Pielok Twins Onlyf????

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I think he's just ass obsessed with his big butt as some of his fans

He always gave the booty stuff first. It was a long road to what he's showing now
well his ass is what got him all his followers so it makes sense that he'd be showing it first. I feel like he doesn't show it enough anymore on his OF. He's more focused on teasing his bulge than making better ass content now
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well his ass is what got him all his followers so it makes sense that he'd be showing it first. I feel like he doesn't show it enough anymore on his OF. He's more focused on teasing his bulge than making better ass content now
What would "better ass content" look like for you?
What would "better ass content" look like for you?
doing more than just hitting record and standing in one spot. He could walk around, do activities SOMETHING. I'd even take him just standing there if he wore jockstraps/ hot undies but he doesn't. He's pretty stiff
Right, this thread should be LIVE and buzzing, a thread with hundred/thousands of pages and constant activity. Honestly the biggest, hottest and best ass out there! To get the thread to where it should be, can I kick it off with a POST YOU FAVOURITE PIELOK PIC (or VID)
His OF is boring. It’s all the same stuff a side shot of his butt. That’s it
How could you want or ask for anything more. Hands down GREATEST GLUTES ON EARTH! Can’t see how he’s not more famous!
probably bc he doesn't post more on social media. He's kinda lazy tbh and you get what you put out. He could have a lot more followers and success if he actually tried and was consistent.
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That’s a real shame as he has it ALL! Don’t we, his fans really need to get behind him, show our support and that might encourage him? He deserves his fans to really get behind him!
I'm sure most would like to get behind him (in more ways than one lol) but he posts like 5 tiktoks a year.

there's guys with less ass than him going viral for their ass simply because they post more and know how to follow trends.

you can message him to encourage more but I doubt he's ambitious enough :/
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