Onlyfans Pages That Aren't Worth It.

hunglalawyer's OnlyFans has approx 12 feature-length videos on his page, everything else is a preview for a PPV. So, as of 8-Sep-2024, there are 63 videos on his page, only 1/5 of them are really of any substance. The rest are teasers to purchase said PPVs. [Perhaps art imitates life, and videos like solicitor's time, are charged in 15 minute blocks!]

It's a shame, as he's verbal in his videos and does a fair bit of name-calling and roleplay.

Welp it's official, Onlyfans is trash.

There were 2 videos I couldn't access and instead of giving me a refund for the 2 videos I no longer have access to, Onlyfans want to say "Nope. You watched it once and that's enough to forfeit your refund when the content creator goes against TOS."

Mind you, if I went against TOS, they would have said so, instead of giving the whole "we need to protect the 3rd party's privacy" nonsense response.

If they are going to pull this nonsense, then they need to allow us to download content or give us a refund. Why penalize the customer when it was the employee that messed up?!
