On here I don't particularly care about receiving unsolicited material, sure it's annoying just getting random shit filling up your inbox but it's easy enough to put a stop to. Being a site with a sexual theme it's pretty inevitable that people will show off, we have to remember that guys think we're all eagerly waiting for naked pictures of themselves
this is also an international site, different countries have different attitudes and cultures, certain behaviour will be treated differently in different parts of the world just as what's acceptable in one place won't be in another.
Just because we have a particular set of morals in western societies who are we to judge the morals and ways of a different culture.
I'm thick skinned and really doesn't bother me personally what I get sent into my inbox here if we're just talking about guys showing off, consensual sexual acts or whatever however I understand that others would take offence.
Social media, I don't bother with it anymore.
Sure I've had unsolicited stuff sent via Social media in the past but that's a result of being on sexual themed groups or pages, when I've been on different platforms my profile has never been openly public so have never experienced unexpected messages from people in that way, only from pages and groups which I took as a pinch of salt the same as I so here.
People whatever they're men or women using platforms to groom, stalk, harass bully share content without permission or be involved with anything to do with minors should be prosecuted, that's my polite answer. Personally I'd see some these predators swing for their crimes!
How can we control or police it? Well that's beyond me, from what I hear Social media platforms are getting the message however I imagine it's a costly exercise so I don't expect miracles when big businesses are more concerned about their profits. My kids use tiktok which out of any of them is my biggest worry, seems a lot goes on on there that shouldn't. Last I knew tiktok was run by a company in China so how that can be policed I have no idea, all we can do is put in place the latest security measures for our kids, educate them etc.