Video Openly Gay Men Trying And Experimenting With Str8/bi/ftm Porn! Some For The Very First Time.

Was this bitch on some kind of mission to fuck every gay porn star of that decade or something?
She was one of the go to porn actresses to be paired with gay men who wanted to try a woman for the first time, Sharon and Chi Chi Larue are close friends which explains why she's in so many of Chi Chi's movies. Chi Chi Larue also paid lots of gay men to go the extra mile to do a few str8/bi movies. Gay men who have filmed with Sharon Kane felt comfortable around her because she's a tomboy, the same is said of porn actress Sharon Mitchell who also did scenes with gay men.
Can we just enjoy the godamnmm porn instead of speculating on whose openly bisexual or not gay or some shit stop ruining the fantasy!!!!!!!!

Figuring out who is actually gay or not is literally the entire point of the thread!