tbh,love it
welcome,incl associated ALIENS ha
brighter sideb of life/sort us out,yay ha
Illustration of a black hole tearing apart and devouring a star. Contrary to most popular representations, the overwhelming majority of matter accreted by the black hole or otherwise brought into its vicinity will not be devoured and swallowed, but rather accelerated and ejected. Black holes are messy eaters, and are practically never members of the ‘clean plate’ club. (DANA BERRY/NASA) How Close To Earth Is The Closest Black Hole? We just found the first one within 1,000 light-years of us. But there’s probably one much, much closer.
For a long time, black holes were known to exist only in the imaginations of theorists.
Both inside and outside the event horizon of a Schwarzschild black hole, space flows like either a moving walkway or a waterfall, depending on how you want to visualize it. At the event horizon, even if you ran (or swam) at the speed of light, there would be no overcoming the flow of spacetime, which drags you into the singularity at the center. Outside the event horizon, though, other forces (like electromagnetism) can frequently overcome the pull of gravity, causing even infalling matter to escape. (ANDREW HAMILTON / JILA / UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO)
With enough mass concentrated into a small enough volume, not even light moves fast enough to escape.
When a black hole and a companion star orbit one another, the star’s motion will change over time owing to the gravitational influence of the black hole, while matter from the star can accrete onto the black hole, resulting in X-ray and radio emissions. (JINGCHUAN YU/BEIJING PLANETARIUM/2019)
First predicted in 1916 in General Relativity, the first one wasn’t discovered in space until 1964: "); background-size: 1px 1px; background-position: 0px calc(1em + 1px);">Cygnus X-1.
Cygnus X-1, the first observationally discovered black hole (from 1964), is thought to be a star orbiting a black hole, with X-ray emission as imaged here by NASA’s Chandra X-ray observatory showing the spatial density of the signal. (NASA/CXC)
When black holes orbit another object, they can siphon and accelerate matter, creating X-ray and radio signatures.
Earth in a cage. Base image by NASA, edited by Ella Alderson.
I live near what was for many years the world’s largest aquarium. It still remains the largest aquarium in the United States, situated in an ever populated part of the city where a well-trodden sidewalk snakes from the parks and the museums to the aquarium’s doors. I am drawn to the underwater world but am also afraid of it. At one point in my life I’d wanted to be a marine biologist, but between the landscape below and the one up above, I’d gone with the world of stars and satellites. Still, I remain fascinated by marine life.
Airbus' new zero-emission concepts reveal the direction of the aviation industry's planes of the future — here's why today's aircraft aren't cutting it
SEP 27, 2020, 10:22 PM
AirbusA rendering of Airbus’ future zero-emission aircraft.
Airlines and aircraft manufacturers are investing millions to create truly sustainable aircraft after years of improving emissions in aircraft is proving not enough.
Airbus just unveiled a fleet of zero-emission aircraft powered by hydrogen that it says may be flying by 2035.
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Japan Airlines, and Virgin Atlantic Airways are all investing in similar alternatives to today’s offerings.
cant deny aviation usually been on the ball
excusing,well not really,those who have corruption in there veins
one thing humanity can claim to be proud of its advanced achievements
only where honesty is involved tho
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