldened by Cindy's reaction. "Thanks, I thought you might like them. Would you like to grab a coffee or something sometime?" he asked, hoping he was reading her signals right.

Cindy's eyes widened in surprise, but she quickly composed herself. "Sure, that sounds nice," she replied, her heart fluttering with excitement.

Alex grinned, feeling a sense of victory. "Great, it's a date then. I'll get your number before I leave," he said confidently, and Cindy nodded eagerly.

As Alex paid for his purchases and exchanged numbers with Cindy, he couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement. Little did he know that his visit to the male underwear shop would lead to an unexpected encounter with Cindy, and the beginning of a new chapter in his life.

Chapter 2: Date

Sarah and Emily, Cindy's friends, were still buzzing with excitement as they chatted in the male underwear shop after Cindy and Alex left for their coffee date.

"I can't believe we saw Alex's penis through the two-way mirror in the changing room!" Sarah exclaimed, her eyes wide with excitement.

Emily giggled, her cheeks flushed. "I know, right? It was so unexpected and up close!"

Sarah nodded vigorously. "And did you see the size of it? It was impressive!"

Emily blushed, recalling the sight. "Oh, I definitely saw it. No wonder he's so popular at school."

Sarah smirked, her mind filled with mischievous thoughts. "Imagine if he knew we were watching him. He would have been so embarrassed!"

Emily laughed, her imagination running wild. "Or maybe he would have been even more confident, showing off for us."

Sarah giggled, her mind replaying the image of Alex's handsome face and well-endowed physique. "Cindy is so lucky. I wonder what they're talking about now."

Back at the coffee shop, Cindy and Alex were engrossed in their conversation, getting to know each other better. They laughed, shared stories, and found that they had a lot in common. Alex was drawn to Cindy's sweet nature and witty sense of humor, while Cindy was captivated by Alex's charm and confidence.

As Sarah and Emily continued to gossip and giggle about their unexpected discovery, they couldn't help but wonder what Cindy and Alex were up to. Little did they know that their friends were getting to know each other on a deeper level, completely unaware of the excitement they had caused back at the underwear shop.

The afternoon passed quickly, and soon Cindy and Alex said their goodbyes, promising to meet again soon. Cindy blushed as Alex gave her a charming smile and a gentle kiss on the cheek before parting ways. She couldn't wait to tell Sarah and Emily all about their date.

As Cindy and Alex left the coffee shop, Sarah and Emily greeted them with mischievous grins.

"Spill the beans, Cindy! How was your date with Alex?" Sarah demanded, unable to contain her curiosity.

Cindy blushed, trying to compose herself. "It was wonderful! Alex is so sweet and funny, and we had a great time getting to know each other."

Emily nudged her playfully. "And what about Alex's...uh, package? Was it as impressive as we saw in the changing room?"

Cindy blushed even deeper, remembering the glimpse of Alex's anatomy. "Well, yes, it was. But that's not all that matters, you guys!"

Sarah and Emily giggled, teasing their friend. "Oh, come on, Cindy! We know you're smitten with him."

Cindy rolled her eyes, but couldn't help but smile. "Okay, maybe a little. But there's more to him than just that!"

Sarah and Emily exchanged knowing glances, chuckling among themselves as they continued to tease Cindy about her budding romance with Alex.

And so, the day ended with Sarah and Emily still buzzing with excitement over their unexpected peek at Alex's anatomy, and Cindy blushing but also feeling grateful for the connection she had made with the handsome and popular guy from school.

Little did they know that their encounter at the male underwear shop would be just the beginning of a series of events that would change their lives in unexpected ways.

As Sarah and Emily continued to tease Cindy about her date with Alex, Cindy couldn't help but join in the laughter. She knew her friends were curious about how they had stumbled upon the two-way mirror in the male underwear shop's changing room.

"Okay, okay, I'll spill the beans!" Cindy said with a mischievous grin. "So, you won't believe what happened. Lisa, you know, the girl from our art class who's into interior design? Well, she told me about this secret spot in the shop where you can peek into the changing room without being noticed!"

Sarah and Emily's eyes widened in surprise. "No way!" Sarah exclaimed. "That's so sneaky, but also kind of brilliant!"

Emily giggled, her curiosity piqued. "How did Lisa even find out about it?"

Cindy shrugged, still grinning. "I have no idea, but she said she stumbled upon it by accident and couldn't resist sharing the secret with me. And of course, I had to bring you guys along to check it out!"

Sarah and Emily burst into giggles, realizing how fortunate they were to have Cindy as a friend with connections to secret spots in the underwear shop.

"So, you mean we have Lisa to thank for our little adventure today?" Sarah asked, wiping tears of laughter from her eyes.

Cindy nodded, still blushing a little. "Yep, thanks to Lisa, we had a front-row seat to the unexpected show."

Emily joined in the giggles, feeling a sense of excitement and naughtiness. "Well, it was definitely an interesting experience, that's for sure."

The three friends continued to giggle and share stories about their escapade in the male underwear shop, relishing in the thrill of their secret peeking adventure. They couldn't believe their luck and how they had stumbled upon such an unexpected and tantalizing discovery.

As they walked home together, Sarah, Emily, and Cindy couldn't stop giggling and replaying the events of the day in their minds. They were grateful for the excitement and laughter that their impromptu adventure had brought them.

Little did they know that Lisa, the mastermind behind the two-way mirror in the changing room, was secretly watching them from a distance, amused by their reactions. She had designed the hidden mirror as part of her art project on human perception and had never expected it to be discovered so soon.

As the day came to a close, Sarah, Emily, and Cindy exchanged knowing glances and giggled, feeling a sense of camaraderie and excitement over their shared secret. They couldn't wait to see what other adventures awaited them in the future, and what surprises Lisa might have in store for them.

Sarah and Emily couldn't resist teasing Cindy about her date with Alex, knowing how much she blushed at the mention of his name. Sarah wiggled her eyebrows mischievously and asked, "So, Cindy, did you get a chance to try and touch his crotch during your date?"

Cindy's face turned crimson as she stammered, "What? No! You guys are crazy!"

Emily giggled and nudged Sarah. "Oh, come on, Cindy, we're just kidding! But seriously, after seeing what we saw today, I bet you were tempted!"

Cindy tried to hide her embarrassment by playfully swatting at Sarah and Emily. "You two are incorrigible! I would never do that!"

Sarah and Emily burst into giggles, knowing they were getting a rise out of their friend. "Well, we can't blame you for being curious," Sarah said with a wink.

Emily chimed in, "Yeah, I mean, after seeing Alex in all his glory through that mirror, who wouldn't be intrigued?"

Cindy blushed even more, but couldn't help but join in the laughter. "Okay, okay, I admit it was quite a sight," she said, giggling along with her friends.

The three girls continued to giggle and imagine what it would be like if Alex were to get erect while changing in the male underwear shop's changing room. They exchanged playful banter and giggled about how surprised and embarrassed Alex would be if he ever found out they had seen him in such an intimate moment.

Sarah nudged Cindy and teased, "Hey, maybe you should tell Alex about our little adventure on your next date. See how he reacts!"

Cindy shook her head vigorously, blushing furiously. "No way! That's too embarrassing!"

Emily giggled, enjoying the playful banter. "Come on, Cindy, it would be hilarious to see his reaction!"

