Penis glans. The manly penis.

To me, a truly masculine penis is the kind that is strong and thick, the kind that makes you uncontrollably horny the second you see it, and would make the most masculine men submit to it. The kind of penis that has a sense of authority and confidence.







Corté el frenillo por la mitad con unas tijeras afiladas después de sumergir el pene en agua helada durante 5 minutos. Hoy usaría el ungüento EMLA como anestesia. Hay algo de sangrado, no entres en pánico. Para evitar que los extremos del frenillo volvieran a crecer juntos, coloqué un rollo de gasa esterilizada en la herida y cerré el prepucio. Al vendarme, me aseguré de que todavía pudiera orinar. A la mañana siguiente el sangrado había cesado. Después de una semana pude volver a masturbarme. Después de la curación, también corté los restos del frenillo en el glande y en el interior del prepucio con unas tijeras. Hoy usaría el método de encuadernación para quitar el frenillo. Todo lo que necesitas hacer es pasar una aguja a través del frenillo en la base y tirar de un hilo duradero. A continuación, se anuda fuertemente el hilo y, al cabo de unos días, se corta el frenillo sin sangrar. Por cierto, nunca tuve ningún problema y todavía estoy muy contento con el resultado de hoy. No noté ninguna pérdida emocional. No se pierde ninguna sensación cuando se retira el frenillo. El área alrededor del frenillo es más sensible que el propio frenillo. Puedo hacerlo desde mi propia experiencia.:)
To me, a truly masculine penis is the kind that is strong and thick, the kind that makes you uncontrollably horny the second you see it, and would make the most masculine men submit to it. The kind of penis that has a sense of authority and confidence.
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Well that one definitely fits the bill, no question! FUCK!
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I think having a visually "manly" penis has nothing to do with the head being exposed. I think it has more to do with how it hangs. I think a heavy looking, meaty phallus, cut or not, is more manly. It's also how big the balls are and how they hang as well.

I have always had a thinner shaft and my balls are almost always pulled up tight. It always seems more boyish to me displayed that way.
agreed. big, low balls.
I am curious as to what you think a manly penis is or what masculinity means to you in terms of the penis. I am 24 years old and young I would say. I have a foreskin that covers my head completely. I have always been fascianted by a man's adult penis. Where the penis head has been exposed and left to peek outside the foreskin. I think a bare head (circumcised or not) is really manly and part of masculinity. Am I the only one with these thoughts. Do you also tend to think an exposed head is the goal every man desier? I think the most sexy thing is a man with a foreskin but choosing to leave the head exposed.
I am still fairly young and I would love to hear from others around my age or dudes up to 40ish.

This is maby just a kink aswell because I am in no need shaming foreskin or people who keep it covered, I do that aswell. But I tend to think I am still a "child" or have a kid's penis at time. I don't know if this comes across right. If I find the man attractive I do not care about foreskin or not, I like both and I like dick's with covered head's aswell. This is more of a general thing. In media and art you always see the penis with the exposed head you rarely see people draw and refer to ones penis with the forskin covered. I also share pics if asked around my age and comparing.
Interesting question, hotter than the many irrelevant dick picks send after this lol

So uncut here, but I'm really into cut guys. Especially Muslims, in Europe that the only cut guys you'll see. I know that for them being cut is the way you become a man. One my Muslim friend told me that I had a "boy" dick, cause I was uncut. So having their glans on display when they fuck a girl is for them a very manly symbol I guess.

I also know that due to the fact their glans is on display, they don't like being in communal shower with uncut guys. I trapped a Muslim friend by taking him to a sport club were I know that shower were communal and he get a lot of jokes from other dude about his head on display. For me a cut cock is not more masculine, it's more exposed. The head is the most intimate part of the male body, no one should see it except your sexual partner.

I also think that the balls are a neglected part of the male anatomy but for me big balls are the most manly thing of the genitals. That what make a man a man, produce testosterone, sperm, smell. So seeing a big pair of balls in the locker is really exciting for me.