Pielok Twins Onlyf????

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i think to adore him, to serve him... he is really perfect better than the other Alpha guys
I'm in! But he has to be willing to accept it ;) I would massage his naked body all day long, his muscles and especially his perfect glutes - but I don't think he's interested in that.
I can only say i love him as my alpha :)
Yeah an "alpha" he def is. He's very cocky, almost arrogant, but that's a huge turn on for me. I love it when guys are not just good looking but KNOW they are good looking and tease with it. In Germany, that's very rare, so yeah, he's special. Not just because of his ass ;) Just wish he was a lil more "bi-curious" or "homo-erotic-oriented" or willing to try new stuff. That would't change his heterosexuality.
Yeah an "alpha" he def is. He's very cocky, almost arrogant, but that's a huge turn on for me. I love it when guys are not just good looking but KNOW they are good looking and tease with it. In Germany, that's very rare, so yeah, he's special. Not just because of his ass ;) Just wish he was a lil more "bi-curious" or "homo-erotic-oriented" or willing to try new stuff. That would't change his heterosexuality.
Sooo true xD
ONE would be enough for me ;) but the video would have to include audio; I wanna hear our Alpha moan!
But what about the others that want to have a taste or that cake ? I can only imagine how many would feel relieved when they could finally fuck, suck and destroy that ass in so many levels
I gotta admit, I'm slowly losing interest .. why isn't he showing his dick? It's obviously not small, judging from the package in his undies ... is it that ugly that he desperately needs to hide it everytime he takes a nude photo? Something seems weird here ...
He has a great ass, but OF has grown so much during the last couple of years that I even forgot he existed. Because we now have plenty of accounts with juicy and slutty asses who post adult content. I accidentally got to this thread and after checking a few pages, I'm very disappointed. Not even he shows his butt in "full capacity" but he hasn't shown so far any pics or videos of ass play or even his dick. That's a shame! And I do really think that he now gets a bunch of followers who support him with 8$ monthly... and this may be enough for him. If OF is a 'side business', having 800-1000$ per month may be more than enough. Which, unfortunately, won't push the limits any further.
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