Cindy laughed along with her friends, but deep down, she knew she could never reveal their secret. It was a thrilling and naughty adventure they had shared, and she didn't want to spoil it by making things awkward with Alex.

As they walked home, the three girls continued to giggle and tease each other, their imaginations running wild with thoughts of Alex and his impressive "banana," as Sarah had jokingly referred to it. They couldn't believe their luck in stumbling upon such a scandalous secret, and they knew it was a memory they would treasure and giggle about for a long time to come.

NOW VOL.1 (Ch.01-10 now fully published on my Amazon kindle ; Written Museum) But i will post it here for free to enjoy first vol, hope you all enjoy this teen, fucking, sexual, humilation story! I will post next chapter below


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Chapter 3: Home coming

Alex arrived home after a long day at school, completely unaware of the secret that his classmates, Cindy, Sarah, and Emily, had discovered earlier. As he walked through the front door, he was greeted by his parents, who were sitting in the living room.

"Hey, Alex, how was your day?" his dad asked, looking up from his newspaper.

Alex replied with a tired smile, "It was okay, just a regular day at school."

His mom chimed in, "Did you have a good time on your date with Cindy?"

Alex's face turned slightly pink as he recalled his time with Cindy earlier that day. "Yeah, it was fun," he replied, trying to sound nonchalant.

His parents exchanged knowing smiles and teased him about his crush on Cindy, but Alex just shrugged it off, eager to retreat to his room and relax after a long day.

As he made his way to his room, he closed the door behind him and took a deep breath, finally alone. He slowly unbuttoned his shirt, revealing his chiseled chest and abs. He kicked off his shoes and socks, followed by his pants, revealing his toned legs. He unclasped his belt and slid off his underwear, standing completely naked in front of the mirror.

Alex couldn't help but catch a glimpse of himself in the mirror, admiring his own physique. He was well-built, with a defined jawline, piercing blue eyes, and tousled brown hair. His penis, now fully revealed, was of bigger than average size a bit, but he had always been self-conscious about it, comparing himself to other guys.

Shaking off his thoughts, Alex headed to the bathroom to take a shower. He turned on the water, adjusting it to the right temperature, and stepped under the soothing spray. The warm water cascaded down his body, and he lathered up with soap, running his hands over his chest, arms, and stomach. He couldn't help but recall Cindy earlier in the day, and his body reacted, his penis becoming erect.

Alex tried to ignore the sensation and quickly rinsed off the soap, trying to calm himself down. He didn't want his parents to know he was taking longer than usual in the shower. He reached for the shampoo and lathered up his hair, massaging his scalp and rinsing off the suds.

After thoroughly rinsing off, Alex turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, reaching for a towel. He dried himself off, taking extra care around his erect penis, hoping it would subside soon. He quickly got dressed in his pajamas and headed down to the dining room for dinner.

At the dinner table, Alex's parents chatted about their day, and Alex tried his best to act normal.

His mom noticed his flushed face and chuckled, "Alex, why are you blushing?"

Alex stammered, "No, Mom, it's nothing. Just a little warm from the shower."

His dad chimed in with a knowing smirk, "Must have been some shower, huh?"

Alex's face turned even redder, and he fumbled with his silverware, trying to change the topic. He couldn't wait for dinner to be over so he could escape to his room and try to calm down his aroused state.

As the dinner conversation continued, Alex couldn't help but feel a mix of embarrassment and excitement.

While Alex continued to have dinner and engage in conversation with his dad and mom, little did he know that on the side, the three girls, Cindy, Sarah, and Emily, had already returned home and were engaged in a group chat on their iPhones.

Cindy: Guys, can you believe what we saw today at Lisa's male underwear shop? πŸ˜‚

Emily: I know, right?! I still can't get over it! 🍌

Sarah: Haha, me too! Alex had no idea we were watching him!

Cindy: It was so funny imagine his shocked expression when he realized we were on the other side of the two-way mirror! πŸ˜†

Emily: And that size! I didn't expect that! πŸ†

Sarah: Oh come on, Cindy, spill the details about your date with him today! 😏

Cindy: Haha, well, it was great! We had a nice time together, but I didn't get a chance to touch his "banana" πŸ˜‰

Emily: Aw, come on! You need to make a move, Cindy! πŸ˜„

Sarah: Yeah, you definitely need to find an opportunity to get closer to him! 😜

Cindy: Oh gosh, guys, you're embarrassing me! 😳 But yeah, I'll try my best!

Sarah: You got this, girl! Go for it! πŸ’ͺ

Emily: We're rooting for you, Cindy! Get that boy's attention! πŸ˜„

As Alex carried on with his dinner, completely oblivious to the group chat and the girls' discussions about his anatomy, Cindy blushed but also smiled at the encouragement from her friends. She couldn't believe she was in such a unique situation, and she felt both nervous and excited about the possibility of getting closer to Alex.

After finishing dinner, Alex excused himself and headed to the bedroom

Meanwhile, in the group chat, the girls continued to discuss their plans for Cindy and Alex.

Cindy: Okay, I'll try to come up with some creative ideas to get closer to him! 😊

Sarah: You go, girl! We believe in you! πŸ’ͺ

Emily: Can't wait to hear your updates, Cindy! πŸ˜„

Cindy: Alright, I'll keep you guys posted! 😁

Sarah: Can't wait to hear all the juicy details! πŸ˜‚

Emily: Good luck, Cindy! You got this! 😊

Cindy: Thanks, guys! I'll do my best! πŸ˜„

Sarah: We're counting on you, Cindy! Make sure to get some good stories for us! πŸ˜‰

Emily: I'm living vicariously through you, Cindy! Have fun! πŸ˜‚

20 minutes later β€”

Cindy: Girls, I still can't think of a plan on how to accidentally touch Alex's penis in our next date. Any ideas? πŸ˜…

Sarah: Don't worry, Cindy! We've got you covered. πŸ˜‰ Emily and I have come up with a foolproof plan.

Emily: Yep, we've got it all figured out! Here's what you need to do, Cindy...

Cindy: Okay, I'm listening! Tell me everything. 😊

Sarah: First, you need to create a situation where you and Alex are in close proximity. Maybe a cozy movie night?

Emily: And then, during a scary scene in the movie, you can pretend to be scared and grab onto Alex's arm for comfort.

Cindy: Hmm, that sounds like a good idea. But what do I do next?

Sarah: Well, after grabbing his arm, you can "accidentally" let your hand slip down to his lap and "brush" against his penis.

Emily: Yes! And then you can quickly pull your hand away and apologize, blaming it on being scared.

Cindy: Wow, that's sneaky! But do you think Alex will believe it?

Sarah: Definitely! Just act natural and make it seem like an innocent mistake. He won't suspect a thing!

Emily: And if he does, just laugh it off and say it was an accident. You'll be fine!

Cindy: Okay, I'll give it a try. Thanks for the plan, girls! πŸ˜„

Sarah: No problem, Cindy! We're here to help. You got this! πŸ’ͺ

Emily: You're welcome! Good luck, and let us know how it goes. πŸ˜‰πŸ€

Cindy: Thanks, girls! I'll keep you posted. Fingers crossed! 🀞

The three girls continue chatting, discussing more ideas and scenarios, giggling and exchanging emojis as they excitedly plan Cindy's next date with Alex. They are determined to help Cindy win Alex's heart and make their group chat even more interesting with their mischievous plans.

