Online Sexual Harassment

things like being called “girls” When we are grown up women?
I swear to you I gave thought about using "girls" hahaha I read your sentence " "girls [sic] all want " and thought: "Is it legal to use this word now?" But I just noticed that I did not pay attention to the context in which it was inserted.

What is the word in English that acts as a good intermediary between "woman" and "girl"? "Woman" sounds so formal to my ear.
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I swear to you I gave thought about using "girls" hahaha I read your sentence " "girls [sic] all want " and thought: "Is it legal to use this word now?" But I just noticed that I did not pay attention to the context in which it was inserted.

What is the word in English that acts as a good intermediary between "woman" and "girl"? "Woman" sounds so formal to my ear.

women, young women (think teenagers to 20 somethings), girls are of minor age.
There’s ladies, which is really easy to make condescending, gals sort of fills the role that “guys” does.
Women will do. Female is an adjective, describing a noun. Female cats. Female clothing.
It’s fine to use males/females in a nature documentary way. “The females in the pride hunt and feed the cubs.”

In the US, girl also is a diminutive and derogatory term for Black women. Much like calling an adult boy. It is meant to hurt, to denigrate.
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I hope you've found a solution to your issue. It's unfortunate that some people just don't respect boundaries online. Social media companies definitely need to step up and tackle this problem, especially when it comes to protecting vulnerable users like kids on Instagram. Speaking of online safety, you might want to check out the post on how to deal with online blackmail. It shares many helpful insights for all types of situations and could offer some valuable tips. The solution, in my opinion, involves a combination of stricter regulations, reporting mechanisms, and educating users about online safety.
Men should just keep their mouths shut. Yet, these days, I'm sure women are just as harassed by other women as men are harassed by other men.

Now, with modern times, who knows who you will be harassed by?
Men should just keep their mouths shut. Yet, these days, I'm sure women are just as harassed by other women as men are harassed by other men.

Now, with modern times, who knows who you will be harassed by?
Nothing to do with modern times. Men flash women in the most unexpected places. It happened to me before I got online and it still happens. And guys who look like people you wouldn’t imagine doing it.

Men have always harassed women, social media is a new way to do it.
I get many disgusting messages and of course dickpics. It enrages me so bad, i'm becoming quite irrational even. It resulted in me being banned several times on dating apps. The things i'm really thinking in my head about those guys better stay in my head because it's bad.
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Having spend enough time on social media and dating apps I guess I have gotten used this kind of thing. Not saying it's okay, but it's reality. Perhaps online it's worse, but it's the same thing when you go out clubbing. To me it's just a part of the dating game and it doesn't really bother me that much. I know a lot of other women see it differently and will see it as harrasment. I'm not sure social media platforms are the solution here, because the problem is bigger than that. I think this all starts with how kids are raised. That means parents, teachers and society as a whole should be part of the solution.

As for pedophiles: that's a completely different story and social media platforms should take their responsibility for issues like that.
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@samanthaDee good get those fuck heads busted. I cant stand married people chasing other people’s attention behind their spouse. Respect those vows that was said and lock in with your better or worse partner.
Sadly it's the internet, it happens .best you can do it is delete it and block them if possible
Idiots will be idiots

I'm not saying I do this... But that's not all you can do. People who fuck around and flash people digitally don't consider the fact that some people they piss off might be capable of finding them. Some people don't bother calling the cops, they come knock on your door and make you regret hitting send.

I don't advocate violence. I don't solve my problems with violence. But I'm not ignorant or naive. People willy nilly sending pics of their willy nilly are playing digital roulette. Not a game I'd ever partake in.

Moral of the story, don't think with your dick. Don't show your pisser if it wasn't specifically consented to. For your safety.
This is not internet but!ling , My Transgender GF of six years was raped by 4 milk fed , lap dog , scum sucking ,ass holes, they beat her so bsd she lost an dye from it from kicking in the head , She had 3 broken ribs , and anel tearing that was severe . They stole her car , thats how they were cought , the DA did not press charges, said no witnesses , after sinking into very deep depression and on pills For it , so bad I didn't dare try and hold her , she would shake and cry , we ended up in superstore bed rooms , When I was away on business , She took a full bottle of Xanax , and took her life , my world died that day too , I know who these cowards are , I,have their addresses. Two are married ,, with enough money any information can be bought ,, I'm not saying I'm going to do any thing rash , but , time is on my side
We can’t block here, except in private messages. So they harass in other ways: stalking your posts, your page…
We are also here to help. We have zero tolerance for any harassment. You can always report the person (please add context) or simply dm me.
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