Playgirl James???

okay the pics are good-- but I clicked on the Vid's.. WOW -- think I just shot 3 loads!!!!
Wanna know why you all notice his beautiful face??? Cause there is no annoying six pack abs there!! Just the important stuff, the beautiful face and massive cock and balls.
yeah I was wondering why a link to Donny Wright was posted....
I just discovered "James" (Sean James Patrick Shawn-Metts) today and am infatuated.... I can't believe he hasn't done any other modeling gigs!
Great looking, sleepy eyed guy. Love that cock and those balls look incredibly tasty!
he's aged quite a bit now - i wonder if he looks back at those pics now and is glad he posed when he was young beautiful

Hmmm I doubt that this is our "James".

1. Id say they do lookalike/similar but if you look close enough to their nose and ears, you will def see the differences. Our James has slightly a bigger and a pointy nose but the one you found of FB doesnt. my point is bc our ears/nose will never stop growing as we grow older.. so James* shouldnt have a smaller any of these features as he gets older, compared to his youngerself.

2. If you go back to page 2 of this thread on reply #37 its clear says hes from LA California from his MySpace account info (and I remember so when I first saw his pics in/around 2006) but this "Shawn Metts" is from Memphis, Tennessee otherwise...

" - Sean James Patrick Shawn-Metts - 26 - Male - Los Angeles/ Hungtington Beach, California -"

I could be wrong but thats just what I thought lol
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