Other boards for young people?


Expert Member
Oct 6, 2002
Palm Springs, CA
99% Gay, 1% Straight
Occasionally, I receive messages from members who say they're uncomfortable with the fact that there are people under 18 years old who participate on the board. I get the impression that they believe that the LPSG is doing something out of the ordinary by "allowing" sexually-explicit discussions to occur between adults and minors.

My guess is that there are many other boards about sex and sexuality that are either targeted to young people or have a large percentage of members who are under 18. Can anyone name a few of them? I'm not looking for pictures; I'm just looking for other boards that allow young people to talk about their sexuality.

There are a few. The one that leaps immediately to mind is http://jackinworld.com .

Allowing those under 18 is out of the ordinary, but it's part of what makes this site so valuable. Many teenagers have a lot of questions, but no idea where to turn. LPSG provides a place where they can interract with those who have been there as well as those are going through it now. Knowing that one is not alone is a very important thing to a teenager. Of course, it should go without saying that those under 18 should not be going into the galleries or posting naked pictures in their posts, and those of age should not look to recruit underage members for pic trading. Posts like "I'm 15 and have a huge cock. Who wants to see it on cam?" bother me. We shouldn't encourage such illegal activity ... and it IS illegal. I'm sure there are those out there who would love any excuse to cause a problem for sites like this one; let's not hand them ammo. But honest discussion with those who have honest questions is not something that I find objectionable. I would, however, like it if a new member were required to fill out his profile. Things like age and location can be very helpful in certain situations.
Originally posted by DoubleMeatWhopper@May 14 2005, 02:58 PM
There are a few. The one that leaps immediately to mind is http://jackinworld.com .

Allowing those under 18 is out of the ordinary, but it's part of what makes this site so valuable. Many teenagers have a lot of questions, but no idea where to turn. LPSG provides a place where they can interract with those who have been there as well as those are going through it now. Knowing that one is not alone is a very important thing to a teenager. Of course, it should go without saying that those under 18 should not be going into the galleries or posting naked pictures in their posts, and those of age should not look to recruit underage members for pic trading. Posts like "I'm 15 and have a huge cock. Who wants to see it on cam?" bother me. We shouldn't encourage such illegal activity ... and it IS illegal. I'm sure there are those out there who would love any excuse to cause a problem for sites like this one; let's not hand them ammo. But honest discussion with those who have honest questions is not something that I find objectionable. I would, however, like it if a new member were required to fill out his profile. Things like age and location can be very helpful in certain situations.
[post=311024]Quoted post[/post]​

Thanx for the post,DMW. I know that this site has helped me alot. I'm always learning something when I check out all the threads. I think that it's so cool that younger people can ask questions & get great answers.
Originally posted by DoubleMeatWhopper@May 14 2005, 02:58 PM
Posts like "I'm 15 and have a huge cock. Who wants to see it on cam?" bother me. We shouldn't encourage such illegal activity ... and it IS illegal.
[post=311024]Quoted post[/post]​

Yeah, I think all the other minors here should know that, that's something you do not want to do. You can get others into an unbelievable amount of trouble. It's not that hard having to wait a few years, really.

And I think if they're mature enough to FIND this place, then I'm sure there's no problem with the content, y'know? They're just looking for honest answers to some important questions.

All the other serious sex message boards I've seen are all filled with threads along the lines of "OMGF I TINK IM PREGNAANT!@$@$4444" also I could never bring myself to ask any questions having to do with issues of size, because it would feel a bit out of place, I dunno. And I can picture people replying and accusing you of lying/bragging/looking for attention. :\

All-in-all the atmosphere here is a very comfortable one.
Originally posted by masta@May 15 2005, 04:08 AM
But, why don't some guy's like teenagers on LPSG?
[post=311193]Quoted post[/post]​

Some prolly don't trust themselves, if ya get my drift. Others are a little more conservative than the rest of us, and like, think that "kids" shouldn't be on a site that talks about penis.

Oh, and to answer yer question, you could always direct them here: http://forums.govteen.com/
There used to be a site called All About Sex, which encouraged youth to write about their experiences, ask questions and get responses. It was obvious that the owners had an agenda, in that they seemed always to be referring to 'sex: it's okay' no matter what your age, and tended to blast parents who did not agree.

Then there's Dr. Drew (is he still around?) His forum's unmoderated, judging from the childish goings-on.

LPSG, however, has the advantage of sincere, mature men and women who, without agendas or ulterior motives, can and do advise, commiserate with and support the youth who post here. We discourage lawbreaking no matter what the age of the poster and I think we do a pretty good job at enforcing the Board's standards.

Sure, we try to make youth feel good about themselves but we aren't beyond giving a scolding to those who deserve it.

Keep the youngsters here, Mark. They need us. We need them.
I agree with what Pecker and DMW have said. Had there beena place like this for me whan I was in my teenage years, I think it would have been invaluable in easing some of my awkward moments due to being hung AND my years of sexual confusion. There are members of the board older than I (Max, IAthick, Pecker) who have helped me as an adult. Simply stated--the ability to interact and share the wisdom of older men is priceless.

What would be nice is if we could some how mark the posts/user names of underage members. I have no problem with their being here. I am wary however, that I may say something or share something sexual or pornographic with a minor unknowingly. If their user names were RED or something--similar to how most states make your photo a different direction on your driver's permit--that would be very helpful.
Going back to Mark's original question, I am a moderator at the forum at AfraidToAsk (general site http://www.afraidtoask.com, forum http://www.afraidtoask.com/BBoard/index.html), which is open to people of all ages and gives advice on sex and relationship and medical issues. The majority of members are in fact teens, since they have more questions. Pornographic pictures are not allowed, but there is a strong free speech policy as far as text goes. Occasionally people who come with bad motives have to be chased off, but so far it has worked pretty well.