Very nice cock
Mine is in my album
In my experience i believe the absolute average girth to be somewhere in the 5.25in range (give or take a little). I'm 4.5in in girth which makes me thinner than 93% of all penises that I've compared with and I've compared with somewhere around 900. I'm also longer than about 85% to 90% of them and to me that is a definition of a pencil dick.
How about mine?
Oof. I think I definitely fit in here. Since I started comparing it's been pretty hard to find dicks thinner than mine around the internet. I've got some decent girth near the base but I think I dip past 4.5 when you go past mid shaft. I'm kinda nervous about it sometimes and seeing how thick most of the site is can really be a sucker punch.
Here’s mine 5.7 inches not sure girth. Any guesses?