Owen Lindberg

He also doesn’t like labels because that would mean he would have to own up to being gay. Saying “I’m not into labels” is a chicken shit way of avoiding the question. He’s gay. He lived with a lover in NYC for years. The guy ended it with him, he ran to Miami and has been doing d-grade quasi porn and escorting to pay the bills Ever since. I know him, we have some of the same friends and he’d fuck his mom over for a buck. He’s pretty—borderline bony these days because of his eating disorder—but he’s a backstabber like you would not believe.
Who was this lover that he lived with? He just comes across as a straight guy who does anything for money. I don’t think he’s say.
He also doesn’t like labels because that would mean he would have to own up to being gay. Saying “I’m not into labels” is a chicken shit way of avoiding the question. He’s gay. He lived with a lover in NYC for years. The guy ended it with him, he ran to Miami and has been doing d-grade quasi porn and escorting to pay the bills Ever since. I know him, we have some of the same friends and he’d fuck his mom over for a buck. He’s pretty—borderline bony these days because of his eating disorder—but he’s a backstabber like you would not believe.
What are his rates ?