Photo of the day !!

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A father and son designed the world's fastest quadcopter drone's fastest quadcopter drone
Luke and Mike Bell’s ‘Peregrine 2’ averaged nearly 300 mph, and broke two Guinness records.

sumethang wedo when bo5reed
imagine our warmonrelsbwill purchaseit
claim as theredevelpmant?secret​


Chinese zoo dyes chow chows to look like ‘panda dogs’
'Inevitably the visitors will feel disappointed.'

too many fn china[rtsons
bound to be many mant nutty rellirs
like them usa folk

a part of humans demise,im figueing
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I'm nothing if not predictable. I think most folks on here know the view to expect from me!

And here's that view again. I apologise to those who find it boring and tiresome. But there's something about it I truly appreciate as I make my way across the river five days a week.

The same spot (roughly) at the same time (give or take two minutes) on two consecutive days this week:

Thursday, 4:17pm - I took it because I thought it looked quintessentially 'English Spring'IMG_5359.JPEG

Friday, 23 hours 58 minutes later - taken because I thought there was 'something' about the wispy clouds. (A friend said it looked like someone had got a blue sheet and stroked a white paintbrush over it.)