Photo of the day !!





10 Wonders of the Solar System
dont deny us that basic human right to live

I applaud all the personnel who have and are continuing to help the patients of the Coronavirus.

I sometimes cannot help but wonder if some of the patients who knowingly got themselves infected with Covid-19 by flouting the health advice are worth being treated. Every time the medical personnel (and ancillary services personnel) help a Coronavirus patient, they are exposed to the risk of Covid-19 themselves.

My analogy is this - If an arsonist catches fire, is it worth the fireman's risk to save the arsonist, knowing that there is a risk the fireman might catch fire and suffer injuries/death in their attempt to safe the arsonist?
YouTube Wants To Plant 20 Million Trees. Here’s What That Will Do.
A look into the real environmental impacts of Team Trees.



Source: "); background-size: 1px 1px; background-position: 0px calc(1em + 1px);">Pexels
On October 25th, 2019, YouTubers from all over the world came together to begin a project known as "); background-size: 1px 1px; background-position: 0px calc(1em + 1px);">Team Trees.

YouTube Wants To Plant 20 Million Trees. Here’s What That Will Do.

seems odd as to who wants to,however,no argument from me
i really did not know,appreciate that

My pleasure.

I have always meant to thank you for sourcing and posting so many interesting photos, but somehow have yet to do so.
This is a good opportunity for me to express my gratitude and to thank you for the many photos you have posted.
My pleasure.

I have always meant to thank you for sourcing and posting so many interesting photos, but somehow have yet to do so.
This is a good opportunity for me to express my gratitude and to thank you for the many photos you have posted.

thanks again
i keep myself occupied in my retired life by doing so
with most images sent to my inbox by those sites i regard as tops and receive email alerts from

i often have conflicting thoughts as to if a phot qualifies as a pic of the day,or just as common random post
the accompanying info often dictates
either way,no matter,they are usually fine/beautiful and worthy of sharing