Cindy lay in her bed, a contented smile on her face. She couldn't believe her luck in getting a date with Alex, the most handsome and popular male student at school. Her friends' support and their mischievous plan for the next date filled her with excitement. She closed her eyes, replaying the day's events in her mind, and her smile grew even wider.

As she drifted off to sleep, Cindy was filled with anticipation for the next date with Alex. The thought of accidentally touching his crotch during the movie night plan made her heart race with excitement. She was grateful for her friends Sarah and Emily's help and felt confident that everything would go smoothly.

With a happy heart and sweet dreams in mind, Cindy fell into a peaceful sleep, excited for what the future might hold. She couldn't wait to see Alex again and take a step closer to winning his heart. As she drifted off, she couldn't help but imagine the possibility of a budding romance with the guy of her dreams, thanks to her friends' clever plan.
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Chapter 4: A New Day

Alex woke up to the familiar sensation of a morning erection, his arousal evident as he stirred in his comfortable bed. He sighed, feeling slightly embarrassed but also reassured that it was a normal occurrence for most males. He rubbed his eyes and sat up, stretching his arms and legs to shake off the grogginess from sleep.

As he went through his usual morning routine, including a refreshing shower to wake him up, Alex couldn't help but think about the day ahead. He put on his neatly pressed school uniform, making sure he looked presentable, and went downstairs to join his parents for breakfast.

"Good morning, Mom, Dad," Alex greeted them with a smile as he sat down at the table. His mom had prepared a plate of scrambled eggs and toast, and his dad was sipping his coffee, engrossed in the morning news on his tablet.

"Morning, son," his dad replied, looking up from his tablet with a nod. His mom smiled warmly at him and passed him a glass of orange juice.

Alex dug into his breakfast, engaging in casual conversations with his parents about their plans for the day and sharing anecdotes from school. He was close with his parents and appreciated these moments of family time before he headed off to school.

After finishing his breakfast, Alex grabbed his backpack and headed towards the bus stop. He lived in a suburban neighborhood, and the bus was his usual mode of transportation to school. As he waited for the bus to arrive, he took out his phone to pass the time.

He scrolled through his messages and saw a chat from his friend Robert, whom Alex's best friend and he usually played sports with after school. Robert was also known for his good looks and popularity at school, and the two of them had formed a strong friendship through their shared interests.

Robert: Hey dude, ready for some basketball after school?

Alex: Definitely! Can't wait to beat you again ;)

Robert: Haha, we'll see about that! See you at the courts after school, bro!

Alex smiled as he typed out his reply, looking forward to the friendly competition with Robert. They had a healthy rivalry on the basketball court but were also supportive of each other. He put his phone away as he saw the bus approaching in the distance.

As he boarded the bus and found his usual seat, Alex couldn't help but reflect on how fortunate he was to have good friends, supportive parents, and a promising day ahead. He hoped that the day would go smoothly, and he could focus on his studies and enjoy some sports with Robert after school.

The bus ride to school was uneventful, and Alex arrived at the familiar school campus, greeted by the hustle and bustle of students rushing to their classes. He exchanged greetings with some of his classmates and made his way to his first class of the day.

As the bus came to a stop at the school, Alex stepped off and made his way towards the entrance. He glanced around, taking in the familiar sight of his school hallway buzzing with students rushing to their classes. His thoughts drifted back to his date with Cindy the previous day, and he couldn't help but smile as he remembered their time together.

As he walked down the hallway, Alex spotted Cindy sitting at a table in the canteen with her friends, Sarah and Emily. He felt a flutter of excitement in his chest as he made eye contact with her, and they exchanged smiles. Cindy and her friends were known for being studious and were in grade 12 class A, while Alex was in grade 12 class C, and Robert was in class D. The school had separate classes based on students' academic performance, and Cindy and her gang were at the top of their class in terms of grades.

Alex and Robert, on the other hand, were known for their passion for sports and were considered middle schoolers in terms of their focus on academics. Despite the differences in their academic tracks, Alex and Cindy had formed a connection through their shared interests and mutual attraction.

With a nod to Cindy, Alex continued on his way to his own class. He greeted some of his classmates with smiles and nods as he made his way to his classroom. He was looking forward to another day of learning and sports, hoping to balance his academics and extracurricular activities well.

In class, Alex listened attentively to the lectures, took diligent notes, and participated in discussions. He was known for his dedication to his studies, even though sports were his true passion.

As the lunch bell rang, Alex quickly closed his book and stored it in his locker. He was eager to meet Robert, his best friend from Class D, as they always had lunch together at the canteen. He made his way out of the classroom and spotted Robert waiting for him in front of the class, as usual.

"Hey, Robert!" Alex greeted with a smile as he approached his friend.

"Hey, Alex!" Robert replied, returning the smile. "Ready for some good food and good company?"

"You bet!" Alex replied enthusiastically.

The two friends walked together to the canteen and found their usual table. They grabbed their lunch trays and joined each other, settling in for their midday meal. They chatted about various topics, ranging from their classes to the latest video games they had been playing.

After a while, Alex couldn't contain his excitement any longer and he began to tell Robert about the unexpected encounter he had yesterday at the underwear shop. He recounted how he had bumped into Cindy and her gang while trying on new underwear, and how embarrassed he had felt.

Robert's eyes lit up with curiosity as he listened intently to Alex's story. "Wait, so you were practically naked in front of Cindy?" he asked with a mischievous grin.

Alex blushed a deep shade of red, but he couldn't help but laugh. "Well, not exactly naked," he replied, trying to downplay the situation. "I had the underwear cover on, but still, it was embarrassing!"

Robert chuckled and nudged Alex playfully. "I can only imagine," he teased. "So, did Cindy get a peek at your 'big gun' while you were trying on underwear?"

Alex nearly choked on his food, caught off guard by Robert's blunt question. He coughed and sputtered, his face turning even redder. "No way!" he managed to say, trying to compose himself. "I made sure to cover up quickly with the underwear. Cindy didn't see anything."

Robert raised an eyebrow, smirking. "Hmm, are you sure about that?" he teased, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. "I mean, those underwear may not have been large enough to hide your, uh, 'long penis'!"

Alex groaned and buried his face in his hands, mortified by Robert's relentless teasing. "Come on, man, cut it out!" he pleaded, his voice muffled by his hands.

But Robert was having a field day with this. He continued to tease Alex, making exaggerated gestures with his hands to emphasize the size of Alex's imaginary "long penis." "I bet Cindy got quite an eyeful!" he exclaimed with a wicked grin.

Alex couldn't help but chuckle despite his embarrassment. "Seriously, Robert, stop it!" he said, though there was a hint of amusement in his voice.

Robert just laughed harder, thoroughly enjoying himself. "So, does this mean Cindy has seen your 'big gun' now?" he asked with a cheeky grin.

Alex shook his head, blushing furiously. "No, she hasn't!" he replied adamantly. "I told you, I covered up quickly!"

Robert finally relented, wiping tears of laughter from his eyes. "Alright, alright, I'll stop teasing you," he said, still grinning. "But man, this is too good. Cindy probably thinks you're a real Casanova now!"

