Pietro boselli

One of the things I really wish would happened is Hollywood hiring Pietro as the new Terminator.

As Sophia would say “picture it” (hahaha) him with slick black hair, sun glasses, a leather jacket and pants, driving a motor cycle and saying “hasta la vista baby” **swoon**
One of the things I really wish would happened is Hollywood hiring Pietro as the new Terminator.

As Sophia would say “picture it” (hahaha) him with slick black hair, sun glasses, a leather jacket and pants, driving a motor cycle and saying “hasta la vista baby” **swoon**
I’m pathetic I know. I’m allowed to dream okay?? :p
One of the things I really wish would happened is Hollywood hiring Pietro as the new Terminator.

As Sophia would say “picture it” (hahaha) him with slick black hair, sun glasses, a leather jacket and pants, driving a motor cycle and saying “hasta la vista baby” **swoon**
And who's gonna do the acting?
One of the things I really wish would happened is Hollywood hiring Pietro as the new Terminator.

As Sophia would say “picture it” (hahaha) him with slick black hair, sun glasses, a leather jacket and pants, driving a motor cycle and saying “hasta la vista baby” **swoon**
He's got the built and the stoic face but I don't think he can act. Plus his thick accent.