Paul Sarantos - SarantosFitness

I wasn't aware he posted anything

I think they are referring the Americana pic post advertising his program disguised as “Vote for”. It’s not a trump post.

If you followed him during the pandemic you knew he was going to vote for trump. I’m glad he has self awareness and didn’t push any MAGA preaching throughout the election. He knows his audience now and seems slightly mindful. Guess OF made him realize how big he was with gays.
I think they are referring the Americana pic post advertising his program disguised as “Vote for”. It’s not a trump post.

If you followed him during the pandemic you knew he was going to vote for trump. I’m glad he has self awareness and didn’t push any MAGA preaching throughout the election. He knows his audience now and seems slightly mindful. Guess OF made him realize how big he was with gays.
Does OF give sexual orientation/demographic metrics to content creators?
if he is I can see why he has so many kids!! Man is hanging even soft!
He’s posted several thirst traps on Instagram with a prominent flopping bulge and with half boners over the years I’ve followed him... He’s def hung and I wish he would just show a hard cock 🤤
I think they are referring the Americana pic post advertising his program disguised as “Vote for”. It’s not a trump post.

If you followed him during the pandemic you knew he was going to vote for trump. I’m glad he has self awareness and didn’t push any MAGA preaching throughout the election. He knows his audience now and seems slightly mindful. Guess OF made him realize how big he was with gays.
He actually says in the post he dislikes Trump, but also makes it clear he's a centrist who probably doesn't vote. He believes elections are divisive and that the president doesn't affect people's lives.
I unfollowed him after his Trump post, but I still wanna see the dick and I’m sure y’all will hunt that down and share here.
He says he’s independent and not a trump supporter cause “he lost too”. But it’s like okay did you vote for Jill stein bc you’re part of the problem. Also, it just wasn’t a good move telling people to essentially get over the election bc it “most likely will not effect you.” Does he even know what issues were on the ballot?!
Not sure if he’s hard but he def positioned his d that way. If you’re gonna go thru lengths of editing and thirst trapping in the name of “health” just bring the OF back. He’d def make millions now with people missing his absence. His content honestly wasn’t that much different than his gym posts imo.
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