Alex sighed and rolled his eyes, but he couldn't help but smile. "Yeah, right," he replied sarcastically. "More like a bumbling idiot."

Robert chuckled and clapped Alex on the back. "Nah, you're just lucky, my friend," he said with a grin. "If Cindy saw your 'big gun', she might be shock!"

Alex rolled his eyes but couldn't help but smile. "Keep dreaming, Robert," he said, cursing out some playful yet harsh words at his friend for his persistent teasing.

Robert just laughed, unfazed by Alex's curses. "Hey, I'm just teasing, man!" he said, still grinning. "But seriously, sounds like you had quite an eventful trip to the underwear shop."

Alex nodded, his embarrassment starting to fade as he continued the story. "Yeah, it was definitely an interesting experience," he said, recounting how he had bumped into Cindy and her friends, and how they had all shared a good laugh about it afterwards.

Robert listened intently, his teasing grin slowly turning into a genuine smile. "So, after the underwear shop, did you see Cindy again?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

Alex nodded, feeling a sense of excitement as he recalled the coffee date he had with Cindy after the incident. "Yeah, we actually ended up grabbing coffee and chatting for a while," he said, trying to sound casual but failing to hide the smile on his face.

Robert's smile widened, and he gave Alex a playful nudge. "Oooh, coffee date, huh? Looks like someone's making progress with the ladies!" he teased.

Alex rolled his eyes, but there was a hint of happiness in his voice. "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up," he said, playfully swatting at Robert's arm. "But it was nice, though. We had a good time."

Robert grinned. "Well, well, it looks like my best friend might just have a girlfriend soon!" he exclaimed, teasingly.

Alex blushed, but he couldn't help but smile. "Hey, let's not get ahead of ourselves," he said, trying to play it cool. "We'll see where things go."

Robert chuckled, giving Alex a knowing look. "Sure, sure," he said with a wink. "But don't worry, I won't tell anyone about your 'big gun' mishap at the underwear shop. Your secret's safe with me!"

Alex shook his head, but he couldn't help but chuckle. "You better not," he said, playfully threatening Robert with a mock glare. "I'll make sure to find some embarrassing stories about you too, you know!"

Robert just laughed, unfazed by Alex's threat. "Bring it on, my friend," he said, grinning. "I can handle whatever you throw at me!"

The two friends continued to banter and tease each other throughout lunch, with Alex sharing more details about his coffee date with Cindy and Robert offering his playful commentary. They laughed and joked, enjoying each other's company as they always did.

"Well, I'm glad you had a good time with Cindy, man," he said sincerely. "Just remember, if things don't work out, there's always more underwear shops to bump into her at!"

Alex rolled his eyes but couldn't help but laugh. "Thanks for the advice, Casanova," he said with a smirk. "I'll keep that in mind."

Robert grinned. "Anytime, my friend," he said, giving Alex a playful wink. "And who knows, maybe next time you won't need underwear to cover up your 'big gun'!"

Alex groaned, but there was a hint of amusement in his voice. "I really hope there won't be a next time"

As Robert continued to tease Alex about his "big gun," Alex rolled his eyes, but couldn't help but chuckle. "Seriously, Robert, do you ever talk about anything else?" he said, shaking his head.

Robert grinned mischievously. "Not when it comes to you, my friend," he said, laughing. "I mean, you've got a legend down there, according to all the stories I've heard!"

Alex groaned, but couldn't suppress a smile. "You're exaggerating, as always," he said, pretending to be annoyed.

"Oh, I wish I was," Robert replied, still grinning. "But hey, I've got evidence!"

Alex raised an eyebrow, curious. "Evidence? What are you talking about?"

Robert burst into laughter. "Remember all those times we've peed at adjacent urinals?" he said, barely able to contain his giggles. "I've seen the beast with my own eyes!"

Alex blushed, recalling the many times he and Robert had found themselves peeing side by side at public restrooms. "Dude, that's just weird!" he exclaimed, but he couldn't help but laugh along with Robert.

Robert shrugged, still grinning. "Hey, we're guys, it's normal!" he said, chuckling. "And I must say, I'm impressed with what I saw!"

Alex shook his head, trying to hide his amusement. "You're ridiculous, Robert," he said, but there was a fondness in his voice.

Robert smirked, enjoying Alex's reaction. "Oh, I know," he said, winking. "But hey, at least I know my best friend's penis size better than he does!"

Alex rolled his eyes, but couldn't help but smile. "You're insufferable," he said, playfully shoving Robert's shoulder.

Robert laughed, taking the shove in stride. "Hey, it's all in good fun," he said, grinning. "But seriously, man, I'm glad you're finally getting some action with Cindy. You deserve it."

Alex's smile softened. "Thanks, Robert," he said sincerely. "I appreciate your support, even if it comes with endless penis jokes."

Robert grinned. "Hey, what are friends for?" he said, giving Alex a playful punch on the arm.

The two friends continued their banter as they made their way to their afternoon class, their playful conversations about Alex's "big gun" and Robert's teasing about his own knowledge of it filling the air. They laughed and joked, enjoying the easy camaraderie that had developed between them over the years.

Robert couldn't resist poking fun at Alex's supposed "obsession" with his own anatomy. "I bet you measure it every day, don't you?" he said with a grin. "Gotta make sure it's still living up to its legendary status!"

Alex rolled his eyes, but he couldn't help but laugh. "You're ridiculous, Robert," he said, shaking his head. "I've never met someone who's so fixated on his friend's penis size!"

Robert shrugged, still grinning. "Hey, it's fascinating!" he said, chuckling. "But in all seriousness, I just admire your confidence, man," he said, patting Alex on the back. "I wish I had your swagger!"

Alex chuckled, feeling a sense of camaraderie with Robert despite his teasing. "Well, it's all in good fun," he said, taking a bite of his sandwich. "But let's change the topic now, shall we?"

Robert grinned, but obliged. They continued to chat about various topics, from sports to movies to their upcoming weekend plans. Their conversations were filled with inside jokes, playful banter, and genuine laughter. It was evident that their friendship was strong and deep-rooted.

As the lunch time passed, they realized it was time to head to their next classes. They reluctantly said goodbye, promising to catch up later. "See you evening, Penis Expert!" Alex teased as he waved goodbye to Robert.

Robert laughed, throwing a mock salute. "Ok, Mr. Big Gun!" he replied, earning a playful eye-roll from Alex.

They went their separate ways, but their lighthearted conversations continued to echo in their minds throughout the day. In their next classes, they found themselves stifling laughter as they recalled their silly exchanges.
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Chapter 5: Basketball evening (Part 1)

As the afternoon class came to an end, Alex packed his bag, ready to head to the gym and meet up with Robert for a game of basketball as they had planned. However, just as he stepped out of his Grade 12 Class C, he was taken aback to find Cindy and her gang, Emily and Sarah, standing there, seemingly waiting for him. His heart skipped a beat at the sight of Cindy, who looked incredibly cute.

Cindy greeted him with a warm smile and initiated a conversation. "Hey, Alex! Are you going somewhere after class?" she asked, her voice filled with curiosity. Alex, slightly taken aback by her sudden interest, managed to reply, "Oh, yeah. I'm actually going to the gym to play basketball with Robert."

