Paul Sarantos - SarantosFitness

Here in Brazil, you can make good money with OnlyFans because the real is devalued. But in the US? Meh... I think that for him, an OnlyFans account doesn't pay much from a financial point of view. Besides that, he seems to be the type of guy who thinks he will achieve some moment of fame one day (like that video that went viral). I believe he won't want to "dirty" his image as a traditional family man or something like that.
If you scroll through his Instagram feed back to mid-2022, you'll find some pretty suggestive videos. In one of them, he shows what he eats in a day for bulking, and he appears several times in his underwear. I could look for it, but he blocked me. I hope he doesn't delete the video (he reads everything posted here about him, you know, right?)
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If you scroll through his Instagram feed back to mid-2022, you'll find some pretty suggestive videos. In one of them, he shows what he eats in a day for bulking, and he appears several times in his underwear. I could look for it, but he blocked me. I hope he doesn't delete the video (he reads everything posted here about him, you know, right?)
He’s seriously the worst kind of guy. Dying for attention and being gay bait then block people. He was def the nerdy guy who peaked way late and didn’t get a ton of chicks. Bet his wife is prob one of the handful of chicks he’s been with.
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He’s seriously the worst kind of guy. Dying for attention and being gay bait then block people. He was def the nerdy guy who peaked way late and didn’t get a ton of chicks. Bet his wife is prob one of the handful of chicks he’s been with.
You sound so jealous. A high school athlete with 2 great-looking athlete brothers who all became college athletes and then he went on to be semi-pro with his brother and has an engineering degree and is a model/spokesman for a local fashion brand. He has never gaybaited (once again, a hot guy being proudly hot but not cyber fucking you isn't gaybaiting).
You sound so jealous. A high school athlete with 2 great-looking athlete brothers who all became college athletes and then he went on to be semi-pro with his brother and has an engineering degree and is a model/spokesman for a local fashion brand. He has never gaybaited (once again, a hot guy being proudly hot but not cyber fucking you isn't gaybaiting).
Sorry—didn’t know Paul was paying you.

Not jealous at all but it’s very clear. Never said that he was a terrible human being but he’s clearly gay baiting. I have had plenty of personal convos with him and even have an exclusive video of him where he is being very sexual purposely that he gifted to me before he started his OnlyFans. Not to mention he knew I was a man, so tell me if that’s not gay baiting. The dude knows who his audience is.