Owen Lindberg

All this gallantry over somebody who wouldn’t look in your direction without charging a fee is hilarious. If you’re so obsessed with this literal piece of ass, save up some money and book him. This isn’t Moulin Rogue, you’re not going to “save” him through the power of true love.

Wouldn't Pretty Woman be a better analogy?
He escorts for both men & women, if you want evidence, just message him yourself with a good price lol
If women really do book him I hope they aren't expecting sex just eye candy considering how hard of a time he had getting an erection in his straight porn.
It is so funny that gays will watch and jerk off to porn and then see them in person call them dirty whores and then when no one is looking offer money to be with them. they like to judge them for making money from their body but go to a glory whole and suck so ugly guys dick for free.
It is so funny that gays will watch and jerk off to porn and then see them in person call them dirty whores and then when no one is looking offer money to be with them. they like to judge them for making money from their body but go to a glory whole and suck so ugly guys dick for free.
It’s funnier that this guy can be an arrogant, obstinate asshole and end up being a hole for hire. I mean, it’s fucking poetic. It also makes sense that he’d pull that racist shit, because people who feel degraded in their own lives look for ways to degrade others.

[Relevant side note: I have nothing against sex workers of any stripe and don’t believe anyone SHOULD feel degraded by doing sex work.]
It’s funnier that this guy can be an arrogant, obstinate asshole and end up being a hole for hire. I mean, it’s fucking poetic. It also makes sense that he’d pull that racist shit, because people who feel degraded in their own lives look for ways to degrade others.

[Relevant side note: I have nothing against sex workers of any stripe and don’t believe anyone SHOULD feel degraded by doing sex work.]

Maybe something happened to him or has deeper problems and this is his way of acting out? also can's blame someone for being an a-hole or arrogant when people ogle him like he is Michelangelo's David, and will do anything to kiss his feet. people can make mistakes and learn from them with out being canceled.
Maybe something happened to him or has deeper problems and this is his way of acting out? also can's blame someone for being an a-hole or arrogant when people ogle him like he is Michelangelo's David, and will do anything to kiss his feet. people can make mistakes and learn from them with out being canceled.
Has he shown that he learned from what he did? Or even apologized for it? Or for playing the victim once he got blowback? No? Oh, okay. And you absolutely can blame someone for being an asshole when they act out. It’s possible to understand where someone is coming from and still call them out for the shit that they pull. Do you hold the people in your life accountable when they do something wrong? Or do you yes-man them to death so they don’t leave you?
I'm beyond sick of the nasty people on this thread who just keep bashing Owen and saying the same stuff over and over again. Most people, I mean, most people who actually have a life, come to this thread to enjoy Owen's physical beauty. I don't think anyone comes here to see if he has written a book about his philosophy of life or to find reasons to nominate him for the Nobel Peace Prize. On a site dedicated to helping its members wank off to photos of hot guys, it is bizarre to read members posting about virtue as though they were Mother Theresa or Mahatma Gandhi or something. The posts of the Owen bashers are repetitious, boring, and lacking completely in imagination or creativity. Why don't you bitter, middle aged queens go start a thread in one of the chat sections, "Why Owen Lindberg is Bringing About The Collapse of Western Civilization," and spew out your venom there? I promise you, none of Owen's fans who frequents this thread will miss any of your nasty, long-winded, and pointless posts! Now you can start attacking my post and throw viscous comments at me, but I am sorry, sometimes the truth hurts!
Is anybody having trouble commenting in some threads and jerking off to others? ‘Cause I’m not. Sometimes I comment in and jerk off to the same ones. Anyway, all this tension is turning me on so I’m gonna go back and jerk off to our subject parting his cheeks and rubbing his hole.
It is so funny that gays will watch and jerk off to porn and then see them in person call them dirty whores and then when no one is looking offer money to be with them. they like to judge them for making money from their body but go to a glory whole and suck so ugly guys dick for free.
Why u coming for the gays like they the only ones that do it when straights have been doing it since the beginning of time every group does it and that's not okay but why calling out gays like they the only ones that do it?