Overwhelmed (first ever internet forum post)

So I asked her (via text) ok this is what I texted:

So remember our night the day after the festival. Is that why you suggested I post on the website? Just curious and just wanted to make sure I didn't do anything weird/wrong/unsexy/etc.

Is that a dumb text? Probably lol But it's sent so too late now! I will update this post when she replies! 😰And now to distract myself so I don't drive myself crazy :joy:

Also... THANK YOU to everyone for the warm welcome and for the valuable information you have all shared. The forum is really fun and even somewhat addicting! I did not think I'd enjoy it as much as this.

Yours truly,
Daniel 🎸
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Hi everyone, I hope everyone is doing well!

So she texted me back and uh lol... yeah there was no pain for her when we were intimate, so that's number one. I'm very relieved as she said

"no no no, no pain at all except for the next day but that's a good pain"

So then (seemingly out of nowhere) she text "your cock is amazing" lol I'm like wtf for real? She said yes. We texted about some other things and then I said "So like... amazing how? In what way?" To this, she left me on read for what seemed like an eternity :joy: but then she text back this:

"cut, perfect size, and tastes awesome"

😯🤯 I had no idea what to say cuz I'm stupid so I said "Wow well thank you and I'm glad to hear you had a good time" 🤦‍♂️ Her reply to that was "lmao"