Cindy's eyes lit up with excitement, and she turned to her friends, saying, "Hey, guys, Alex is going to play basketball. Do you mind if we come along to watch?" Emily and Sarah nodded in agreement, their faces reflecting genuine interest.

Alex couldn't help but smile at their enthusiasm. "Sure, you're all welcome to come and watch. It'll be fun," he replied, his voice filled with a mixture of excitement and a hint of nervousness. The girls exchanged glances and giggled amongst themselves.

As they made their way towards the gym, Alex engaged in a lively conversation with Cindy and her gang. They chatted about various topics, from school events to their shared hobbies and interests. Alex felt a growing sense of comfort and connection with them, as if they had been friends for a long time.

As they arrived at the entrance of the gym, Alex turned to Cindy and her friends, a warm smile on his face. "Hey, why don't you find a spot to sit and wait for a moment? I'll just head to the changing room and get into my sports attire," he suggested.

Cindy nodded, returning his smile. "Sounds good, Alex. We'll find a place and wait for you and Robert," she replied.

With that, Alex walked towards the male changing room while Cindy, Emily, and Sarah found a bench nearby to sit and chat. As they settled down, Cindy couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement in her stomach. She turned to Emily and Sarah, a mischievous grin on her face.

"Can you believe it? We're going to see Alex in his sports attire," Cindy whispered, her voice filled with anticipation.

Emily and Sarah exchanged knowing glances and giggled. "I know, right? It's going to be quite a sight. Those school uniforms don't do justice to what's underneath," Emily teased, causing all three of them to burst into laughter.

Cindy blushed, recalling the unexpected encounter at the underwear shop the day before. She remembered catching a glimpse of Alex's naked body and couldn't help but imagine how he would look in sports shorts. Her cheeks flushed a deeper shade of red as her mind wandered.

Sarah joined in the playful banter. "Yeah, I mean, we've seen more of Alex than anyone else in school. It's like a little secret we have," she said, her eyes sparkling mischievously.

The girls continued to giggle and share playful comments about Alex's physique, their conversation filled with lighthearted camaraderie. They eagerly awaited his return, excited to see him in a different outfit that would undoubtedly showcase his athletic prowess.

Cindy, Sarah, and Emily couldn't contain their excitement as they sat together, talking and imagining Alex's athletic physique. Curiosity got the better of Cindy, and she turned to the group, asking, "Wait, who exactly is Alex playing basketball with? I can't remember if he mentioned it."

Sarah chimed in, "Oh, I heard it's his best friend, Robert. You know, the guy from Class D."

Emily's eyes widened in surprise, realizing the connection. "Oh my gosh! Robert from Class D? I didn't know he was Alex's best friend," she admitted, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness.

Cindy chuckled, teasing Emily gently. "Well, well, Emily. Looks like you've got a crush on Robert without even realizing it," she said, nudging her playfully.

Emily blushed and laughed, feeling a bit embarrassed. "I... I didn't know he was Alex's best friend. But yeah, he's my type," she confessed, feeling a hint of shyness in her voice.

Sarah and Cindy exchanged mischievous glances, delighted by the revelation. Sarah teased, "Well, now that we're getting closer to Alex, maybe we can also get to know Robert better. Who knows, Emily? You might just have your chance."

Cindy nodded in agreement, a mischievous smile on her face. "Absolutely! If Emily wants Robert, we'll make sure to help her just like we helped each other. We're a team," she said, emphasizing their strong bond as friends.

Sarah playfully added, "Yeah, and if Cindy has Alex and Emily has Robert, then I guess I'll be the one going shopping alone. But that's okay!"

Cindy quickly shook her head, disagreeing with Sarah's statement. "No way! We're always going to be the same group, Sarah. You'll forever be our supportive friend," she said, her voice filled with sincerity.

Emily chimed in, feeling a bit self-conscious. "But I'm not as beautiful as Cindy, so catching boys like Alex or Robert seems impossible for me," she admitted with a hint of disappointment.

Cindy and Sarah immediately protested, refusing to accept Emily's self-doubt. "Why would you say that? You're cute, Emily! And if you want Robert, we'll help you just like we helped Cindy with Alex," Cindy assured her, her voice brimming with determination.

Sarah nodded in agreement. "Absolutely! We're here to support each other, and if Emily wants Robert, we'll do whatever we can to make it happen."

Their conversation filled the air with positivity and friendship, as the girls rallied behind Emily's desires. They laughed, shared stories, and made plans, each feeling grateful for the strong bond they shared. Little did they know that their collective efforts would lead them on unexpected paths of love, friendship, and self-discovery.

As their conversation continued, the gym buzzed with energy and anticipation. The girls eagerly awaited the basketball game, excited to see Alex and Robert in action, and curious about the possibilities that lay ahead for their own relationships.

As Alex pushed open the door to the male changing room, he entered a space adorned with rows of white-cream colored lockers. Each locker had a key hanging on the wall, numbered to correspond with the locker it belonged to. The room was divided into two zones on the left side. The first zone consisted of the male urinal area, lacking any partitions. The school administration had decided against installing partitions, deeming them unnecessary and costly. Alex had always disagreed with this decision, believing that male students deserved a modicum of privacy. He wished there were at least plastic partitions, but he realized there was little he could do about it.

The second zone on the right side of the room was the shower area. Much to Alex's chagrin, it, too, lacked partitions. There were only showers suspended from the ceiling. As a result, Alex never used the school showers. The thought of showering naked among other guys, some of whom might harbor jealousy towards him due to his popularity, made him uncomfortable. He cherished his privacy and wanted to keep his intimate parts concealed.

As Alex stepped further into the changing room, he spotted Robert standing at the urinal, using both hands to hold his penis as he relieved himself. Robert had already changed into his sports clothes. Alex greeted him with a friendly "Hi!" Robert glanced up from his task, water still flowing, and asked Alex why he was taking so long to arrive. He wondered if Alex had a late class or something. Robert had already finished changing and was ready to play basketball.

Alex shrugged off Robert's peeing image, respecting his friend's privacy, and responded, "I ran into Cindy and her gang. They're coming to watch us play." Robert raised an eyebrow and replied, "Oh, really?"

Alex turned to face Robert once more and warned him jokingly, "Make sure to shake your dick properly. You wouldn't want the girls to see any pee spots on your shorts." Robert smiled and assured him, "Don't worry, my friend. I always take care of that." He demonstrated by giving his penis a quick shake to remove any lingering drops, tucking it back into his shorts.

While Alex unbuttoned his school shirt, he asked Robert if he was wearing underwear. Robert shook his head, explaining that he didn't want to sweat and make his underwear damp. He preferred to wear it on his way home. Alex acknowledged his decision and proceeded to remove his shirt, unbuckle his pants, and slide them off. He also discarded his underwear and neatly placed all of his clothes into the locker.

Robert observed the entire process and now stood by the front door, waiting for Alex. As Alex turned around, his naked body exposed, he quickly grabbed his sport clothes from his bag and used them to cover his genitals. Blushing, he muttered a curse under his breath, realizing that Robert had seen him. "I thought you were waiting for me outside," he grumbled.

Robert chuckled and grinned mischievously. "Don't worry, I didn't see anything, just your ass!" he teased, reassuring his friend. "I haven't seen your dick yet."

