Owen Lindberg

He said a N word, a casual and glorified version of it, one which every kid in America hears in all their music and sings along to every single day. Breaking News! They’re not racists either. They’re just not woke. You’re taking this way out of context, because you’re drunk on trying to cancel any hot guy you don’t like on social media.

The funny thing is, you are exactly like Owen :laughing: Neither of you are racists, but both of you are too dumb and afraid to admit you were wrong.

I've never said I want him cancelled in fact I have said that it is wrong for people to be calling his agency and trying to get him cancelled.

And also you say we won't admit we are wrong even though everything me and @rl_26a is true.
But you won't even think for one second that maybe just maybe Owen might have at least a little bit of hate inside of him.
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But you won't even think for one second that maybe just maybe Owen might have at least a little bit of hate inside of him.
Uh, because he’s not a racist.
But thank you for posting pics of him instead of trying to cancel him out of stubborn spite.
Uh, because he’s not a racist.
But thank you for posting pics of him instead of trying to cancel him out of stubborn spite.
OK we will clearly never see eye to eye on the racism issue

But will you at least agree that Owen is at the very very least incredibly stupid and a massive idiot.
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OK we will clearly never see eye to eye on the racism issue

But will you at least agree that Owen is at the very very least incredibly stupid and a massive idiot.
Oh I’ve said it from the start - he’s dumb as a box of dumb found at the bottom of Dumb Ocean! Lol But he doesn’t hate or fear Blacks or any other non-whites
OK we will clearly never see eye to eye on the racism issue

But will you at least agree that Owen is at the very very least incredibly stupid and a massive idiot.

‘How the f*ck do you know that? Who the fuck are you?

I am trained to access IQ. There’s all sorts of intelligences, including the kinesthetic scales. From the looks of his beautiful body, I’d venture to say he’s a genius on that front. Unless you have access to a recent WAIS-IV report on this young stud, you and your buddy below have zero right to make that sort of judgement on him (or anyone else).

‘For your reference: Are You a Bodily-Kinesthetic Learner?
‘How the f*ck do you know that? Who the fuck are you?

I am trained to access IQ. There’s all sorts of intelligences, including the kinesthetic scales. From the looks of his beautiful body, I’d venture to say he’s a genius on that front. Unless you have access to a recent WAIS-IV report on this young stud, you and your buddy below have zero right to make that sort of judgement on him (or anyone else).

‘For your reference: Are You a Bodily-Kinesthetic Learner?

Hello Owen
try decaf next time OK sweetie
And just because someone has a nice body does not mean they are smart.
‘How the f*ck do you know that? Who the fuck are you?

I am trained to access IQ. There’s all sorts of intelligences, including the kinesthetic scales. From the looks of his beautiful body, I’d venture to say he’s a genius on that front. Unless you have access to a recent WAIS-IV report on this young stud, you and your buddy below have zero right to make that sort of judgement on him (or anyone else).

‘For your reference: Are You a Bodily-Kinesthetic Learner?
This comment was a lot
Do you mean this Levi Conely - close friend of GLAAD board member Anthony Watson, one of the most activist gay men in the world? Here’s from Anthony’s feed today. I think I’ll trust his judgment over a pack of anonymous haters lol
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Hi @Sam Gomez. Look at the date on those tweets. Then look at the date today. Did you grow at all from when you were 14?
Did you see the part were they went from 2014 into 2017? Or how his current behavior has yet to show any apology or even an indication of growth?
Can people grow? Yes.
Has he? As of yet, no.
Hi @Sam Gomez. Look at the date on those tweets. Then look at the date today. Did you grow at all from when you were 14?

Most of us weren't racist, homophobic pieces of garbage at 14.