Philippe Soulier

Best case scenario would be he fucks a lot of different men (hopefully twinks) and finally bottoms so everyone can shut the fuck up about it.
Worst case is the men he fucks are mid to average range in looks and the REALLY bad camera angles ruin everything.
MEN at the moment is in a drought of attractive men and it's known to be very bad when it comes to camera angles. Another thing that makes them subpar is that the men are given little direction and are bad at sex or just don't come off as engaged. OF was the reason why Gay porn has died since OF has really attractive men who fuck other men of similar interest and actually enjoy having sex with more engaging dynamic camera angles.
why does the cumshots in the gay vids with filou always so bad. he drops a whole load with women but you have to see him cut a scene and spend 10 mins jerking off to whatever so he can quickly run to cum on the man. ik it aint just me who notices this
Not as bad as Immanol Brown who uses fake cumshots. Its so bad.
The only 'gay' (idk sure) in this video I believe atm is frankfurdr, and why actual gay men would participate in this mess? It makes no sense.

Dom King is bi, he didn't nothing with the female?
So, no "gay" fucked the female in this whole trash video? LPSG fetishists are in shambles.
Dom bi is not bisexual he has said several times he’s gay. Unless. He’s changed now which is what they all do these days
you guys are taking this too seriously. All these labels - straight bi gay - it's all BS. Why does anyone feel the need to put a label on themselves. Labels are for clothes not people. Stop falling into society's traps like you have to fit into a mould or a norm. It's dumb. Be yourself, be whoever you want to be. Don't explain don't make excuses and don't apologize. Be you. And don't let anyone tell you that you have to call yourself anything to fit in into society. Next time anyone asks you if you are gay just say I am a human. I like to fuck guys don't need to call myself gay or bi or any other acronym. I fuck who I want to when I want to and I don't have to put a label on what I do
Gay men fought hard for those labels. Gay kids get kicked to the streets for those labels. He built a community for that label. Stop trying to erase gay men!
Gay men fought hard for those labels. Gay kids get kicked to the streets for those labels. He built a community for that label. Stop trying to erase gay men!
What a load of nonsense nobody is trying to erase anyone. Nobody fought for a labels or to be put in a category or check a box. People fight for the right to be free. For the right to be who they are and do what they want with their own lives. They did NOT fight so people can put labels on them.
What a load of nonsense nobody is trying to erase anyone. Nobody fought for a labels or to be put in a category or check a box. People fight for the right to be free. For the right to be who they are and do what they want with their own lives. They did NOT fight so people can put labels on them.
Nope people fight for labels and I’m fucking proud to be a GAY man. I hate being called queer, or whatever people throw around.