Alex rolled his eyes, exasperated by Robert's playful banter. He retorted, "Okay, okay, I'll believe you. Just turn away for a moment." Robert obliged, turning his back to Alex. With a mix of relief and embarrassment, Alex hastily donned his sport clothes, ensuring that he was appropriately covered.

As Alex finished getting dressed, Robert turned around, a smirk still playing on his lips. "Ready to go, sexy boy?" he teased

Alex blushed even deeper at Robert's comment. "Cut it out, Rob," he grumbled, trying to hide his embarrassment. He quickly tied the laces of his sports shoes and made sure everything was in place before slinging his gym bag over his shoulder.

Robert chuckled, thoroughly enjoying his friend's discomfort. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about your little fashion show in here," he teased, playfully nudging Alex's arm. "But seriously, let's go show those girls what we're made of on the court!"

Alex let out a nervous laugh, grateful that Robert was shifting the focus away from his brief moment of exposure. "Yeah, let's give them a game they won't forget," he replied, trying to regain his composure.

They left the changing room together, their footsteps echoing through the empty corridors of the gymnasium. As they entered the main court, Alex scanned the area for Cindy and her friends. He spotted them sitting in the bleachers, chatting and giggling amongst themselves.

Cindy caught sight of Alex and waved him over. "Hey, Alex! Over here!" she called, a smile brightening her face. The other girls turned their attention towards him, their eyes curious and eager.

Alex made his way towards them, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness. He greeted Cindy with a warm smile and a friendly hug. "Hey, Cindy! Good to see you all here," he said, genuinely pleased that they had come to support him.

Cindy grinned back at him, her eyes twinkling with anticipation. "We wouldn't miss it for the world," she replied. "We're excited to see you and Robert in action."

Emily and Sarah joined in the conversation, their enthusiasm evident. "Yeah, we've heard so much about your basketball skills," Emily said, her voice filled with admiration. "We can't wait to see you in those sports shorts!"

Sarah giggled, nudging Cindy. "And you're pretty excited about that, aren't you, Cindy?" she teased, raising an eyebrow suggestively.

Cindy blushed, playfully swatting Sarah's arm. "Oh, stop it! It's not just about the shorts," she insisted, trying to hide her growing infatuation. "We're genuinely interested in seeing the game."

The girls laughed, their playful banter filling the air. Alex couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness. It was nice to have their support and to know that they were looking forward to watching him play.

As the game was about to begin, Alex turned to Robert, a grin spreading across his face. "Ready to give them a show, my friend?" he asked, his voice filled with determination.

Robert nodded, his competitive spirit evident in his eyes. "Absolutely! Let's show them what we're made of, Alex."

With that, they took their positions on the court, the sound of sneakers squeaking against the polished surface. As the game unfolded, the girls cheered and clapped, their enthusiasm infectious.

For Alex, playing basketball had always been a passion, but having Cindy and her friends watching added an extra thrill to the experience. He gave it his all, dribbling, passing, and shooting with precision, while Robert displayed his natural athleticism and teamwork.

The game was intense, with both teams fiercely competing. The girls watched with bated breath, their eyes following every move. They couldn't help but cheer loudly, their voices echoing through the gymnasium.

As the final buzzer sounded, signaling the end of the game, Alex and Robert exchanged triumphant smiles. They had emerged victorious, and the sense of accomplishment was palpable.
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Chapter 5: Basketball evening (Part 2)

After the exhilarating game, Alex and Robert walked from the court towards the girls' bench. Cindy approached Alex with a cold bottle of water, which glistened with condensation from the heat and his exertion. With a grateful smile and a touch of shyness, Alex accepted the water and opened it, taking a long refreshing drink to quench his thirst.

Cindy blushed as she watched him drink, happy to have been able to provide some relief. She couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in taking care of him. Robert observed the exchange between the two with a small smile, appreciating their connection.

Breaking the momentary silence, Alex suddenly remembered to make introductions. He turned to his best friend and gestured towards him. "Oh, I almost forgot to introduce you. This is Robert, my best friend," he said, his voice filled with warmth and pride.

Robert looked at the three girls, feeling a bit shy but also intrigued. He offered a shy wave and greeted them with a simple "Hi." Sarah and Emily returned the greeting, but Emily couldn't help but let a single word slip from her lips, her eyes fixed on Robert, "Handsome."

The unexpected comment caused everyone to freeze momentarily, a mix of surprise and amusement filling the air. Emily quickly realized what she had blurted out and burst into laughter, attempting to brush it off as if it were nothing. Sarah and Cindy exchanged knowing glances and shared a smile, recognizing the newfound interest Emily had in Robert.

Cindy couldn't help but admire the sight of Alex and Robert in their sports attire, their fit bodies glistening with sweat, and the triumph they had achieved that day. She expressed her admiration, complimenting both of them on their excellent shape and the impressive victory they had secured. Alex and Robert graciously accepted her praise, feeling a sense of accomplishment.

Robert's attention lingered on Emily, his curiosity piqued by her remark. He gazed at her face for a moment, silently appreciating her beauty. Sensing the growing interest, Emily whispered to her two friends, expressing her desire to obtain Robert's number. Cindy and Sarah nodded in agreement, willing to help their friend make a connection.

Sarah took the initiative, opening her mouth to ask for Robert's number but was interrupted by his sudden declaration. "Can I have Emily's number?" he blurted out, surprising everyone, including his best friend, Alex. Alex chuckled and playfully teased Robert with a gentle hit, acknowledging his friend's bold move.

The three girls stood there, stunned by Robert's straightforward request. Emily's face flushed with a mix of embarrassment and excitement. She stammered, trying to compose herself before responding, "Sure... I'd be happy to give you my number."

A sense of anticipation and curiosity hung in the air as the exchange unfolded, leaving everyone in a state of both surprise and intrigue. The connection between Alex and Cindy had brought the group closer, and now, it seemed that Emily and Robert might be embarking on their own journey of potential romance.

Robert extended his iPhone 13 Pro Max to Emily, who eagerly accepted it, her fingers gliding over the screen as she entered her number. With a bashful smile, she handed the phone back to Robert. "Thanks," he said, a hint of excitement in his voice. "I've sent you a hi sticker too."

Emily blushed and nodded, a flutter of anticipation in her chest. The group gathered on the court, their bodies glistening with sweat, taking sips from the bottles of water Cindy had brought. Alex and Robert savored the refreshing liquid, their breathing gradually returning to normal.

As the clock neared 5:30 p.m., Cindy glanced at Alex and Robert and remarked, "I think it's time for you two to change back into your regular clothes. The male changing room will close soon." Sarah nodded in agreement, adding, "And don't forget, you'll need to shower too."

Alex nodded, grateful for the reminder. "Actually," he confessed, "I don't usually shower at school. I just change back into my uniform." Cindy's eyes widened in surprise. "But you're covered in sweat!" she exclaimed. Robert chimed in, his voice laced with agreement. "It's because of the lack of partitions in the male shower area," he explained.

Emily and Sarah listened intently, their curiosity piqued. "Wait, there are no partitions?" Emily asked, her eyebrows furrowing in disbelief. Cindy confirmed it, adding that the female changing room had private shower stalls. Confusion filled their expressions as they tried to understand the reasoning behind the different setups.

