Why does every thread have to develop into some show of mortal superiority. Do you not have eyes and ears? He sexualized himself. He talks about going viral on gay twitter, he routinely checks threads dedicated to his booty, Im sure many of the IG models male or female who twerk their cheeks in every post or porn stars get plenty of DM's. It comes with the territory. If he hates it that much, why keep doing it? Also most of his fans are teens and they are homophobic so he has to play both sides and act like he's bothered. He's gay baiting and if a consequence is he gets a dick pic, that's what he gets for baiting. The power to stop it is in his hands, he knows what he's doing, he'll be fine, Leave the cape at home
He's only mad because he's experiencing the consequences that come with gay baiting THIS HARD and he's more surprised that all the attention he's getting from is mostly gay men and not women. I dont agree with the sediment that "OH he's showing ass and acting like he'll suck dick let's spam him dick pics till he gives in" however I agree that he's done this to himself. Many gay baiters understand that you'll get creeps and horny people if you flaunt ass or act really really gay (too much to just be a joke) but he seems like he's trying to play off the attention he's getting as harassment when he knows he's happy with it (the attention not the unsolicited pics and or videos)