Philippe Soulier

Straight guys are generally more alpha than gay men. Get over it! :laughing: to those of us who has some degree of internalized homophobia, any signs of "gay personality traits", gay mannerisms and gay body language is a total turnoff, and even the so called masculine gays has them 99% of the time.
The term "alpha men" is about men with strong physics, not sexual orientation. You literally having internalized homophobia. Have you try a conversion therapy clinic?
So you believe gays obsession with straight men a good thing? Don't you know a thing called "domino effect"?
I do see where gay guy's obsession with straight men come from. Internalized homophobia causing gay traits to be a turn off, and also the forbidden fruit element. We all want what we can't have. It is what it is. As long as gay people don't get delusional expectations and the straight guy consent to being sexually objectified, and are ok with doing certain things, I don't see a huge problem here.
The term "alpha men" is about men with strong physics, not sexual orientation. You literally having internalized homophobia. Have you try a conversion therapy clinic?
I have tried hypnosis and other things to change my underlying feelings about gay men and straight men. No, subconsciously I still see straight men(not all) as superior, and most gay men and their traits as a total turnoff. I fully admit it is both dysfunctional and shouldn't be that way, but my dick does not agree lol
I do see where gay guy's obsession with straight men come from. Internalized homophobia causing gay traits to be a turn off, and also the forbidden fruit element. We all want what we can't have. It is what it is. As long as gay people don't get delusional expectations and the straight guy consent to being sexually objectified, and are ok with doing certain things, I don't see a huge problem here.

We recently know a creature named "Arad Winwin" just joining M**A and threating LGBT rights. If a self-indentified gay person can be damaging to LGBT rights, then what about straight man like Filou Fitt???

Put your money on him, and he put your money to the homophobic people that will remove "LGBT rights" on legislative. One person is nothing to worry, but what if y'all just closing eyes and keep spending money to the straight men? A domino effect...
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The term "alpha men" is about men with strong physics, not sexual orientation. You literally having internalized homophobia. Have you try a conversion therapy clinic?
More like in the animal Kingdom, the leader type that others admire and will follow. This trait does not only refer to strong male physics, and ultimately what constitutes an alpha male is largely subjective.
More like in the animal Kingdom, the leader type that others admire and will follow. This trait does not only refer to strong male physics, and ultimately what constitutes an alpha male is largely subjective.
So you gonna say men like Shawn Mendes can be classified as "alpha"? 😭
Lots of content creators are using this fake cum 😂
It's actually gaviscon(liquid heartburn medication that looks like cum). They use a syringe and a urethral catheter to inject it in to their urinary tract, then they edit in a short clip of them "cumming" at the end lol.
If he is expected to be politically correct all the time, then he should work for CNN instead of doing porn.
If he is the protagonist, then who is the antagonist? The people who being his bottom? The real gay people?
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someone know if the site is real? you pay 30usd and have access to all of his videos?
The site is real
I took the membership for 15.99 per month and it’s PPV
I don’t know if the 30 per month is truly without PPV
Knowing the guy and judging from his OF I seriously doubt it…
Maybe you can access to his oldest content without PPV but most likely not to his most recent videos
I bet he created this in order not to depend only of Onlyfans
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Straight guys are generally more alpha than gay men. Get over it! :laughing: to those of us who has some degree of internalized homophobia, any signs of "gay personality traits", gay mannerisms and gay body language is a total turnoff, and even the so called masculine gays has them 99% of the time.
i 100% agree with you, like let's be real, the huge majority of gay man are Affeminate and have the gay voice, nothing wrong with that, but for some of us it's not attractive.
This man is the real "pink money milker". Look at his post on all of his Instagram accounts, there's no any gay pornstar except gay 4 pay ones (Malik etc...).

Also, on this video: He said "on gay porn, you are the protagonist" like eww so narcissistic. He even don't show him with men when he speaking about gay porn, only showing him with girls.

Y'all who pay his contents, congratulations on being his "dairy cattle" 🤡💩
... You're boring.
i 100% agree with you, like let's be real, the huge majority of gay man are Affeminate and have the gay voice, nothing wrong with that, but for some of us it's not attractive.
Yes, and it's better to accept the reality of that instead of getting delusional about it, like so many gay guys.