Robert interjected, his voice filled with understanding. "The combined shower and toilet area prevents some lazy guys from urinating on the shower floor. It's a measure to maintain cleanliness and hygiene." The girls nodded, beginning to comprehend the rationale.

While acknowledging the practicality, Alex couldn't help but express his disagreement. "I still think there could be a better solution," he said, his tone determined. The girls bid their farewells, thanking Alex and Robert for the fantastic match and promising to see them the following day.

After bidding farewell to the girls, Alex and Robert walked together towards the male changing room. As they walked, Alex wiped the sweat off his face with his hand and teasingly asked Robert, "So, do you like Emily?"

Robert grinned like a playboy and replied, "She's cute, man."

Alex playfully continued to tease him as they approached the male locker room door. When they entered, the room was quiet and empty, with no other guys around. Alex headed towards the left side of the room to use the urinal, while Robert went to his locker to change.

As Alex stood at the urinal, he selected the one that was adhered to the wall, thinking it was the most private. He slowly pulled up the left side of his sports shorts, revealing his thigh and his penis, and began to hold it to pee. "Ahhh," he sighed with relief, as the stream of urine hit the urinal's metal surface, creating a sound that echoed in the quiet room.

Robert finished changing his socks and turned to Alex, still holding his penis at the urinal. "Looks like a broken dam, man," he chuckled.

Alex lifted his head from his penis and turned to his friend. "Maybe I drank too much water from Cindy," he said, boasting and smiling.

Robert teased him, "Oh yeah, you got a drink from your girl."

Alex shook his head, laughing, and replied, "No, man. It's not like that." He resumed holding his penis to finish peeing, and the sound of the stream gradually slowed and then stopped.

He shook his penis to get rid of any remaining urine, and let his shorts fall back down over his penis. He walked over to his locker to change clothes.

Robert playfully asked him if he really didn't want to take a shower, since they were the only two guys in the room now. He said that best friends should take a bath together, naked.

Alex rolled his eyes and replied that he would not shower there this time, but promised that they would do it next time. Robert smirked and teased him, "Or are you just shy to get naked with me?" Alex replied that it wasn't that, but he was just worried that other guys might come in.

Robert shrugged and grinned cheekily, "Okay, okay. Next time it is then." He reminded Alex not to forget his promise

Alex shook his head, amused by Robert's persistent desire to see him naked. He began to take off his shoes and jokingly said, "You really want to see me naked that badly, especially my dick?" He laughed, teasing his friend.

Robert had finished removing his socks and shoes and pulled up his shirt, revealing his toned white chest and six-pack abs. He smiled and replied, "Of course! Best friends always do that, I mean... bathe together. We've been best friends for two years, and we haven't even seen each other's dicks!"

Alex rolled his eyes playfully and started taking off his socks. "Didn't you always peek at my dick, huh?" he retorted, grinning. Robert burst into laughter and admitted, "That's true, but I mean... a full view of it." He added cheekily.

Alex smiled and replied, "Rob, you're such a pervert." Robert didn't deny it but grinned mischievously. "Or maybe you want to see mine now?" he said, pretending to pull down his shorts in front of Alex.

Alex exclaimed, "That's so ugly!" and quickly dismissed the idea. He suggested they save it for the next time they bathed together. He didn't want to see each other's sweaty, sticky penises with their messy hair after the intense workout.

Robert laughed and agreed, acknowledging that Alex's reasoning made sense. Alex turned to his locker and retrieved the key from his shorts to open it. However, when Robert went to open his locker, he exclaimed in surprise. Alex turned to face him and asked what had happened.

Robert revealed that his locker was already open, even before he used his key. Alex glanced at Robert's locker and sighed, "Maybe it's broken. What do you expect from a school that doesn't even have partitions in the male shower room?" His tone conveyed his disappointment.

Robert shrugged his shoulders and said, "Maybe you're right." As Alex turned back to his locker, he noticed Robert pulling down his sports shorts, preparing to change clothes. He quickly averted his gaze, focusing on pulling up his shirt. However, a few seconds later, he heard Robert exclaim again, this time in frustration, using a profanity.

Unable to resist, Alex turned to face his friend once more and saw Robert's bare white ass and his penis swaying between his legs. "Oh, Rob! You should hurry up and get dressed!" he exclaimed, trying not to focus on his friend's exposed private parts.

However, Robert seemed unfazed by the situation and appeared anxious as he hurriedly grabbed his uniform from the locker. Alex tried to ignore the protruding organ that was almost kick his eyes and looked at Robert's face. Concerned, he asked, "What happened, Rob?"

Robert replied, "My underwear isn't here." Alex's heart sank as he quickly went to his own locker and opened it. To his dismay, it was already unlocked and open, just like Robert's. He peered inside and realized that his school shirt and pants were there, but his underwear was missing.

Alex couldn't help but exclaim, "We've been played..."
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Chapter 6: the warning (Part1)

Alex sat in the bus on his way home, wearing his school uniform. However, there was one crucial detail missingβ€”he wasn't wearing any underwear. After discovering that their underwear had gone missing in the locker room, Alex and Robert had no choice but to wear their pants without any protection for their genitals. It was an uncomfortable situation, especially considering the rough texture of the school pants.

Alex tried to adjust his position in the seat, using his hand to pull the fabric of his pants away from his sensitive organ. The touch of the hard material against his penis tip caused tingling sensations and discomfort. As he readjusted himself, he noticed the confused glances and whispers of the people sitting around him on the bus. Ignoring their curious gazes, he focused on normalizing his posture and maintaining composure.

He took out his phone and saw a message from Robert, indicating that Robert had already arrived at his condo. Alex responded with a sticker and an "OK" emoji, informing Robert that he was still on the bus. Robert texted back, expressing how this was the worst situation of the month and criticizing the school for using such rough fabric that had left his penis tip red. Alex replied, jokingly saying how lucky Robert was to be home already, and that he would message him once he reached home. The act of texting while in motion made Alex's penis brush against the fabric again, exacerbating the uncomfortable sensation.

Alex closed his iPhone11 and glanced out of the window, trying to distract himself. He once again used his hand to pull the fabric away from his crotch, attempting to alleviate the discomfort. Thoughts raced through his mind, questioning who could have broken into their locker while they were playing bas and specifically targeted their underwear, leaving everything else untouched.

As Alex continued his bus journey, he couldn't help but feel a pang of envy towards Robert. With his parents being a surgeon and a dentist, Robert came from a wealthy background. He always seemed to have money for leisure activities and lived in a luxurious condominium near the school. Alex occasionally found himself jealous of Robert's financial stability, especially considering that his own family's income was only a fraction of Robert's.

With a sigh, Alex shifted in his seat once again, pulling his pants away from his crotch. He hoped to arrive home soon, away from prying eyes and the discomfort caused by the absence of underwear. Deep down, he remained puzzled by the strange incident in the locker room and couldn't shake off the feeling that someone had deliberately targeted their underwear.

Alex closed his eyes, hoping that the bus would reach his village bus stop soon. He tried to distract himself from the discomfort by recalling the pleasant moments he had spent with Cindy and her friends earlier. The way Robert had eagerly pursued Emily's number still amused him, but what surprised him even more was the unexpected sight of Robert's penis earlier in the locker room. The image of it swaying left and right remained ingrained in his mind, and he couldn't help but wonder if Robert felt the same way about seeing his private part. Perhaps Robert's shamelessness stemmed from his habit of sneaking glances while Alex was urinating.

