Pierre Gasly (formula One)

He may not be the most handsome guy but he is screaming big dick energy. And the fact that he is French makes me want him even more. GOSH PIERRE
He is handsome, but deffo agree about big dick energy and he deffo knows how to use it!
Pierre is the guy you have a hard time recognizing with so many clothes on him. LOL

If "I almost didn't recognize you with your clothes on" was a person.

"I almost didn't recognise you with your clothes on"

Mr. Decisis activating his inner Madonna - Celebration moment
"I almost didn't recognise you with your clothes on"

Mr. Decisis activating his inner Madonna - Celebration moment
You've earned 10,000 more points in my books mate, LOL
Coz I had an obsession era with that song way way back.
and the DJ there was freaking hot, and MADONNA SO HOTTER!!

MILF QUEEN baby! lol