Video Openly Gay Men Trying And Experimenting With Str8/bi/ftm Porn! Some For The Very First Time.

Is Justin Jett gay or bi, seems a little contradictory.
From Justin Jett:
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I think he was correcting the generalization made in the tweet he replied saying he has bisexual followers too and he needs to entertain them too regardless of the money
justin jett are bi, that's why he stand for bi people. but he hide it just like other gay pornstar. he used to wrote "bi" on his insta bio then he deleted. but still had those pronouns he/him/his/she. duh. beside, his circle like billy essex, big liam, and other straight lads.

Here is a screen shot if it has been seen already, it's a message that Kaden hylls sent me dm on jff when I asked about fucking woman. He had to use drugs to be able and the straight guy had to use drugs to fuck him while Kaden was fucking the straight guys girlfriend. Check it out, he is really a disgusting person.
BULLSHIT, he's bi and liked pussy yet still claimed gay tf. and guess what? kaden split with his husband last year, you can tell who's the problem. feel sorry for the husband (had depression and anxiety). anyway their lifestyle only for drugs, party, and sex everyfuckingday.
from Riley mitchel :
Nah dude, he's bi but claimed gay and hide it like a pussy. Even his dick hard af rather than Tony genius when he fuck woman on his new biphoria scene. he's married to a dude. What kind of husband watched his partner had sex with woman?! porn world are so fucked lol. Even he praised and defend g4pay/gay who fucked woman, he's such an asshole. many people met him on a person and he's such a jerk. Riley will fuck pussy again and again, so don't post him on these thread. toxic and waste your time.