Alex shrugged his shoulders, using his hand to once again pull his pants away from his crotch, attempting to find some relief. He couldn't deny that Robert was well-endowed, and it wasn't surprising that people considered both of them to be attractive. However, Alex couldn't help but think that his own penis was slightly longer. He chuckled to himself, realizing how absurd it was to compare such things without any self-consciousness.

He glanced out of the window, his eyes fixed on the passing scenery. Perhaps the next time they bathed together, things would become clearer. Alex wondered if his assumptions about himself and Robert would hold true or if they were merely products of his own imagination. Deep in thought, he contemplated the potential revelations that lay ahead and how they might affect his perception of himself and his relationship with Robert.

As the bus approached his village bus stop, Alex opened his eyes and prepared to disembark. He adjusted his pants one final time, trying to find a more comfortable position before stepping off the bus. The events of the day, from the missing underwear, had left him with a mix of emotions and unanswered questions. However, he couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for what the future held, both in terms of unraveling the mystery of the locker room incident and exploring the dynamics between him and Robert in a new light.

With a renewed sense of curiosity, Alex stepped off the bus and headed home, ready to face whatever lay ahead with an open mind and a willingness to discover the truth.

Alex came home, greeted his parents in the living room, and quickly made his way upstairs to his bedroom. He closed the door behind him and locked it, seeking some privacy. The discomfort caused by the rough fabric of his school pants was too much to bear, and he knew he needed a moment to relieve himself.

In his room, Alex wasted no time. He unbuckled his belt and swiftly pulled his pants down, freeing his penis from its confines. His member was semi-erect, and the skin appeared reddened from the friction. Alex let out a sigh of relief as the cool air of his room brushed against his exposed organ.

He sat on the chair, his gaze fixated on his reddened penis. With a gentle touch, he caressed it, feeling the lingering soreness. The sensations were a mix of discomfort and slight pleasure. Alex mumbled to himself, acknowledging that if he hadn't arrived home when he did, his penis might have swelled further.

He waited patiently, observing as his penis slowly returned to a relaxed state. Once the throbbing subsided, he stood up and began undressing further. Removing his shirt, he prepared himself for a much-needed shower to wash away the day's tension and discomfort.

After taking a quick shower and changing into comfortable pajamas, Alex headed downstairs for a swift dinner with his family. His dad asked about his day, and Alex responded casually, choosing not to mention the incident of coming home without underwear. He finished his meal swiftly and excused himself, eager to retreat to the privacy of his room.

Once inside, he settled on his bed and picked up his phone, intending to call Robert and discuss the events of the day. However, before he could dial the number, a notification caught his attention. It was a new message from an unknown number. Curiosity piqued, Alex opened the message, and his heart sank as he read its contents: "This is only a warning. Stop getting involved with Cindy and her friends, or there will be consequences."

A mix of confusion, anger, and concern swirled within Alex. Who could have sent such a message? And why were they targeting him and Robert specifically? Thoughts raced through his mind as he contemplated the possible motives behind the threatening text. Was it connected to the missing underwear? Could someone be trying to intimidate them, to keep them away from Cindy and her friends?

Feeling a sense of urgency, Alex attempted to reply to the message, but to his dismay, he discovered that the number had already blocked him. Frustration welled up inside him. He clenched his fists, contemplating the best course of action. Fear gnawed at him, but he was determined not to let it control him. He needed to confide in Robert

Alex, gripping his phone tightly, hastily dialed Robert's number. After a few rings, Robert's voice came through, filled with a mix of relief and concern. "Hey, Alex, you're already home, right?" he asked, his voice tinged with urgency.

Alex replied, his words rushed, "Yeah, I'm home. But listen, Robert, I just received a disturbing message on my phone. It's a warning telling us to stay away from Cindy and her friends. Have you gotten the same message?"

There was a brief pause on the other end of the line before Robert responded, his voice laced with worry, "Yeah, Alex, I got it too. I can't believe this is happening. Do you think it's related to the missing underwear?"

Alex's mind raced as he considered the connection. "It could be," he replied, furrowing his brow. "Someone wants to scare us, to keep us away from Cindy and her friends. But why? Who would go to such lengths?"

Robert's voice grew determined. "We can't let this intimidate us. We have to stay strong and figure out who's behind this. It's clear they want to create trouble for us, but we won't back down."

Alex nodded, his determination matching Robert's. "You're right, Robert. We can't let them control us. We need to find out who's responsible and put an end to this. But we have to be careful. They're playing dirty, and we can't afford to let our guard down."

As he spoke, Alex paced back and forth in his room, his mind racing with possible scenarios. Meanwhile, Robert's voice crackled through the phone, his frustration palpable. "I can't believe someone would stoop this low. We need to watch our backs, Alex. Stick together, and be wary of anyone who might be involved."

Alex stopped his pacing, a fire burning in his eyes. "Absolutely, Robert. We'll stay vigilant. And if anyone tries to threaten us or our friends, they'll soon realize they've picked the wrong fight."

The determination in their voices echoed through the phone, a silent pact forming between them. They would uncover the truth, expose those responsible, and protect themselves and their friends from further harm.

Robert chuckled at Alex's description of his swollen and red state, reminding him to take care of himself. Alex playfully rolled his eyes, retorting, "You take care of yourself first. You might be in the same boat as me."

Robert giggled and agreed, "Okay, okay, fair point." Then, a realization dawned on Robert as he remembered the incident earlier when Alex caught a glimpse of his naked penis. Alex mentioned how Robert didn't seem shy about it, and Robert laughed, saying, "Shy for what? Best friend's nude! And don't forget your promise to bathe together next time."

Alex rolled his eyes in response, saying, "I hope you remember the periodic table as well as you remember these kinds of stories." Robert burst into laughter, and Alex playfully teased him, asking if he had ever shown it to a girl. Blushing, Robert quickly replied, "Fuck! It's not the same! Girls is girls, and you and I are guys"

Alex smiled mischievously and remarked, "Hahaha, glad to hear you still have some shame left." Robert changed the subject, bringing their attention back to the pranks being played on them. "So, now we have someone pranking us. What do you think we should do about Cindy's gang?" he asked.

Alex paused for a moment, contemplating his response, before answering, "I think I actually like Cindy. What about you and Emily?" Robert chuckled and replied, "Emily is cute." Alex nodded, suggesting that they wouldn't play into their game and instead observe what Cindy's gang was capable of. They were determined to find out who was behind the pranks and establish that they had a real enemy now.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Alex and Robert vowed not to succumb to the texts' demands and to uncover the true identity of their tormentors. It seemed that they were facing a formidable challenge, but together, they felt confident that they could overcome it.

Robert excitedly exclaimed, "Oh! Emily just texted me! I'm going to chat with her. See you tomorrow at school, Mr. Big Gun!" He chuckled, teasing Alex. Alex simply smiled and replied, "Oh, you and Emily are moving faster than Cindy and me." Robert laughed and retorted, "Of course! Who wants to play a slow game like you two? Boring!" They both shared a laugh before bidding each other goodbye.
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