But at the end of the day sex isn't sexuality, the former is an action, the latter is an attraction. I cut my time between Nigeria and the states and if I tell you the amount of gay men over here married to women, you will be surprised and mind you, they never starve their wives of sex, infact, a wife of one was telling one of her friends how great her hubby is in bed and is really demanding not knowing the man has a double life with his Serbian lover and he's planning for divorce next month, he's also running away and taking the kids with him to Canada to marry his man, I just wanted to blurt it out to her but it's none of my busines, gay men marrying women in Nigeria is ingrained in the culture. What am I saying? A gay man sleeps with women because he "needs" to, be it to protect himself, for money and attention like pornstars do or just curious, at the end of the day, they can never form romantic or deep emotional relationships with these women, they can never never leave the ugliest man for the most beautiful woman.
Maybe it's because I see this way to often so i'm used to it, that's why It doesn't phase me because its just sex