It's probably time to update this, and I'd say to start off, so many OF accounts are basically not worth it, because you subscribe only to have them not post regularly, or post the same thing they do on Twitter, or bait you to pay extra for not-great films, etc. Also, some of the accounts just post lots of "Friends" clips, which they get a little financial boost from. You may think someone with 300 posts is posting a lot of their own clips, but in fact some are like 200-250 of these "friends" ads, which use formulaic language, etc. and then the minority of posts by the OF account you're subscribing to.
So I'd say I don't ever subscribe to an OF account that doesn't have a Twitter feed that let's me see what they might post (if they never post nudes on Twitter and don't explicitly say they will on OF, you won't get nudes). If the Twitter feed looks crappy (bad filming, etc.), avoid the OF. If the TWitter feed is all solos, you're probably only going to get solos. If the Twitter feed shows the person's duos or orgies are all listed under someone else's OF page, that's what you'll get. Also, if they have a JFF and OF and don't regularly show both, they may be posting more to JFF.
If you cannot figure out a person's Twitter account based on their OF account, just copy the OF URL and then put it into Twitter's search bar. Usually the linked Twitter account will pop up. I don't trust people's IG accounts to let me know what's on their OF page because IG does not allow any nudity, so you have no idea what you might really get on OF.
Last 2 points:
1) if an OF page tells me they're not going to post regularly, or are quitting or leaving, I'd unsubscribe right away.
2) Others may have said this already so forgive me for repeating it, BUT: if you've already subscribed to someone then stop subscribing and are debating whether to resubscribe, OF shows you how many posts they've posted since you last subscribed. So if you subscribed to X in 2019 then stopped in June 2019, it'll show you that they only posted 10 times since then (i.e. in almost 3 years). Meanwhile, if you subscribed to Y in 2020, then stopped in October 2021, and they've posted 99+ times (the max OF will show), you know they're an active poster, and you might want to resubscribe. OF should show you how frequently everyone posts, not just after you've quite following them OR for the few people who let you see their dated posts but not what's in them.